“The Calm”

“The Calm”

“We can’t be together.” Were the words that left Calixta and Alcee heartbroken after their passionate caresses in Assumption. Calixta never expected to see Alcee in Assumption after four years of not hearing anything from him. His family left New Orleans because of the depression, and they had to end their relationship. After that, they never expected to see each other and so they moved on. Calixta met Bobinôt who she thought she loved; but deep down she knew she would never find someone who would make her as happy as Alcee did.

Finding him in Assumption was a surprise for the both of them, and they could not hold their selves back. Calixta remembered how he held her tightly as he kissed and kissed her. They were speechless, and all they wanted was each other’s touch. She was caught in the moment that she let of her worries aside until she remembered she was now carrying another man’s child. She pushed Alcee back and looked into his eyes as she tried to regain her breath.

“I’m with child, Alcee. We can’t be together.” Calixta’s eyes began to water as she remembered how heartbroken they both were. What broke her heart even more is that Alcee stayed loyal. He did not find another woman; he always knew they would find each other again. They had to part ways. However, a couple months later Alcee moved back to New Orleans where they would see each other often. Alcee, couldn’t stand to see her with Bobinot so he would be out of sight whenever he would see them in town.

Calixta heard the front door open and she was shaken out of her thoughts. She saw Bobinot and Bibi walk in, they were going back to town today. It had been a week since the storm.

“We’re ready to go, Calixta. Are you sure you don’t want to come with us?” Bobinot asked.

Calixta shook her head, “I have enough to do today, I’ll be wasting my time with the two of you. The two of you go along, and if the weather gets bad stay inside an’ be careful.” Calixta replied as she walked them out to where the horse was waiting for them. Bobinot helped Bibi get onto the horse then he hopped onto the horse himself. Bibi waved at his mother and she smiled waving back at him.

“Be careful now,” She called out to them as she watched them ride out of sight.

She walked back into the house and waited by the side window. Calixta knew he would come, she knew that he had been observing their home and waiting for the right opportunity to come back. Minutes passed and she heard a knock at the door. Her heart started to beat faster as she walked up to the door and opened it to see him again. As soon as she opened the door Alcee approached her and Calixta stepped back.

“Alcee, we have been through this before. We can’t do this.” Calixta told him. Alcee was shocked by her words. How could she say this after what happened last week?

“Calixta, I know you are scared but we can make this work. I promise to be careful. I don’t want to cause you no trouble.” Calixta shook her head, and as much as she wanted to be with this man the world wouldn’t have it.

“Alcee, listen to me. You have a wife an’ I have a husband, we have children. Think about the children.” They had created new lives, but it wasn’t with themselves and they had to face reality even though it was heartbreaking. Alcee stood still and looked down at the ground not knowing what to say. He knew Calixta was right, but he didn’t want to admit it because he only wanted to be with her. He could only think back to days when they were together, and they would talk about their future. The future that they were currently living in separate lives.

“I am sorry our lives ended up like this, and it’s my fault for not waiting for you.” Calixta said breaking the silence, “I have a four-year old son, and you have your own babies. We can’t be selfish and think about us no more.”

“Calixta, I don’t want you to blame yourself.” Alcee finally spoke up. He really didn’t know what to say. He was angry that their lives had to end up this way, but he had also made other life decisions where he had to take responsibility. He knew Calixta was right, and if they were able to move on, then they would just need to continue with the lives they now had. He loved Calixta, and didn’t want to risk the life she had created with Bobinot. After all these years, he still cared for her happiness even though he wasn’t the one providing that happiness for her.

Before walking down the steps of the porch Alcee grabbed Calixta’s hand and pulled her in for one final kiss. Even though it was seconds, the kiss held all the emotions that were bottled inside them. Alcee looked into her blue eyes one last time before walking down the steps.

Tears ran down Calixta’s face as she watched the love of her life walk away for the third time in her life. She wanted to run after him, but instead held herself back and closed the door not wanting to know in which direction he went or if he was still out there.

A couple hours passed by and Calixta could not stop replaying the three times she saw that man walk away from her life only to leave her inconsolable each time. Why was it that their lives had to end up this way? She thought to herself. Before she could get herself deeper in her thoughts she heard the front door open once again snapping her out of thoughts. She quickly got up and walked over to greet Bobinot and Bibi.

“Oh! You are back already? How was the trip?” Calixta asked them as she helped Bibi take off his boots.

“It was good. I brought you back more shrimp since you were so delighted the last time I brought some.” Bobinot took out the can of shrimp and handed it to Calixta.

“Oh, Bobinot you are too good to me!” She replied grabbing the can and walking over to the kitchen. She started to prepare for dinner as Bobinot talked to her about their trip to town.

Alcee Laballiere wrote to his wife that night, Clarisse, that night. It was a letter describing how much he missed her, and needed her back. He missed his babies, and wanted them to come home as soon as possible. He wrote that he realized he could not bear being without them, and he was wrong.

Clarisse received the letter