Politics in the 21st Century

Politics in the 21st Century

Deana PlaskonName of University


This is the abstract page. Do not indent the abstract. It is left justified.

Title of Paper

Schools in the United States are using student-directed projects (Chowa, Plaskon & Ansong, 2010, p. 2). Student directed projects can help improve students’ leadership, innovation, and practice skills. Chowa et al. (2010) suggested that “the title of the paper is centered on the first line of the third page and is in uppercase and lowercase letters” (para. 2). Do not italicize the title or put it in quotes (Chowa, Plaskon & Ansong, 2010). The introduction begins on the line following the title of the paper. The entire paper, including the title page, abstract, body, and references, should be double-spaced. This is where your thesis statement goes.

In order to give proper credit to the ideas and words of others, any outside sources used in the body of the paper must be documented by citing the author(s) and date(s) of the sources. This is called an in-text citation. Each in-text citation must have a corresponding full source citation on the references page that follows the body of the paper. As noted by Stevens, Smith and Jones (2008), a signal phrase “signals to the reader that either a direct quote or a paraphrase is about to follow” (p. 5). As in this example, when the name of the author is part of the sentence, the year of the publication appears in parentheses directly following the author’s name, e.g., Stevens (2008). When the author of a source is not mentioned in the sentence, both the author and year of publication appear in parentheses (Stevens et al., 2008).

If a work has two authors, both authors are cited in each in-text citation to that source. For an in-text citation of a source with two authors, use the last names of both authors separated by an ampersand (&). When a source has between three and five authors, use all authors the first time the source is cited. For second and subsequent references to the source, use the first author’s last name and et al. without the quotes: (Cuddy, 2002). The words et al. will not be in italics and will have a period after the word al. If you cite the source again in the same paragraph the year is left out. For example, it would be (Jones et al., 2009) for the first citation of the source and then (Jones et al.) each additional time the source is cited in that same paragraph.

If there are six or more authors, use just the first author’s last name and et al. every time the source is cited. When no author is listed, use the first few words of the title in quotation marks for the titles of articles, book chapters or articles. When no publication date is listed, use the abbreviation n.d., which stands for no date. When a direct quote is taken from a source with page numbers, such as a book, magazine, or newspaper, include the page number as part of the citation. If the quote is fewer than 40 words, it should be enclosed in double quotation marks and should be incorporated into the formal structure of the sentence.

If the quotation that you are using is more than 40 words long, you must use a block quotation. This is a block quotation. In a block quotation, you should not use any quotations at all unless they are needed to indicate a quotation within the original text. (“APA Block Quotation,” n.d.)If you have a direct quote but your source does not have page numbers but does give paragraph numbers then you would give the paragraph number to show where you found your quote. It would look like this: (para 9). If there are no page numbers or paragraph numbers but headings are given, then give the heading and the number of the paragraph that follows it. You will need to count the paragraphs yourself since the numbers are not given. The in-text citation would look like this: (Franklin, 2009, Past Research section, para. 9). If the headings are too long to use in your in-text citation use a shortened version in quotation marks like this: (Lorraine, 2009, “Stock market trends,” para. 56).

The references section begins on a new page. The heading is centered on the first line of the new page. The references, which are double spaced, have a hanging indent and begin on the line following the references heading. Entries are organized alphabetically by whatever comes first in the reference (author last name or first word of title).


APA block quotation. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.rpi.edu/web/writingcenter /wc_web/school/apa_block_quotation.htm

Chowa, G.A. & Ansong, D. (2010). Student directed projects: An international case study for social work education. Journal of Social Work Education, 46(2), 285-291.

Cuddy, C.M. (2002). Demystifying APA style. Orthopedic Nursing 21(5), 35-42. Retrieved from Academic Search Premier database.

Stevens, J.R. (2008). The signal phrase. Retrieved from http://www.englishdiscourse.org/signal.html

In-text citation: Author last name (year) or (Author last name, year).


Author. (Year, Month Day). Title of post or chat [Format]. Retrieved from URL

Discussion Board Reference (NOTE: This would include a hanging indent in a Word document)

Myers, A. (2012, May 22). Types of business environments [Discussion board post]. Retrieved from https://mycampus.aiu-online.com/classroom/Pages/DiscussionBoard.aspx

Live Chat: Plaskon, D. (2012, October 24). Unit 3 Live Chat [Live Chat]. Retrieved from insert URL

Course Material/M.U.S.E. Presentations

In-text citation: Author last name (year)

Reference Format:

Author. (Year). Title of presentation/material [Format of material]. Retrieved from URL

Reference Example (NOTE: This would include a hanging indent in a Word document):

Career Education Corporation. (2010). The narrative essay [Multimedia]. Retrieved from https://mycampus.aiu-online.com/courses/ENGL106/u1/hub1/hub.html