The Development of the Clinic
HSA 300
Table of Contents
TOC o “1-3” h z u Introduction PAGEREF _Toc370942609 h 3Discussion4The Impact of the Social, Economic and Political Forces on the Development of the Clinic4The Comprehensive Mission Statement PAGEREF _Toc370942612 h 5The Performance Measures for Effectiveness of the Clinic PAGEREF _Toc370942613 h 6The Decisions Regarding Annual Plan Approval and Clinic Expansion7The Role of the Clinic as a Component of the Healthcare Delivery System8The Impact of Public Healthcare Policy on the Formation of Outpatient Clinics in the Healthcare System PAGEREF _Toc370942616 h 8Conclusion9
IntroductionA small primary care clinic has sixty nine employees representing nine different clinical professions and twelve other skills. Two sites are operated by it, one of which is bigger and has the departments for patient services, diagnostic labs, and medical specialists. A variety of services are also attracted by the clinic, like, advanced diagnostic services, referral specialists, and maintenance and repair services. This paper will address the management of the small clinic through the manager of the clinic. Four of the family practitioners and their wives are the owners of the clinic.
Two of the wives still work as registered nurses at the clinic. This paper will address six main topics in relational to the clinic. First are the social, economic, and political forces that might influence the development of this clinic. Second is the comprehensive mission statement which will be developed in order to indicate the focus of the clinic. Third are the performance measures which will be used to measure the effectiveness of the clinic. Fourth is related to the approach towards decisions regarding the annual plan approval and expansion of the clinic. Fifth is the role of the clinic as a component of the healthcare delivery system in the community. Final and the last one are the examination of the policy of public healthcare and its impact on the formation of outpatient clinics in the healthcare system.
The Impact of the Social, Economic and Political Forces on the Development of the ClinicThe health and lives of citizens in a country is determined and affected by the economic and social conditions. In comparison to people who are socioeconomically healthy, quality medical services are less likely to be rreceived by people who are socioeconomically unhealthy. Plenty of opportunities and control over various things, such as, salaries, neighborhoods and occupational opportunities can be acquired by people who have a high social status. These are the reasons due to which they can easily avail the quality medical treatment from facilities of health care (Bryant, 2002). The development of the clinic is led by the location in areas which are pre-occupied by the wealthy due to excessive demand of services of health care.
Stable jobs cannot be acquired by a large percentage of disadvantaged people in the society, therefore, they cannot fulfill their basic needs properly due to lack of adequate income. Since they are unable to access good quality care, therefore, causing an increases in disease thest disadvantage people has risen. Since the demand for medical services is not high, therefore, the development of the clinic can be affected if it is located in a poor population. The values and the social trends of the patients and the community are included in the social forces that impact the development of the clinic.
Before establishing the clinic, the stakeholders must evaluate the changing attitudes and values of the community. THis is done to in order to ensure that there is a high demand for medical services where the clinic is going to be located. In order to continue promoting the development of the clinic and providing quality care to the patients, they must assess the demographic characteristics of the population.
In different ways, the development of clinics is affected by the political factors. Through the passing of various health care laws, the development of clinics is impacted by politics. For example, provision of care to patients is influenced by the Education Reconciliation Act of 2010, the Affordable Care Act and the enactment of the Patient Protection. In the year of 2010, the Affordable Care Act and the Patient Protection was signed into law by President Barack Obama. Various aspects of the public insurance programs and private health insurance industry were reformed by the law.
For pre-existing conditions, insurance coverage was increased by the law. It also expands access to insurance coverage to more than thirty million citizens in the country. The funds allocated by the government and allocated for services of health care is to increased, and spending on Medicare is to decreased by the law. Since many citizens are able to access services of health care, therefore, access to health care services in the country is to improved by the affordable care and patient protection act, and since many people need medical care, therefore, the development of health care facilities to contributed to it.
The distribution of states budget to health care has been influenced by the political forces. In addition the method through which the money allocated for health care services is distributed among the states and the amount of the state budget allocated to services of health care is determined by political forces. Furthermore, the equipment to be purchased and the particular position to be financed were determined by the political forces as well it has been determine that the current programs will be adpoted by the health care facilities.
The Comprehensive Mission StatementTo contribute in the establishment of healthier lives within our community. To provide healthcare services in a financially responsible approach which contribute to the physical, psychological, and social well being of the patients and community which it provide to. To offer aid to each person, serving all despite age, color, creed or gender. To continue educational and research activities related to the stipulation of care for all sick or injured and to promote good health.
