Problems of War

Problems of War

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Problems of War

War has existed as a continuous part of human history. The effects of war in any nation where conflict has been experienced can be very demoralizing, and hence, these countries might take some period to heal from the wounds of war. It has been characterized to have resulted in some adverse effects to both humans as well as animal life. The demoralizing problems of war may include the following; injuries, death, economic activities disruption, loss of families, destruction of the environment and emotional suffering among others. There are some countries which believe that going to war will resolve many issues experienced in the society, but the fact remains that there is nothing good which results from war (Jeong, 2017). The reason is that when there is a war, everything seems to be disrupted starting from the usual economic activities extending to disruption of peace for the individuals. In this paper, the problems of war are discussed to show how war has adverse effects and thus it needs to be avoided.

Most wars emerge due to social and political conflicts in the society or the nations, for example, the border disputes, racial conflicts, and religious disparities are considered to be among the leading contributors of war. Moreover, when two communities or countries which had strong relations start to disagree on some issues, they usually take up some arms against each other. In the latest great wars, thousands of children, women, and men have been killed whereby the majority of them died due to consequences of war for example diseases, famines, and other severe sufferings. When there is a war, these calamities typically tends to spread faster since there exist to be no individuals who are looking at these problems (Thompson, 2017). Generally, a war sweeps away the best and most reliable men of a society or a country, for example, the soldiers who risk their lives while protecting the civilians.

The aged, as well as the weak individuals, are the one left back to continue with their normal lives. Thus this aspect mostly leads to more disadvantages since these individuals cannot influence or improve the nation in the same way as the strong individuals who decide to engage in the battle. Also, most war results to the displacements of individuals whereby they have to move around due to the security reasons constantly, and this leads them typically to unfavorable conditions where they are prone to several diseases, and the rate of infection among them is usually high due to over congestion.

The war mostly affects the children relatively than any other group of individuals in the society as it can be traumatizing for the children. Most of the wars happen in the presence of these children, and this affects the children both emotionally and physically. For example, it can be devastating for the children to see or experience their loved ones being killed in cold blood. Thus recovery may prove to be difficult and somehow unbearable for these children. They may develop a negative attitude and start seeing violence as a technique for solving conflicts in the societies (Kingsley, 2017). The most harmful effects of the wars to the children is that it can result in them being killed. Moreover, their education is disrupted during the times of wars which is a significant disadvantage.

A country’s economy is dragged behind in case a war occurs in the country as the economic activities are generally disrupted. During the times of war, many individuals are projected of staying indoors and refuse to go to their works due to the fear of being attacked. Therefore production goes down resulting in economic instability. All these aspects vividly depict the problems of war which in most cases are dangerous not only to the human life but everything that is existing. Thus it is good to avoid anything or any situation which can result in war.


Jeong, H. W. (2017). Peace and conflict studies: An introduction. Routledge.

Kingsley, B. V. (2017). The Effects that War Has on Children and Child Soldiers.

Thompson, P. (2017). Peace and war: a theory of international relations. Routledge.