Poster Presentation

Poster Presentation

Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI)

Use of Red Rules

Through this poster, I would like to discuss the importance of implementing red rules in inspiring people to participate in the CQI process. Red rules are regulations and rules that cannot be violated under any circumstances. They are guidelines that, with the exception of unusual or time-sensitive circumstances, should be followed every time a particular procedure is carried out. In the event that they are violated, severe disciplinary action may be taken. The protection of patients is an essential part of the administration of healthcare. Both those who provide healthcare and those who receive it place a high premium on developing efficient techniques to reduce medical mistakes and boost patient safety. To improve patient safety, healthcare facilities should not only set a primary emphasis on fostering a culture of safety, but they should also launch innovative programs to research, design, and put into action safe work procedures, as well as provide staff members with training in patient safety. By introducing red rules in health care facilities, I believe we can inspire those willing to participate in the continuous quality improvement process. Since employees will be afraid of the repercussions of reporting mistakes as a direct result of the implementation of Red Rules, there will be a reduction in both the frequency with which errors are reported and the total amount of errors that are reported.

The following criteria for red rules should be implemented to ensure that healthcare professionals are motivated to participate in continuous quality improvement. First, the red rules should be few, well understood, and memorable. Every person involved in a CQI process must be able and constantly encouraged to perform as directed by a red rule under all circumstances. Besides, anyone who discovers a violation of the red rule is obligated with the responsibility and authority to immediately halt all patient treatment related to the red rule to prevent additional damage to the employee or the patient.

Understanding Errors

It is essential to understand errors because it is only through reporting mistakes that nurses and perhaps other health care workers may learn which aspects of operational failures and system design lead to human fallibilities and, as a result, enhance the quality of care provided. Reporting and disclosing actual mistakes and near-misses provide possibilities to lessen the impact of errors and cut down on the probability of errors occurring in the future, thus improving the quality of health care services offered to patients. Ensuring that nurses and other healthcare employees can understand, report, and disclose errors will help improve health care quality provided to the patients.

Models that can be used to understand errors include;

The Swiss Cheese Model; this model centers its attention on the breakdown of the system and acknowledges the possibility of mistakes occurring in each step.

Generic Error Modeling system; provide more flexibility in action and, more importantly, have the potential to considerably cut down on human mistakes that occur throughout the working process.