Project #2

Project #2: Digital Poster

100 points, 25% Course Grade

Assignment Prompt

Research results are intended to be shared. One way this is done in academia is at conferences through poster sessions. Another way might be a webpage for an organization. Both methods use a combination of text and images to convey a message.


Using your topic from Project #1, you will compose a digital poster that effectively makes and supports a claim to an audience.


You are going to construct your own audience, but should consider designing the poster in alignment with presentation styles within your discipline. Your audience may be those at a conference in your major or field of interest or an interdisciplinary audience, or it may be a non-academic audience that might benefit from your work. You are required to select and outline your audience. If you elect to “present” to an audience at a conference within your major/field, you should identify the conference and who attends that conference. If you select a non-academic audience, you’ll need to provide a list of specific attributes that might cause you to design your poster a specific way (background knowledge, etc.)


Your digital poster may take the form of an infographic, a website, a slideshow, video or any other pre-approved digital format that allows for the combination of multiple types of composing (alphabetic text, audio, video, images). Consider reviewing this list for possible technologies to use. You will select your own delivery method and digital tools, and present them in a proposal for this project. Regardless of which delivery method you choose, it should be thoughtfully selected. It should also consider that this poster should be understandable without a presentation, but also benefit from a presentation.

Textual Requirements: There is not a specific word count, but the text of your poster should be easily read and understood. It should be clear, concise, and necessary for your rhetorical situation. You will need to consider font family, size, style, and color.

Image/Audio/Video Requirements: Your poster may use images, audio, and or/video in addition to text. These elements should clearly connected to the claim/evidence of the poster and should work with the text to make that claim and provide the necessary support. When selecting and incorporating these elements, be sure to include pieces that are necessary for the rhetorical situation.

*Please see “Grading Criteria” at the end of this prompt for the exact rubric that will be used to determine your grade.*


Your images and text should all have citations that accompany them. For an infographic, this might be a separate references sheet with in-text citations; for a website this might be a references page with in-text citations; for slides, this might be a references slide with in-text citations. Remember that all material used that was not generated by you needs a citation. All posters should be accessible.

Course Objectives

After completing this project, and its associated course module, you will have made progress towards the following student learning objectives:

1. E. respond to a variety of writing contexts calling for purposeful shifts in structure, medium design, level of formality, tone, and/or voice.

2.C. employ a variety of research methods, including primary and/or secondary research, for purposes of inquiry.

2.E. synthesize research findings in development of an argument.

2.F. compose persuasive researched arguments for various audiences and purposes, and in multiple modalities.

4.C. reflect on why genre conventions for structure, paragraphing, tone, and mechanics vary.

3.D. identify and effectively use variations in genre conventions, including formats and/or design features.

3.E. demonstrate familiarity with the concepts of intellectual property (such as fair use and copyright) that motivate documentation conventions.

4.E. evaluate and act on peer and instructor feedback to revise their texts

4.F reflect on their progress as academic writers.

Grading Criteria

_____includes your name, the date, the class section #, the assignment name on the poster somewhere

_____includes a title on the poster somewhere

_____selects a delivery method that is appropriate for the intended audience

_____crafts the poster for the audience specified in the proposal_____crafts an organized poster that follows genre conventions for:

_____layout (placement of elements)

_____design (font color, size, family, etc.; image size, clarity, etc.; audio quality, tone, clarity, etc.; video quality, clarity)

_____makes a claim_____supports the claim using_____text

_____visual design_____appropriate evidence from Project #1 sources

_____presents the evidence using a variety of modes (text, audio, visual) that ____work with each other to create a balance

____aid the audiences understanding

____are persuasive

_____support and evidence are easy to follow and understand

_____uses transitions (textual or visual) to connect together ideas, sentences, paragraphs, and larger sections

_____uses parallel structures to pair ideas (WH2.0 >> Clarity >> Parallelism)