PPT 1 Opening

PPT 1: Opening

Hello everyone and welcome to my presentation. I will present to you a brief overview and description of the identified managerial problems, business opportunities and suggested management initiatives for Qiaolian.

PPT 2: the content includes the above five parts

PPT 3: Introduction

While the company suffers from poor performance, other notable managerial issues include employees being accustomed to focusing on physically reachable customers, an approach that limits the number of people the organization reaches, and the company does not leverage existing and emerging techniques and channels of advertisement.

Data from Yu and Natori (2020) shows that some of the key issues in organizations during times of crisis are finance-related. However, Qiaolian managerial problems are related to poor employee performance and a poor focus on variant customer groups.

Qiaolian suffers from poor performance

The employees are accustomed to focusing on physically reachable customers

Its approach limits the number reached.

The company does not leverage existing and emerging techniques and channels of advertisement.

PPT 4: Management initiatives and Theory

Qiaolian has to raise the competence of its employees through training to equip them with better mechanisms for approaching potential customers. Qiaolian needs to recruit and increase the number of its employees. Qiaolian needs to establish a website that will provide a platform to list the services offered by the company, allow potential customers to request a service with a simple click through Smartphone, and make payments in advance through the websites. Qiaolian needs to add more countries in which it can create a business to its existing lists.

Raising the Competence of the Employees

Hiring More Staff Establishing a Website with Numerous FunctionalitiesEstablishing Contacts with Numerous Countries

PPT 5: Objectives of the applied business projectThe business project aims at identifying the problem affecting performance. The evaluation of the business operations indicates that the business experiences poor performance because of limited personnel productivity, ineffective advertising techniques, location, and poor market targeting. The business can develop new strategies that will improve employee performance resulting in performance of the entire company. The project will help the organization attain performance through guiding the company in upskilling, hiring needed staff, establishing a functional website, establishing contacts in target countries, and investing in customer needs research. In addition, the project presents a theoretical approach to guide the implementation of elements that will practically transform the organization into a performing company.

PPT 6: Objectives of the applied business project(1) Formulate the scheme and plan of platform development, and conduct internal discussion and approval;

(2) Survey on the willingness and demand of immigrants in the market.

(3) Establish the project team framework and recruit appropriate team members

(4) The first stage of R & D: the first stage of development work is for the users, which can enable customers to find useful immigration information.

(5) The second stage of R & D: the second stage of development work, for immigration service institutions; The service organization can release information on it and introduce the basic information of the service organization.

(6) Phase III of R & D: establish a bridge between immigration service institutions and customers to form a two-way charging platform.

(7) The platform has been put into use and improved

(8) Find other suitable destination countries for immigrants.

In view of the problems found by the Qiaolian company, the measures taken by the Qiaolian company for overseas consulting business are to find industry institutions in other immigration destination countries and establish cooperation. Secondly, in order to better publicize their own advantages, establish their own website links and form an external signboard. By establishing a free online platform to provide an exchange platform for potential demanders, on the one hand, help enterprises realize the role of publicity, on the other hand, provide a cornerstone for enterprises to expand their business scope and undertake overseas consulting services in developed countries, and finally help enterprises realize the expansion of the overall business scope.

PPT 7: SWOT analysis of the target organization or industry


Company can adjust the organizational strategy according to business changes.

Decentralized organizational structure.

The enterprise can be divided into small low profit enterprises.

Expansion strategy is promising Weakness

The company’s scale is small.

The entry threshold of these industries is relatively low.

The market capacity faced by the enterprise is relatively low.

The small size of the company’s personnel may restrict it from undertaking large-scale business.


A good foundation for the future development of convention and exhibition business.

The number of immigrants and overseas students is increasing year by year

Online exhibitions can be used as a way for the company to remain relevant

More overseas markets Threat


Proprietary technical advantage in the company due to a lack of specialization


PPT 8: Description of the management initiative(s)

Fix-and-Prune InitiativeBuild-and-Create InitiativeOffensive InitiativeBefore the company can go on to efforts that are more significant, more ambitious, or inventive, it must first resolve or get rid of an underlying problem or obstacle. This is the objective of a strategic initiative under the fix-and-prune umbrella.

Build-and-create initiatives aim to generate a major change in either the activities carried out or the way in which they are carried out. This is the end goal of these initiatives. One possibility is that Qiaolian may choose to make substantial adjustments to the services or markets that it already operates in within China.

Some strategic plans, like those that are forward-thinking, perceptive, aggressive, and creative, tend to be more “offensive.” These could lead to solutions that change the game completely, completely new offers, or disruptive, ground-breaking ideas that give your business an edge over the competition and give your customers a better deal.

PPT 9: Relevant theories/concepts that can help establish the proposed management initiative(s)Kotter’s change management theoryTop Performance Theory

All the strategies are aimed at improving employee job satisfaction and subsequently attain improved performance for positive client experience and attaining a competitive edge at Qiaolian.

PPT 10: Recommendations Lessening of UncertaintyGetting Over Change AnxietyIncreasing Employee ParticipationImproving consensus and understanding between partiesOne of the hardest challenges for Qiaolian in transition to overcome is employee resistance to change. During transition, organizational structures, procedures, and norms’ regular reproduction is disturbed. By providing information about the change’s justification, applicability, and timeframe for execution, employees at Qiaolian should be persuaded to accept it. Communication that is sincere and transparent between management and staff may help to foster trust and encourage adaptation. Employee anxiety about the upcoming change may be decreased by effective communication outlining the shift and its expected implications, particularly the positives.

PPT 11: Possible impacts of the management initiative(s) to the stakeholdersLevel of engagement of stakeholders will be affected

Increase in the involvement of government, employees, consumers, other competing businesses, and industrial players.

Putting in place a new system will take a lot longer than it should.

As a result of the recommended changes that have been made because of management initiatives, people are likely to be confused about what is going on and how it will affect their jobs. People may also be surprised because they may not have known that the situation had changed.

PPT 12: Conclusion

The paper underlines the necessity for Qiaolian to be versatile enough to react effectively while acknowledging the likelihood of encountering hurdles

The change management procedure continues after Qiaolian has successfully completed the transition

Throughout the process and after it is over, Qiaolian must continuously assess the outcomes, keep an eye on the data, train staff on new methodologies and business practices, and adjust their goals as necessary.

In order for Qiaolian to succeed and expand further, the company needs go through change. Change management has a direct impact on how well change is embraced and used inside a company. The employees at Qiaolian will be able to grasp and commit to the shift more readily, enabling them to perform more productively during the shift.

PPT 13: Closing

Thank you for your time. I will take any questions.