political upheavals of the 1960s


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Email to history teacher on supply of resource materials

To: history-teach-Canterbury@yahoo.com

From: CCCU-online-library@yahoo.com

Subject: Request on supplying student course materials

Mrs. Jones,

In regards to your initial request for the supply of research materials for your students, I am pleased to inform you that after searching our CCCU library’s electronic resource data base. We are in a position to effectively provide assistance by proposing the use of our professional academic researcher’s articles and reviews. Their, incite full review on the academic journals of Michael Kazin’s and Maurice Isserman book; America Divided: The Civil War of the 1960s will be highly helpful to your teaching.

Our services would be beneficial for the student’s curriculum since they are simple to understand, well detailed and downloadable in almost all electronic platforms. We also offer unlimited access to other resources and other articles on different topics and subjects that would be in relation to the student’s current curriculum.

I will send our price rates and sample of our products; so that you can choose the package that will best suit your class. Incase of any other questions, please let me know.


CCCU online library

Review of the books

The review of the book America Divided: The Civil War of the 1960s by Michael Kazin’s and Maurice Isserman is a mount and intermittently convincing reinterpretation of the 1960s.It starts off strongly in a Civil War Centennial Commission’s by avoiding any mention of emancipation or slavery since the decade began. Further, they artificially separate their discussion of culture, politics and spirituality three strands in the era that were intimately linked. The book offers some useful correctives for instance to misguided notions on poverty war was a major giveaway program that the liberalism held sway in the 60’s.but the analysis of the historical. In the article the conflict that delineates the intertwined issues of political philosophy, gender roles, race relations and personal morality that were left unresolved since the 1960’s.Although the authors do not offer any meaningful interpretation their insight is valuable for the analysis(Jones, L. E, 2010).

The article African American odyssey on the civil rights era casts a brief glance at the described events that occurred between the 1950 and 1970 that many historical books characterize as the civil rights era. The modern civil rights movement that occurred between the mid twentieth -century for racial equality was actually the peak of a struggle that had begun almost a century earlier, mainly during the 1860 and 1870s reconstruction era. Congress passed after the civil war, state ratified three amendments to protect the constitutions for the former slaves a series of civil rights laws. Underhanded tactics of the southern politicians and a combination of economic depression prevented taking of these advantages by the slaves. The stated article was mildly relevant for the research (Shaffer, R, 2002).

The article by Debora Diane on American history of women in the 1960s chaotic events, including social changes and war, seemed more destined to continue in the 70’s. Growing disillusionment of government and major trends, advances in a heightened concern for the environment, and advances in civil rights, increased influence of the women’s movement and increased space exploration. Many of the 60’s radical ideas are explored and shown how they, in the new decade gain wide acceptance and get mainstreamed into American culture and life. Social realignment, amid war and presidential impeachment proceedings, saw the flourishing of the American culture. The time events, were indeed became the inspiration and reflection for much of the literature, music, and even the decades fashion. The article was helpful but not to a wide extent.

Reviewing the article by Charles Kaiser on how the 1960s cured America, shows the chronology of events of the American history, and the author brings out the underlying question shared by many that on the debate on whether America was cured or destroyed by the 60’s period. The author of the article tries to prove that the republic got more contributions during this period than any other time in its history. He brings out the positive aspect that the civil rights movements offered the liberation blueprint for all most all other oppressed groups in existence; he continued to state that Rev. Martin Luther King Jr and the Kennedys contributed greatly to the generational changes that occurred in the country. The article gave much insight on the 60’s period but it did not contribute that much to the research.

Summery of introduction of essay

The term sixties or the 1960’s is an era that denotes the political and the complexities of inter-related trends globally. As compared to the actual decade the coined cultural decade is more culturally defined, that begun in 1963 till 1974.In the popular culture and scholarship the sixties term is used by journalists, historians, and other objective academics; nostalgically in some cases the revolution and counterculture is used to describe the social norms about music, clothes, drugs, formalities, dress and schooling. The decade was denounced by conservatives as a decade of flamboyance and irresponsible excess, and a lot of social order decay. The decade also known as the swinging sixties due to the relaxation or fall of social taboos especially relating to sexism and racism that was rampant at the period. However, one issue that was mostly ignored was the plight of the African-American and during this time the women rights movements grew out of the upheavals of the social turbulence. This movement came to be known better as the second wave feminism. This period also saw an emergence of concerns from Americans who mainly believed in effecting change that was deemed necessary as a means of protection for the common people. Due to this the people namely the journals, social workers, and politicians were known as reformers in the period that came to be known as the progressive movement era. It is in this understanding that this article seeks to demonstrate the level that the turbulent period and political upheavals had on the position of the American women and the African Americans within the U.S. society (Elliott, J,2008).

Chapter 2 summery of essay

Kazin and Isserman on their book America Divided the two authors explain the impact the 1960’s had on the lives of African Americans as they analyze the challenges they faced. The main issue that they addressed in this era is the issue of voting rights for the eligible black voters that made most of them remain, disfranchised during the mid 1960’s. African Americans initiated local efforts following World War II, as they tried exercise their voting rights, they faced sometimes violent and strong resistant from the local residents who were mostly whites. With the Summer Project of 1964 organized initiatives to enfranchise blacks climaxed. Known mostly as freedom summer when the Council of Federated Organizations (COFO), got auspice under organizations like NAACP, SCLC, CORE and SNCC. Another issue was on the emergence of black power as seen when activists of civil rights turned their attention into addressing race discrimination in the West and urban North. The authors also highlighted the slow change process that sowed discontent among the activists and due to this calls for self defense against whites and racial separatism marked most of the era. This caused most of the controversies since the new revolt was mainly contrary to the initial peaceful principals of change (Hoy, S, 2004).


Shaffer, R. (2002). Where are the organized public employees? The absence of public employee

unionism from US history textbooks, and why it matters. Labor History, 43(3), 315-334.

Elliott, J. (2008). Popular Feminist Fiction as American Allegory: Representing National Time.

Hoy, S. (2004). Lives on the Color Line: Catholic Sisters and African Americans in Chicago,

1890s-1960s. US Catholic Historian, 22(1), 67-91.

Jones, L. E. (2010). The Rise Of Public Sector Unionism In Detroit, 1947-1967.