Prove of God’s Existence

Prove of God’s Existence

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The argument to the existence of God has been in discussion for far too long. Somehow it can be traced to the centuries back. Both the atheists and the religious have been arguing to prove their position. The atheists have poked holes to the existence of God and the inconsistencies of the Bible. However, as the Christians note the Bible can defend it and it has sufficient proof to the existence of God. The Bible famously notes, ‘God is the Alfa and the Omega… through God everything was and by the word of mouth He created the world.’ Throughout this paper, we will prove God’s existence and the possible explanations that prove God’s existence.

To begin with, the moral laws that we practice as humans they have their origin in the Bible. The Ten Commandments that were given to children of Israel by God through Moses have influenced the moral laws in our societies. For instance, the outlawing of stealing and killing in the present societies has its influence on the Ten Commandments. The way the Ten Commandments were written to encompass any possible evil-doing is beyond human cognition. The fact that nations have made constitutions as the moral way in which societies should co-exist; the constitutions are pamphlets that try to build on from the Ten Commandments. The humans would not possibly condense the constitutions since they did not have the thinking of the supernatural thinking of the author of the Ten Commandments. It, therefore; explains that there is a supernatural being behind the Ten Commandments and that proves to the chance of the existence of God. Aquinas, a great philosopher of all time says that some things are good, true, and noble. He goes on to say that some good things are better than the good things and some are nobler than the noble. This way Aquinas says we compare things to the absolute standard.

And the absolute standard should be of the maximum quality. The Ten Commandments are of maximum quality according to Aquinas thus God is noblest. Aquinas notes that that which provides the means and the explanation of existences of good qualities it must be God according to Hughes (1989). God provided for the Ten Commandments which was the basis of human morals and constitution. Thus we can say, somehow God must have existed to provide for the moral laws that formed the basis of human morals.

Secondly, the argument of moral awareness and knowledge prove the existence of God. Richard Swinburne notes that moral awareness would only exist in the world where there is a God. Swinburne further notes that moral truths are absolute truths that have genuine ground for the moral good of the people. In the Bible, God provides for moral truths that are necessary for better human existence. Through the Bible, God tries to explain why humans should show compassion to the sick, needy, and those that need our assistance. The Bible also requires that we should love our neighbour as we love our self. This basic Bible tenets call for a better world that humans will co-exist peacefully. As humans, we are aware that the terrorists’ acts are inhumane and uncalled for thus, morally wrong. The fact that we can as humans distinguish between our self what is wrong and right calls for an explanation. How possibly would have humans understood good and bad if not for the supernatural power that has influenced them? It beats logic that humans would have possibly had this knowledge on their own. For instance, if we consider the animals they have no moral obligation, probably they feel nothing when they kill each other but for humans, there is always compassion in an event of such an eventuality. We can say that animals do not have moral believes that therefore such heinous acts that seem inhumane do not in any way bother them. According to Swinburne a supernatural

Being must have instituted in humans the moral awareness that makes them know good and bad. It was God is the intention that humans choose freely between good and bad so that they can develop a relationship with Him. Swinburne does not, however, believe this alone proves to the existence of God but it provides for an inductive reason to believe in the existence of God. Therefore; this gives a hint that god exists.

The cosmological argument provides for the existence of God. The cosmological argument says that whatever that exists must have a cause. Anything that exists must have a creator that made it to be. From the Bible reading, the Bible proves that it was through God that the universe was made and everything therein was made by God. This argument suggests that nothing can be the cause of itself; there must be something else that influenced the cause of things on earth according to Messer (1994). Thus it is within the rights of the Christians to believe that God was the cause of earth and everything that dwells on it. However, the Bible does not explain the cause of God which the atheists use to poke holes to the existent of God. God exists outside the universe according to the Bible, and this argument suggests that one can only create and exist outside of it. Hence its support to the argument that God exists. According to the believer’s God exists and is the cause of the earth. However, the cosmological argument is a victim of its own. It does not answer the questions on God. It fails to explain the existence of God but it explains what God can do. However; the cosmological argument proves to the existence of God by referring to him as the creator of the universe and the theory is a consistency to provide for the existence of God according to Smith (1992).

Furthermore, the ontological argument proves the existence of God. Saint Anselm (1033-1109) was the first to push for this argument to prove for the existence of God. This argument stipulates that the concept of God is an exception and that it needs to be correctly understood it satisfies the concept of God’s existence. The argument notes that there is nothing greater than God which can be conceived. God is the greatest thing to have ever happened and nothing can comprehend the existence of God. The argument says that God exists but it is beyond human nature to comprehend the existence of God. The ontological argument further notes that if we think God is non-existent then we conceive of something greater to God. To think that God does not exist is unimaginable because the ontological argument advances the idea that God exists and the fact that we cannot comprehend Him but feel His presence proves to the existence of God. According to this argument, it is unbelievable to imagine that God does not exist. The happenings around the world, the things that we can’t possibly explain reveal the existence of God accordin to Benzmuller et al. (2014). Immanuel Kant however, pinpoints to the shortcomings of this argument. He postulates that the argument is merely a wordplay that has proved itself but cannot be proved according to Martin (1995). The ontological argument, therefore; proves the existent of God through the following questions; what more can exist than God? What prove shows that God does not exist? These questions have not been fully answered by the critics of the ontological argument.

In conclusion, the fact that the Bible provides for proof for the existence of God, the moral laws that have streamlined the co-existence of human beings which influence the Ten Commandments. The fact that people can distinguish between bad and good is the influence of the supernatural being. The cosmological and ontological arguments prove the existence of God. The discussion above has proved and pointed to the existence of God to a large percentage.


Benzmüller, C., & Paleo, B. W. (2014, August). Automating Gödel’s Ontological Proof of God’s Existence with Higher-order Automated Theorem Provers. In ECAI (Vol. 263, pp. 93-98).

Smith, Q. (1992). A Big Bang Cosmological Argument for God’s Nonexistence. Faith and Philosophy, 9(2), 217-237.

Messer, R. (1993). Does God’s existence need proof?.

Hughes, C. (1989). On a Complex Theory of A Simple God: an investigation in Aquinas’ philosophical theology. Cornell University Press.

Martin, G. (1955). Kant’s metaphysics and theory of science. Manchester University Press.