Preliminary stages in law

Preliminary stages

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In law the ability to conduct a criminal investigation is based on the foundation of an effective and efficient preliminary study. It is not clearly stated on the procedures as each crime has its own guidelines but we are following general steps. Agents are tasked with identifying if a crime has occurred where relevant information is evaluated. The supervisor reviews the information and determines who committed the crime. If the head office approves criminal investigations are initiated. Then it is the work of the first responding officer to identify the victim and time and place which crime took place. The officer can use solvable factors to determine who committed the crime (Nikoltchev, 2004). The preliminary investigation then uses the first responding officer to identify and assisting in obtaining information from the questions asked. The next step is to identify solvability factors that determine the present in order to improve.

A good and efficient follow up strategy is by investigating solvability factors. This are questions that a supervisor answers, they act as guidelines in assisting to solve the investigation. The answers determine likelihood of follow up investigation that would include use of information from incident and supplement reports that have answers to basic questions. The supervisor might also use the actual physical evidence or depending on the situation a jail booking report would be better source of information for a follow up investigation (Boatright, 2011).

Analytical Mindset: The investigator must have keen attention to details. He or she must be effective in chasing leads and should have a sense of curiosity that would help him identify suspects. Investigator must have knowledge about the matter at hand a must have factual information to make critical connections between unrelated facts. Sense of integrity :A true professional should avoid the wrong choice in convictions. The investigator should have a powerful intelligence of reliability. (Nikoltchev, 2004) This assists an investigation in to hold contradictions and wrongful judgments until all information necessary is gathered. Concise and complete documentation allows the client to understand what facts the investigator is basing his conclusions on. Trust worthiness and fairness an investigator should be open minded at the outset and ability to get trust. If an investigator is not fair and becomes bias, he will not look in the right places for information and will not have an accurate conclusion of the information.

Sudden deaths might be as a result of heart failure, kidney failure or death brought by natural causes, while sex related crime will have major implications as it can be rape or child molestation. A sudden death will draw information from the victims and will not have a lot of reports since an autopsy report will conclude it as natural. In the sex related crime the report will have to include the victim, witnesses where it occurred and will be a detailed report. This is the information that the supervisor sums up to begin an investigation.

A sudden death report is fast and would take a short while sex related crime would require a longer period to investigate the allegations. In Sudden death most probably nobody will be convicted or tried if its natural causes but if induced it would be the opposite. Sex crimes such as rape, reports have to be drafted and individuals have to be tried in court and convicted for an offence. An autopsy can indicate the cause of death of the victim. Pathologists can note the problems and issues which he/she can confirm from autopsy in the laboratory .Then he/she can submit a report to the investigation team.

Autopsy report of sudden death will show death by natural causes while sex related crimes will show traces of semen. Autopsy will reveal if the victim was killed or died out of natural causes.

Criminal justice has always protected the suspects instead of protecting the victims because they have not been informed about their legal rights. The first amendment is a bill of rights disables the infringements on individuals or entities freedom of information. In respect to constitution ,the government should not interfere with ones privacy and control over thoughts as the constitution protects the right to receive information and ideas irrespective of social worth.. The right to media information was noted in the case between Globe Newspaper vs. Superior court .The right to information is crucial as it abides to the first amendment .Most freedom of information laws indicate that information held by private sector cannot be accessed as a legal right. In regard to the 1st amendment this means that state has no jurisdiction on what an individual should or should not do.

Information law excludes private sector from their jurisdiction and as a result public sector information is now in the private sector (Boatright, 2011).

The right of information is a fundamental right that is constitutionally protected by the first amendments. This is because in recent history the information is crucial in the functioning of judicial process as it should be open to press and public. It has been researched that areas that are prone to criminal activities are more likely to be affected .by television related crimes. This is because a harsh reality engulfs them and fear gently creeps in. They find that crime portrayed on television is significantly and In terms of audience effects, fear of victimization will depend on who is viewing the crime stories. Independent media could not operate freely under the media decree (Nikoltchev, 2004).


Boatright, R. G. (2011). Interest groups and campaign finance reform in the United States and Canada. (pp. 35-195). Michigan: University of Michigan Press

Nikoltchev, S. (2004) Political debate and the role of the media: The fragility of free speech iris special. (pp. 5-61). Amsterdam: European Audiovisual Observatory