The difference between Adult day care facilities and skilled nursing homes





The difference between Adult day care facilities and skilled nursing homes.

Adult day care facilities and skilled nursing homes are interventions developed to promote the health of the elders or the aging population. Adult day care entails the programs, services and facilities tailored to meet the needs of the physically and mentally challenged adults as they remain in the community. The sole purpose of the adult day care is it is a solution to the placement of the older adults in an institution and also relieves the care givers of their responsibility which might be really difficult. Skilled nursing homes on the hand is defined as a long-term care facility that is licensed by the state and offers 24-hr room and board and the necessary health care services and in particular skilled nursing services

Social support in late adulthood.

Social support is defined as the provision of affection and instrumental aid from a very significant social partners which include; family members, close friends, neighbors and colleagues. Studies have demonstrated that social support reduces stress and depression as they protect against infirmities and in most cases boost an individual’s immune system. Friendships and family relationships play a greater role in adulthood because, friends and family form a social support network for the aging adult. In most instances friends and family provide emotional support which includes affection, acceptance and approval and the individual will not feel lonely or depressed. Family on the other hand in most instances provide instrumental support, which entails assistance with self-management of financial support for the required medication. Social support and the presence of supportive family members is a critical part of appropriate aging.

Autobiographical memory.

Autobiographical memory is an exceptional human system that combines memories of past experiences and the general knowledge or facts about the world of the life of the individual. The autobiographical memory forms a definite base for better self-understanding. The memory is also defined as the memory of place and time. As people age the autobiographical memory is distorted and they tend to recall the semantic components other than the episodic components of life occurrences. The memory process entails three main stages which include; encoding, storage and retrieval. Age affects memory because the brain degenerates and hence it loses its ability to recollect itself after a line of thoughts have been interrupted. In most cases results in problems occurring at any stage of the memory process. Dementia is the most common mental disorder in older adults and is characterized by deterioration in memory, thinking and the ability to perform basic duties.