Preparation for the Meeting

Task 1


The management and leadership of Adept Owl Games Company aims to develop, publish, and distribute card, board games, and dice for all ages. In the last three months, the company’s sales have stagnated in a period where the firm has traditionally performed very well. It is the intention of the leadership to address the issue and make a turnaround in the next quarter. The executive management, in the last board meeting, recommended a meeting to deliberate on the way forward. The topic will be: Quarterly Review and Way Forward for the Next Quarter.

Preparation for the Meeting

Notice of the upcoming meeting will be provided to every department head and other company officers using their work addresses. The notices will include proxy forms. Proxy forms may be submitted by a department head 24 hours to the meeting. The meeting will be held as a crisis meeting. The venue is chosen within the company premises Social Hall to ensure maximum attendance and to reduce logistical costs.

Responsibilities for Conducting the Meeting

The company secretary, in consultation with the directors and the department heads, will prepare the agenda and send invitations to all participants

The directors will also appoint the scrutinizer

The secretary will also be required to distribute the notices, receive feedback, prepare the minutes, organize the refreshments, provide stationery, and ensure that the meeting happens on time

Minutes Preparation

The minutes will be prepared and distributed via an electronic format. Emails will be sent to all relevant participants, and a copy retained by the company secretary for record purposes. The company directors and a member of the executive team will initialize and sign every page of the minutes.

Meeting Papers Distribution

Distribution of meeting papers will be through courier services and an email follow up to ensure receipt. Every participant will receive the papers at least 7 days prior to the meeting.

Invitation to Attend Quarterly Review Deliberation of the Adept Owl Games Company

To: Executive Leadership, Directors, Department Heads:

This is to inform all department heads that there will be a meeting to deliberate on the quarterly performance of each department. Company sales have rather stagnated over the last three months, prompting a need to conduct an internal review and to set the way forward for the next quarter. This invite is extended to every head of department as an indication of the commitment of the company to meet shareholder objectives and to also enforce the need to remain productive. All department heads are invited to the company’s Social Hall within the premises at 11:00 A.M. on 10, August 2021. Every department head is expected to attend and all are requested to submit their proxies to confirm attendance through representatives.

Minutes of the Meeting Template





Agenda Items:

Action Items:

Appendix 1

Meeting requirements form

Meeting Requirements Form

Chairperson Mr Smart Guy

Department Sales and Marketing Department

Meeting name Quarterly review and way forward for the next quarter

Meeting details

Date 10.08.2021 Time 11:00 A.M.

Location Social Hall Budget $650

Meeting format

Purpose Quarterly review and way forward for the next quarter

Agenda Consideration of the previous meeting held with the attendance of the executive branch and the board of directors

Initialization and signing of minutes by members present

Reading of the latest company performance report

Quarterly review and way forward for the next quarter

Any other matter

Participants Internal External





Department Heads

Proxy of the above External Auditor

Independent director

Speakers CEO and Company Secretary

Seating arrangements Round table sitting with the CEO and company secretary sitting at opposite sides of the table

Video or teleconference requirements Zoom meeting with participants working from home or who have work commitments in other areas

Supporting materials

Pre-reading Financial reports

Meeting documentation Minutes

Meeting paper




Equipment requirements Zoom account, stationery items, microphone and loudspeakers, camera, financial data analysis software

Hospitality requirements

Catering requirements Refreshments, water bottles, lunch

Accommodation requirements Booking of a hotel room for the external participants from outside the city

Other requirements

Special needs of attendees Disabled persons accessibility

Other organisational requirements for conducting meetings Updated list of participants and agenda

Applicable conventions for conducting meetings Formal preparation and presentation of the meeting agenda

Formal discussion of way forward and suggestions from department heads

Meeting code of conduct as outlined in the company’s employment contract

Full attendance from the expected participants with exceptions where applicable

Fairness and accountability in debating the way forward for the company

Legal and ethical requirements for conducting meetings The meeting will strictly adhere to the gender representation rules stipulated in the Corporation Act

The Corporation Act guidelines apply in every other realm

In the decision-making process, fair judgment will be observed through a poll or show of hands

Other specific requirements Proper dress code as per the company guidelines

Attention to accessibility for persons with disabilities

Availability of a medical facility

Adherence to COVID-19 guideline son social distancing and wearing of face masks

Appendix 2

Meeting preparation action plan

Meeting preparation action plan

Meeting name: Quarterly review and way forward for the next quarter

Meeting date: 10.8.2021

Chairperson/host: Mr Smart Guy

Action required By whom By when

Notice preparation Company secretary with authorization from the directors and department heads 21 days before the meeting

Gathering postal addresses and email addresses to send notices Secretary 21 days before the meeting

Preparation of minutes of the previous meeting and agenda for the next secretary 14 days before the meeting

Scrutinizer appointment Department heads and the directors 14 days before the meeting

Sitting arrangement and consultation Secretary A day before the meeting

Refreshments Secretary A day before the meeting

Polling requirements Secretary 7 days before the meeting

Stationery Secretary 7 days before the meeting

Preparation of minutes of the meeting Secretary 10.08.2021