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The Culture of ‘The United States

The United States has a society formed by so many varied groups of people. Since the 19th century, there has been a great deal of immigration to the United States. It has led to a significant change in its culture and general practices. The slaves were usually termed as forced immigrants, however these days individuals travel to us in search of greener pastures. There has been a tremendous change to the country’s culture as it has become a country made of almost all types and kinds of people. Therefore, this paper discusses the role immigration has had on the United States’ culture and how American culture has impacted the world.

Significant change can be noticed from the time of the slave trade until now in the Americans’ culture. First of all, these slaves, once they were free, managed to go back to who they were and, most of the time, decided to live in their African ways within America. Even though the collision of culture happened, they influenced the people of America a great deal. In the 20th century, with America becoming a superpower country, many individuals decided to go to America and begin businesses and get jobs that paid well. Therefore this meant that the American culture had to change to accommodate these people. Instead, these individuals who began migrating to the United States changed the culture to fit them (Klafehn et al. 2008).

The 21st century is whereby a lot of immigration has been witnessed towards America. Therefore, this has led to a tremendous change in America’s culture into a very diverse culture that accommodates everyone and does not discriminate against anyone even though there are still efforts to root out the firm beliefs of some groups of people like the white supremacists. The culture is still changing even though there has been a significant change due to immigration towards the country. The culture change is visible through economic growth whereby the United States’ economy has been made even better by immigrants primarily of African origin.

Entrepreneurship and innovation have also been on the rise because most immigrants go to the US looking for better lives and, therefore, develop some of their most desired and wanted businesses and projects in America. 50% of the US’s multi-billion companies are owned by immigrants (Klafehn et al. 2008).

Immigrants, therefore, have contributed so much to the changing of American culture into what it is today since they have become part of American society. Therefore, they bring their belief system, desire, and zeal to perform to the country and make it better in all aspects possible.

The American culture as well has had a very significant impact on the other countries of the world. This impact has been possible through the influence of the United States in other countries’ affairs either through Aid, support of any kind, or just the organizations and the general growth of the country (Cismas, 2010). Other countries, therefore, admire the United States for its prosperity. In the efforts to copy what the United States has been able to do regarding its success in its economy and social life, the United States’ culture is slowly brought into the lives of these countries. It also applies to the people who try to follow in America’s footsteps into making positive progress economically and socially (Cismas, 2010).

In conclusion, therefore, the American culture is hybrid and has tenets of so many cultures into one. These cultures have had a significant influence on other cultures of the world thus the borrowing which is evident.


Cismas, S. C. (2010). The impact of American culture on other cultures: Language and cultural identity. Recent Advances in Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge Engineering, 9.

Klafehn, J., Banerjee, P. M., & Chiu, C. Y. (2008). Navigating cultures. Handbook of cultural intelligence: Theory, measurement, and applications, 318-331.