Proposed Deliverables

Proposed Deliverables

6 Industry insight guest lectures with the characteristics of:

Useful knowledge related to PM

Experienced and powerful speaker involved

High-Quality content at student’ level

Different aspect covered in PM

Opportunity for Q&A

A external human resource pool: Include professional guest speakers who can provide long-term cooperation with the project.

A roadmap for industry Insights program: Provide a case study as a reference for other similar projects in the college.

A SOP for reaching external guest speakers: Procedures to contact, operate and maintain external human resources.

A pilot series for semester 2.

Marketing materials for the program to advertise it with the SOPM.

In addition to the above, the project will also require process deliverables. This will be the intermediate outputs that will move the project forward without a direct influence on the project requirement. As such the process deliverable will include:

Internal reports on possible bugs and glitches

An internal Gantt Chart that will inform the entire workflow of the project

Internal onboarding checklist that will enhance project kickoff

A project management plan that will lead to a review

Proposed Method: Hybrid (Waterfall and Agile)

Our entire project will be covered using the waterfall approach, but will incorporate the agile method in the implementation phase in order to improve the quality of the interview videos in each sprint. Traditional project and team management strategies are no longer effective in today’s rapidly changing workplace, which has heightened the argument between agile and waterfall approaches even more. For a long time, traditional project management and software development methodologies, such as waterfall, have been used in the software development industry. Despite the larger frames, the waterfall design continues to be quite popular among consumers. The agile project management methodology was created with the goal of reinventing software development.

When using the waterfall approach, the project activities will be divided into sequential, linear stages, each of which is followed by another. Prior to moving on to the next step of a waterfall project management, it is vital that all our prior stages’ outputs be available. The technique is often used in complex software development because it follows a waterfall-like evolution from idea to implementation from start to finish (Mahadevan, Kettinger, & Meservy, 2015). When developing waterfall diagrams, we will use Gantt charts as a planning tool. On the other hand, Agile development is a preferred method for software developers and engineers that work on projects that are continually evolving in scope and complexity. The route selection of cross-functional teams is impacted by end user input, which is why solutions vary over time. When it comes to resource management, task management, and project planning, flexibility in agile practices is available. For its iterative and flexible character, agile software development will well applicable in the implementation phase to cover the videos required for the interview process in each sprint of the project.

The hybrid project management approach is a little more vaguely defined than these other terms in project management. In our project, the term hybrid will simply mean the combination of waterfall and agile. It is possible to create a new and improved project management model by combining waterfall and agile techniques, which is consistent with the fundamental concept of both methodologies. In order to establish a hybrid method that boosts project development efficiency throughout the process, we intend to combine the greatest features of both worlds.

The Agile-Waterfall hybrid methodology brings together the best features of both techniques in a single package. Even if it may be utilized for software development or for the creation of a product that contains both hardware and software components, the Agile-Waterfall method is a challenging strategy for purists to understand and use well. Members of the team engaging on software development process may frequently employ the Agile methodology, however teams working on hardware development projects and product managers must generally adhere to the Waterfall methodology. Because Agile is more of a mindset and attitude than it is a technology, it is possible to mix the Agile concept with the more rigid Waterfall method and have both work harmoniously together in the same environment.

Using the Agile-Waterfall Hybrid technique, it is possible to develop products that include both hardware and software components of equal importance, as well as software that incorporates both back-end and front-end technologies in the same piece of software. A third sub-scenario exists in the context of hybrid software development. The majority of software projects begin as a reaction to a users’ request. Because there is no formal planning procedure in place, the end user may still be dissatisfied with the whole Agile methodology because the budget and timetable cannot be established and determined well in advance. The use of a hybrid method may be a suitable alternative in this situation (Goodison, Borycki, & Kushniruk, 2019). When it comes to application design, planning, and requirements definition, a Waterfall approach may be used, but an Agile approach can be used for development and testing.

When it comes to processes, the waterfall method is one that takes a long time to complete successfully. Since the results of deliverables will only become obvious after the conclusion of the development cycle, it is possible that the customer will not be able to witness the finished product for months or even years after the development cycle has concluded. Using Agile methods, you may reduce delivery times and collect feedback more quickly, helping you to better meet the needs of our end users (Prenner, Unger-Windeler, & Schneider, 2020). In addition to the fact that it speeds design, analysis, and planning, the Agile-Waterfall Hybrid approach also allows the team to establish project parameters such as budget and delivery time, among other benefits. As a side benefit, hybridization helps to retain compliance with standards while also increasing collaboration. It is also a helpful initial step when creating an Agile culture is difficult to accomplish. When using the Hybrid method, on the other hand, effective collaboration amongst teams is necessary in order to be successful. As a result, a distinctive set of communication formats and channels will need to be established. As a result, training for both kinds of approaches is often required in order to ensure that everyone understands not just the concepts, but also the advantages of using a hybrid model.

Our project is very well defined. Therefore, because they take into account the fluidity of projects, hybrid approaches provide for a more flexible and nuanced approach to project planning and task management than traditional methodology. The likelihood of success increases when there are a variety of choices for addressing a situation. Due to our well-defined project plan, a Gantt chart is an excellent tool to have on hand and use. Fixed expenditures and timetables may be tracked by executives and other stakeholders via the usage of this program. This approach is often used in large-scale infrastructure projects. A hybrid approach to task management is more suited to the agile way of working. For applications needing a high degree of adaptability, such as software and product design, it was created expressly for this purpose. All of the software implementations of the agile problem-solving approach. For project managers who are responsible for a large number of projects, a hybrid management software solution gives a number of perspectives that may be utilized to implement a variety of project management methodologies. Gantt charts are a typical project management tool, and agile teams may arrange their own work in a number of ways, depending on their own preferences. Everyone should be able to access the most up-to-date information available, regardless of the program they are using to get it.


Mahadevan, L., Kettinger, W. J., & Meservy, T. O. (2015). Running on hybrid: Control changes when introducing an agile methodology in a traditional “waterfall” system development environment. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 36(1), 5.

Goodison, R., Borycki, E. M., & Kushniruk, A. W. (2019). Use of Agile Project Methodology in Health Care IT Implementations: A Scoping Review. ITCH, 140-145.

Prenner, N., Unger-Windeler, C., & Schneider, K. (2020, June). How are hybrid development approaches organized? A systematic literature review. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Software and System Processes (pp. 145-154).