Post-modernism Feminist theory

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Postmodern feminist theory connects to international relation through concrete analysis of the effectiveness of women in foreign governance. The theory is mainly concerned with the male domination on the land. Men control the states as well the systems connecting the states. Therefore, it is important to get the proper explanation of the female oppression that is present in the society (Bryson, 2003). 

Feminist theory is vital to identifying the gender role in the theory and execution of international relations. It does so by analyzing the women in international politics, carrying out investigations on the effects of structures and behaviors to the international system. The theory also aims at political development that will allow neutral existence of gender in international relation. At the moment, equality has become a key thing in the analysis of power in the state (Bryson, 2003). Women wish to acquire equal share as men. The feminist theory is pushing for equal responsibilities for women in the society.

According to the realist theory, a nation is propelled to put its interest above others especially when the issues affecting security come up. As a result, nations will always engage in wars against other nations as they seek to protect their territories and peace (Mearsheimer, 2009). The United States is famous of its wars against other nations such as Iraq and Syria.

It is right to argue that the same factor pushes the role of women in the society to a corner. The women will be disadvantaged when the situation at hand seems extremely difficult for them to handle. Gender discrimination is evident since it is believed that men may handle a particular political situation better than women. In most cases, when the security issue arises men are the most preferable thus segregating the input of women.

However, the realism theory does not show the sole role of men in protecting the peace of the state. It fails to mention the role of women in the society. Since traditionally men are known to lead the states, they assume the responsibility of maintaining security in the state. Therefore, they do not give the women any room to lead. They view women as inferior, and they should follow all the time. Realism theory does not give women any role in the governance of a society (Mearsheimer, 2009).

The wellbeing of a state is defined by the existence of liberty and equality. The liberalism political theory takes the role of sensitizing the people of their freedom in their land (Hartsock, 2010). However, the theory seems impractical among women. There is no liberty for women in leadership. They are still under oppression of men and they have not been given the freedom that they would require for governance. According to the liberalism theory freedom is key to the stability of politics.

The historical attitudes, beliefs, and sentiments of politics are major determinants of the continuity of the political stability of a region. If the political culture of a state believes on oppression of women and that they cannot offer reliable leadership, it is hard to define the continuity of such a state (Hartsock, 2010).The women will remain inferior in terms o leadership and they will never be acquitted a reliable opportunity to lead.

However, there is need to challenge previous thoughts and ideas on political leadership. The positivist theory advocates for renewal of political themes and strategies. In this case, the role of women in politics has to become sensible (Tripathi, 2008). The women must be viewed as equal partners as men and be granted key roles in the governance. If given a chance women can be good leaders.


Bryson, V. (2003). Feminist political theory: An introduction (2nd ed.). Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan.

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Hartsock, N. (2010). Postmodernism and Political Change: Issues for Feminist Theory. Jstor, 14(21), 15-33.

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Mearsheimer, J. (2009). Realism, the real world, and the academy. Realism and Institutionalism in International Studies,1(1), 23-31.

Tripathi, D. (2008, January 21). The Relevance of Positivism in Social Science. Retrieved December 10, 2014, from