Poverty And Children
A large percentage of the world is poor. This is because large fractions of world’s population reside in the developing world. Such countries have high incidences of unemployment, low income, and high inflation. Children from such areas have a higher likelihood of malnutrition those children from the developed world. The reason that there is little change in cases of poverty in the developing world is because there is a vicious cycle in poverty incidences (Moran, 2003). There are around 2.9 billion children in the world around one billion of these children live in impoverished condition. Studies indicate that a large portion of such children come from Sub-Saharan Africa and south Asia. Though there is the expectation of such statistics, it is the fact that children seem to be poor than the general population that is surprising. Lack of basic amenities such as food and education for children in such countries has the meaning that the future generation will be poor. This means that these countries will remain poor.
Employment in most cases is the source of income. Acquisition of adequate income means proper diets and proper nutrition. Good nutrition leads to the ability to work efficiently. Unfortunately, poor people do not have stable employment meaning that they cannot work efficiently to cater for their food (Moran, 2003). On the other hand, homes that have mothers controlling large incomes have better nutrition than those having control of the father. A large portion of poor people comes from the developing world. Such countries pay women lesser, and women do not receive adequate education than their counterpart men. This means that the nutrition of such children declines leading to a future generation facing the risk of malnutrition. A generation having poor nutrition cannot produce workforce that is sufficient to steer the country out of poverty. Accordingly, the future generation will be poor.
There are few industries in the developing world. There limited industrial investment in poor countries. Products coming from such countries are of poor quality and have a difficult accessing the right market. This is because poor countries lack appropriate technology to advance the quality of their products (Moran, 2003). Fewer industries and companies mean that employment reduces and the workforce cannot develop their country. Unemployment leads to people not sending their children to school to acquire required skills for technological advancement that will develop their country. Instead, such children work in agricultural farms. When children do not attend school, they will always provide low-wage unskilled labor to their country. Consequently, it will be a similar scenario for their children and poverty becomes a vicious cycle in their country.
Though there are poor people in the developed world. A large number of poor people are residents of the developing countries. It is the lack of opportunities, reduced access to education, unemployment, and malnutrition that leads to poverty in a vicious cycle in such countries. Children do not attend school and instead will be working in agricultural farms providing unskilled labor to the agricultural sector (Moran, 2003). Without appropriate education, such children cannot improve their wages by shifting from unskilled labor to skilled labor. Consequently, they will be poor even in their adulthood and their children will suffer the same fate. Countries that have a large population of poor people do not have a sufficient skilled labor to attract investment to that country. If investor turnover is low incidences of unemployment will continue being high. This means that generations of people residing in that country will continue to be poor with slim chances of better living conditions. Accordingly, poverty is the sole cause of poverty meaning that poor people continue to be poor.
Moran, R, 2003, Escaping Poverty Trap: Investing in Children, California: SAGE.