The courts represent a central

The U.S. Courts System

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The courts represent a central feature in the criminal justice of the United States. Since working in the courts requires a lot of legal knowledge, most criminal justice students in corrections and law enforcement choose to advance to law school and chase careers as judges and attorneys. Courts are responsible for deciding whether a defendant is guilty or not and determining the sentence of a person who is found guilty. This is a powerful position to be as it decided what happens to offenders, defenders, and suspects. Worth noting, despite this, the courts are often at the mercy of external forces. Courts are not in control of how they are financed or the number of cases they receive, and neither are they n control of their public image.

The issue of professional orientation also complicates the ability of the United States to execute its mandate. People who work in the courts, including judges and attorneys, have a professional orientation. This means that dispensation of justice and law practice is a job routine for them. Each case is among many dockets and is handled in an assembly manner; the court workers seek to function smoothly to ensure all cases are processed. Each offender, victim, and offender deems their case as more important than others, and this professional orientation can affect the functioning and the image of the court. Notably, the issue of professional orientation with the U.S courts and issues of image and funding and image has made them be shrouded in mystery. This has led to a rather romantic view of the courts where instead of justice being served, it is dispensed as a product of a courageous attorney and less a function of the criminal justice systems.