Post 3.5 Triangulation

Infinity Chacon

Professor E. Apperson


November 25, 2019

Post 3.5: Triangulation

In a recent assignment in my Geology class on hydraulic fracturing and its effects on the environment, I had to use triangulation to detect the accuracy and trustworthiness of certain facts. For instance, one point, “Unconventional gas drilling may cause health risks to animals, and nearby communities since drinking water sources are contaminated with hazardous chemicals used in wellbore-drilling, hydraulic fracturing the well, processing the gas, and wastewater disposal. Underground gases, methane, and naturally occurring radioactive elements sometimes leak into the water supplies due to inadequately cased wells…” needed to be cross verified from different sources since different sources also refute this claim of fracking having any adverse environmental effects. From my research, I found three credible sources to validate this claim: an article from the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PADEP) dated 2009, a 2011 article by Schmidt, C. W. that was published in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives, and an article titled “Hydraulic Fracturing; Environmental Issue” by Khyade, V. B.’s published on the journal, World Scientific News. The fact that all the three sources provided consistent providings, then this claim was indeed accurate and trustworthy.