Problem Solving Process, The death of my fiancée

Problem Solving Process

The death of my fiancée is the most distressing situation that has ever happened to me, something that has constantly had a devastating impact on my wellbeing. What makes the situation even worse is that he was gunned down when we were together by unknown assailants. Though the whole situation later came out to be an accident, the situation continues to bother me even up to today, with a myriad of questions lingering in my mind over why the dearest person to me had to die in such a gruesome manner. I consider this situation as a monumental problem that happened to me, more than just an issue. I consider the situation as a problem due to its depth and gravity which to me is too wearisome to be termed an issue.

A problem can be viewed as a perceived gap that exists between the existing state and a desired state. It can also be seen as a deviation from the norm or the status quo. In the same line, an issue can be perceived in terms of a topic for discussion or debate (Gammack et al, 2006). An issue can be viewed further as a personal problem or difficulty affecting an individual. With regard to these descriptions, I continue considering my situation as a problem bearing in mind that, the death of my fiancée is to me a huge gap that I have a desire of filling and find a lasting solution.

The idea of whether a situation is a problem or an issue is an intriguing one, which requires a deep understanding in order to understand the best situation in which, the two can be accommodated. A further distinguishing between the two could be viewed in the sense that an issue is something that needs to be addressed, while a problem would mean that, something in a specific situation needs to be changed (Gammack et al, 2006). With regard to my devastating situation, the matter cannot be handled as an issue since there is no way the death of my fiancée can be addressed, in a manner aimed at justifying or disregarding the situation. On the other hand, however, I can change my attitude and view the death as a natural part of life one must endure. The death problem, therefore, can be viewed as a matter that needs a change of attitude to be contained, but cannot be an issue that is debatable as a means of bearing it, considering that it is a natural occurrence.

Expressing my problem would be in a manner that finds a solution to the distressing problem. Understanding a problem as something that has a solution is crucial to solving the problem in order to bring tranquility. This does not mean that I have any intentions or plans of eliminating the idea that the death actually occurred, but instead coping with the problem in a manner that solves the pain that comes with the death. I would, therefore, express my problem as a distressing situation, but in a manner implying that the problem can be conquered. Trying to express the issue as an issue would imply that the matter is bound to linger, which is not my present need. Since I feel that I need to solve the distressing situation, I would further express my problem with optimism in order to find a lasting solution and solve the problem in the process, rather than keep it as an issue that would continue boggling my mind forever.


Gammack, J. G., Hobbs, V., & Pigott, D. (2006). The book of informatics: Identification and problem solving learning objectives. South Melbourne: Thomson.