Psychological Summary Article

Psychological Summary Article

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Summary of the Article

The psychological article summary that I will be summarizing in this paper comes from a Psychiatry journal article. It is named “Bully Victims: Psychological and Somatic Aftermaths.” It is a peer-reviewed journal providing evidence-based information. I considered the subject of bullying because not only is it an adverse experience, but there seems to be a variety of possible short and long-term psychological as well as bodily sequelae. At young ages, depression, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, and anxiety are predominant with bullying among the children involved. Bullying might seriously affect the mental health and wellbeing of children and adolescents at large. More intense anti-social problems like problems at school and drug usage might result from bullying. This article discusses the potential psychological and somatic consequences of bullying, which might emerge in psychiatric besides primary care settings.   

In summary of the article, bullying is eminent adversity among school children. It is a social phenomenon that transcends age, gender, and culture. Whereas there are a lot of definitions of the term, it is basically characterized by one or more persons aggressing on a defenseless peer, mainly to assert power or control. We certainly see the sufferers of these behaviors whether they reveal their predicaments or not. According to a number of research data, nearly 10 percent of United States children and adults are the victims of day-to-day bullying by peers. In the outcome of being bullied, sufferers might grow several psychological on top of somatic symptoms, a number of which might persevere into adulthood. Psychological warning signs might include internalizing symptoms, suicidal ideation, anxiety, social difficulties, eating disorders, and depression. On the other side, somatic symptoms might include headaches, sleep disturbances, poor appetite, fatigue, and abdominal pain. In both psychological wellbeing and primary care settings, being mindful of these problems of psychological and somatic symptoms in susceptible kids and adolescents might speed up the identification and elimination of these offensive experiences.

The article writing proceeds by claiming that because of different definitions of the term bullying, an individual would expect some methodological divergences in bullying victims’ occurrence rates. To summarize the data from research studies in the article, results indicate that approximately 10 percent of the United States children and adolescents are victims of bullying, with possibly higher rates among male children. Additionally, the number of prevalence studies in other nations showed that victim prevalence rates among children and adolescents varied (Nickerson, 2019). Despite the varied inter-country difference in occurrence rates, bullying by peers seems to be a widespread phenomenon that negatively impacts a considerable minority of children and adolescents. The article concludes by asserting that irrespective of empirical conduct or definition, bullying by peers during childhood and adolescence negatively affects a significant minority of persons. Bullying is an adverse experience that appears to result in a variety of possible short and long-term psychological as well as somatic sequelae (Menesini & Salmivalli, 2017). It is essential to be alert of these associations in both mental wellbeing and primary care setting in order to facilitate the recognition of bullying victims and the succeeding elimination of these abusive experiences.   

The subject of bullying is of more importance. The main purpose of the subject of bullying is to identify and quantify several factors, including rates of bullying, different types of bullying taking place, staff and student attitudes towards bullying, and many more to address them. The subject of bullying aids the school in determining the location and frequency of bullying behavior. One of the goals of every parent, educator, and the learner is to prevent bullying from occurring. This subject helps gauge the effectiveness and intervention efforts, which can help the school administration select appropriate prevention and response strategies. By focusing on the subject of bullying, individuals can create an accurate picture of bullying in their particular environments. The subject of bullying is of great importance helps policymakers and decision-makers to a great extent. Bullying can have a devastating impact on the person who experiences it and the wider community where it happens. In addition, in the minority of cases where bullying happens, the bullies themselves usually have experienced difficulties at home, which causes them to act out or even be bullied themselves. Having this in mind, the subject concerning bullying is more important than ever before. According to the statement released by the department of education, no child should live in fear of bullying or racism. The subject of bullying can help teachers, staff, parents, and individuals to make sure that their children in the care are safe from bullying behavior.

The implication of bullying subject matters because this problem continues to fester in the classroom. Its concern includes retention rates, student performance, and morale. These implications ought to be addressed in a timely manner. Keeping quiet rather than addressing the issue does not solve anything. It is a problem that has both long- and short-term effects on individuals who are bullied, the bullies themselves, and the bystanders present during the event. It exists in the level of education from kindergarten to post-secondary. There is a need for schools to set policies and standards on how to handle bullying by other students. There are serious psychological, physical, social, and emotional effects related to bullying, including stress, low self-esteem and depression, and absenteeism, and low performance (Nickerson, 2019). The implications of bullying are something that matters a lot. It can impact an individual’s mental, physical, and emotional levels. Bullying can result in physical injury, social or emotional problems, and in some instances, even death. One of the most serious and dangerous symptoms of chronic depression include suicidal tendencies such as suicidal feelings and suicide plans. Miserably, depression associated with bullying has resulted in a lot of young individuals terminating their lives to escape the abuse. 

In my opinion on bullying, I think that bullying is a concern that should be addressed since it affects someone psychologically and physically. The process of harassing another individual by threatening, abusing verbally or non-verbally, applying forces, and using other means of violence should never be tolerated. Those culprits of bullying should face the law and be corrected. Being bullied makes individuals incredibly insecure. Those bullied constantly feel insecure and on guard. It has a great psychological and emotional effect whereby individuals feel isolated, unaccepted, angry, and withdrawn. In the instance of school bullying, teachers and parents can play a significant role. They are responsible for noticing children’s early symptoms, such as behavioral changes, such as behavioral change, lack of self-esteem, and concentration deficit. Early identification of signs, rapid action, and timely counseling can lessen bullying’s after-effects on the victim. The anti-bullying policy should be implemented to make sure that students learn in a supportive, caring, and safe environment devoid of fear of being bullied. If bullying takes place, all learners should be able to tell and know that occurrences will be dealt with effectively and promptly.  


Menesini, E., & Salmivalli, C. (2017). Bullying in schools: the state of knowledge and effective interventions. Psychology, health & medicine, 22(sup1), 240-253.

Sansone, R. A., & Sansone, L. A. (2008). Bully victims: psychological and somatic aftermaths. Psychiatry (Edgmont), 5(6), 62.

Nickerson, A. B. (2019). Preventing and intervening with bullying in schools: A framework for evidence-based practice. School mental health, 11(1), 15-28.