The Difference between Tests Used By Psychologists

AbstractExtensive research as well as thought, has gone into the subject matter of the development of personality tests. The development of personality tests is usually an iterative process whereby the test is gradually refined. Personality Test development can advance on statistical or theoretical grounds. Table of Contents

TOC o “1-3” h z u Abstract PAGEREF _Toc314144251 h 2Introduction PAGEREF _Toc314144252 h 4Experience in Using the Two Personality Tests PAGEREF _Toc314144253 h 4The Difference between Tests Used By Psychologists PAGEREF _Toc314144254 h 4Importance of Empirical Evidence, Validity and Reliability PAGEREF _Toc314144255 h 5Importance of Empirical Evidence PAGEREF _Toc314144256 h 5Importance Validity and Reliability PAGEREF _Toc314144257 h 6Conclusion PAGEREF _Toc314144258 h 6

IntroductionA personality test refers to a standardized instrument or a questionnaire designed to disclose various aspects of a person’s psychological makeup or character. The original personality tests were generated in the early 20th century. They were projected to simplify the process of recruitment of personnel particularly in the selection process. A broad range of personality tests are employed in contemporary times. These include the Jung typology test, and the Barnum personality inventory among others. At present, personality tests are employed in a variety of contexts, including relationship and individual counseling, personnel selection, personnel development, as well as in career planning. The most common type of personality tests is the self-report inventory. This entails the administration of several questions or items to participants. The participants answer the questions by ranking the degree to which every item portrays their behavior.

Experience in Using the Two Personality TestsThe two tests may not really depict the authentic character of a person, but they are suitable means of generating a sense of self confidence ion an individual. However, in relation to the validity of the results, the issue may be debatable in the sense that there is no right or wrong answer.

The Difference between Tests Used By PsychologistsPsychology tests are typically created with standardized items that are based on a psychological theory and compared to an existing edition of the statistical and diagnostic manual. This means that test is executed to relate the possibility that the items are connected with the personality characteristics. They are intended to compute through statistical as well as, scientific methodological processes of validity and reliability. Horoscopes and several other popular tests do not undergo similar meticulous scientific procedures. These meticulous scientific procedures guarantee that the items in reality gauge the characteristics they allege to measure. Personality tests that are on sale are not as valid as personally administered psychological tests since there is no interaction and autonomous verification of the individual taking the test. Psychological tests are administered with an individual discussion in order to establish if there may be other factors that ought to be considered in deducing the test. These interactions enhance the possibility of the validity as well as reliability of the entire evaluation.

Importance of Empirical Evidence, Validity and ReliabilityImportance of Empirical EvidenceEmpirical evidence is imperative for any empirical science. Initially, psychology theories originated from introspection and usually, received diminutive support on the basis of the limitations of introspection. Unforeseen results from empirical studies create the most interesting theories. Psychology as a science bears many significant social implications. For example, related to the most appropriate way to select personnel, how to assist persons who have mental health issues, assisting people in improving how they learn as well as make decisions. The only approach to test psychological theories is through empirical studies. If the result replicates and sustains a theory, then this provides grounds to believe the theory.

Importance Validity and ReliabilityThe contemporary perspective in regard to validity and reliability states that, there should be psychological theory as well as empirical evidence that support a particular explication of test scores. Validity, of personality tests may be measured in several research studies and may be evaluated in two major ways. These include criterion-related validity and content validity. In addition, meta-analysis may as well be utilized to comprehend the personality tests’ validity. Although the majority of personality tests consist of instructions that appeal to respondents to reply candidly, they may prefer not to adhere to these instructions. An imperative facet of validity is that, the legitimacy of a test’s construal is based on theory and evidence. Contemporary perspectives on validity accentuate the significance of grounding the construal and utilization of a test in a justifiable psychological theory.

ConclusionTechnically speaking, judging a personality test as invalid or valid would be misleading. It is imperative that the interpretations as well as, actions are the basis on which the test scores are taken. This is what should be form the basis for validity of a personality test. Personality tests in the opinion of this paper are a sure way of building a sense of self confidence in people.