The disorder

The disorder that I would rather treat is paranoid personality disorder. Paranoid personality disorder simply is a disorder that is characterized by paranoid ideations, which are erroneous, irrational beliefs about oneself or others. As the name implies it can be exaggerated to the point of being irrational and persisted in despite evidence to support its non-truthfulness. It is also important to note that this is not a disorder where somebody just has paranoid thoughts on a regular basis but if someone becomes so involved with what they are thinking that it interferes with their daily lives then this is a form of paranoia (Lee, 2017). In schizophrenia there may be hallucinations and disorganized thinking but in paranoid personality disorder people frequently reject their delusions as false.

There are a lot of causes for paranoid personality disorder, one possible cause is a genetic predisposition, which is also the triggers that make it happen. This disorder can lead to co-occurring disorders and it will require specific assessments. Interaction of faith with the disorder would be difficult because faith is rooted in unconditional love which wouldn’t work well for this disorder. This disorder can be treated by medications and therapy. Symptoms of paranoid personality disorder include: Suspicion, unwarranted distrust of others’ motives and actions; Beliefs that others are exploiting, harming, or deceiving them; indiscriminate hostility toward a person, group, or organization (Lee, 2017).

The Specific Assessment for the disorder would include: Genetic predispositions- if there is a family history of schizophrenia and the patient seems to have paranoid delusions it is possible that they are being genetically predisposed to this disorder. This disorder can lead to co-occurring disorders such as schizophrenia or PTSD. It is possible that paranoid personality disorder can occur alone but it usually occurs with other mental disorders like schizoid, passive aggressive, antisocial and avoidant personality disorders (Lee, 2017).

Paranoia and delusions are the key features of this specific diagnosis. If a patient has delusions they have unreasonable beliefs that interfere with their daily life, despite evidence to support its non-truthfulness. The treatment for this disorder includes drug therapy (Lee, 2017). Theories would be the way a person with this disorder sees the world and the ways they think they should react to what they see in their environment, while treatment would be how to correct these behaviors or thoughts that may have been causing distress or hardship.


Lee, R. J. (2017). Mistrustful and misunderstood: a review of paranoid personality disorder. Current behavioral neuroscience reports, 4(2), 151-165.