In any clinic, one of the most important things is the mission statement as the method through which the clinic will attain its objective and stated by it. This is to continuously improve the quality of services of health care offered to the community and patients through it mission, Such an environment must be created to strives to meet the health care needs of the community, recognize the contribution and value of the workers and encourages participations of physicians (De Angelis &, 2004). To build a work environment where each employee is respected, and values the opportunity to grow either personally or professionally.As well as to provide an outstanding emotional, spiritual and physical care to patients and their families is the main goal of the clinic.
Strengthening the relationship with various institutions witin the community, such as hospitals, colleges and universities to improve the quality of care provided to patients, is the aim of the clinic.
The Performance Measures for Effectiveness of the ClinicThe effectiveness of the clinic can be measured through various performance measures. Through the use of patient satisfaction, the performance of the clinic can be measured. If patients are satisfied with the quality provided to them by the clinic, only then the clinic can be considered as effective. However, if patients are not satisfied with the quality of services provided by the clinic then the clinic is not considered effective.
Through surveys or questionnaires, the patient satisfaction can be measured. With the use of employee satisfaction, the effectiveness of the clinic can be measured. If the employees are satisfied with the working environment, then the clinic is considered to be effective. The quality of care provided to patients is affected by the working environment provided to employees (Hill &, 2008). Through financial performance, the effectiveness of the clinic can be measures. If the clinic is performing financially well, then it is considered to be effective. Financial problems are faced by most of the clinics due to lack of medical equipment and lack of quality workers. Therefore the quality of services to patients are not provided by those clinics.
The Decisions Regarding Annual Plan Approval and Clinic ExpansionIn order to assure that the ethical decisions are made, the decisions regarding annual plan approval and clinic expansion must be approached carefully by the management. Various things are necessary to be considered when decising to expand the clinic. First, it must be determined whether it will or not be beneficial to expand the clinic. Then, the performance of the clinic and the provision of services in the clinic must not get affected while the expansion is in progress and what steps must be taken to ensure this. Improving the performance of the clinic and provision of medical services provided by the clinic must be the aims of the expansion.
Therefore, before approving the expansion, a cost benefit analysis must be conducted. Secondly, it must be determined whether or not the expansion of the clinic lies within the original objectives and goals of the organization mission statement. The goals and objectives of the clinic must be in line with the expansions of the clinic (Tunis &, 2003). For example, the provision of health care services to the community must be improved by the expansion. If the expansion is within the objectives, only then it will be approved. There are some various things that must be considered when considering decisions related to approval of the annual plan.
First, before approving the plan the available resources in the organization must be determined. Second, the goals and objectives of the clinic must be in line with the plan. Third, it must be determined whether or not current operations are enhances with future growth of the clinic.
The Role of the Clinic as a Component of the Healthcare Delivery SystemTo meet the health needs of the targeted population, there is an organization of resources, institutions and people to provide care which is known as a health care system. Therefore, three interrelated components comprise up by the health care system, which includes, healthcare institutions, healthcare providers and healthcare consumers. The institutions include insurance programs and firms, home health care agencies, clinics and hospitals which are responsible to pay for services of health care. An important role in delivery of services of health care is played by the clinics, like other institutions in the country.
In different parts of the country, there are many clinics that provide health care services to the disadvantaged in the society (Ferrer &, 2005). Since, the clinics enable people in the community to have access to medical treatment at a reasonable cost; therefore, they have proved to be important.Medical services to the residents in the area are provided by this clinic. This clinic provides enough resources to the residents that seeking specialized care, to prevent unnecessary stays at the hospitals.
The Impact of Public Healthcare Policy on the Formation of Outpatient Clinics in the Healthcare SystemThe formation of outpatient clinics in the healthcare system is influenced by the public healthcare policy. In order to improve access to health care in the country, the public health care policy is developed by the government (Starfield &, 2005). An increase in patient information of outpatient clinics to reduce health care costs associated with long stay at the hospital and to access to health care services has been led by the creation of the public healthcare policy. The government can now easily provide health care services to patients in rural areas and under developed area.
Public healthcare policy has greatly influenced the formation of outpatient clinics in the health care delivery system. The federal government has developed public health care policies to improve the access of health care all over the country. The creation of such policies have led to the an increase in outpatient clinics to increase the access to health care services and reduce the health care costs that are associated to longer term hospital stays (Carr, 2011). Many outpatient clinics are associated with urgent or emergency care, newly enacted public health policies have established that patients can receive convenient and cheaper care for minor illnesses and injuries that compared to using the emergency rooms of the instead. This has decreased the amount of traffic and congestion of patients that rush to emergency care of hospitals
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