The Context of the research

The Context of the research

For the last three months, china has suffered from being affected by the coronavirus that started in Wuhan. It originated from animals and transmitted through contact with affected persons. It has mostly affected the areas of Hubei, Guangdong and Zhejiang provinces, killing many individuals. The virus is developing and currently, cases of n-cov are being reported. The virus is spreading to other countries through infected people who travel to the specific countries. The virus has led to people staying indoors in china as movements is limited. They cannot go out of their houses due to fear of contracting the disease and endangering their lives. The challenge they are facing is lack of food and other amenities s businesses are not running anymore, transport has been affected and operations are not going on as normal. The effect of the disease has gotten to the extreme since many people are dying in the named provinces. Therefore, this research is on the effects of coronavirus on people and the lives of Chinese people in the provinces of Hubei, Guangdong and Zhejiang.

Participants and SiteThe participants in this research are the affected people in the three provinces. More than 70,000 people have already been infected, and by mid-February, China has reported more than 2000 deaths. The research will consider the already infected people, families and friends of infected and also the citizens of China who have been affected by the outbreak. The sampling of the participants will be random in the three provinces, by questioning them on their living since the outbreak and the impacts it has had on their lives. The population targeted will be at least 50 people spread across the provinces. I will visit the affected families and talk to the infected through calls. Before accessing the place, I will seek permission from the authorities and ask for the guide from health personnel, to ensure safety of all. 

Plan for data collection and analysis The process of data collection will take the primary methods of information acquisition.There will be an observation of the group of interest and the interview. The process willcommence through the performance of surveillance in which the survey will be done to thepeople within the hospitals. The method of the study will take two days, preferablyweekends. Note-taking strategy for the data collection process is the outline in which there isanticipation that the notes are easy to read. Interviews are included in the data collection processin which the 50 selected people within the group are taken through the interview process. Thechoice of what to include in the interview included the effects it has had on their lives physically, mentally or psychologically and the fears they have regarding their future health. The thread which will be followed in this case is IMRAD entailing introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion. The thread presented herein is informed by the fact that I want the research to be professional and easy to follow as well as the logical flow of information.


Even though this research will be marked with the highest level of fairness andprofessionalism, some aspects might intersect the data with my perspective. Sincerely, myattitude and view will be informed by conditions of health in which the infected people arefacing and impact on the affected. In case I infer that whatever I read about the people is nothappening in reality, I will apply the utmost professionalism in ensuring that I note what I observed and generated the data as I said them in the interview document. I believe that my position will be informed with the reality and facts as well as finding within the area of study.