The Effects Of Scientific Behavioral Study Of Obedience

The Effects Of Scientific Behavioral Study Of Obedience

The effects of scientific behavioral study of obedience have come out with two findings, the first being the strength tendencies displayed in the experiment conducted. The experiment proved very useful in studying obedience. Obedience seems to be an important component in the organization of any communal life. It is of particular relevance to our time as it determines the people deeds.

A person who was naïve was to administer an electric shock to a victim who was an accomplice, and already had information about the whole exercise. A replicated shock initiator which had voltages as low as 15 to 450 volts was used. Many subjects went past their expected extreme perseverance conditions, following the commands of the one conducting the experiment although, those who obeyed and administered the electrical high voltages to a person, did that under so much pressure. They showed reluctance and displayed fear, similarly like those who had disobeyed the one in charge of the experiment. They still followed the instructions given to them. The subject was the teacher and he had to manage the shocking voltage, anytime the learner gave out the wrong answer .Each time a student answered wrongly the teacher moved one stage higher on the shock inventor and had to state the electrical energy strength before administering the shock to the learner.

The initial discovery explains that even though persons know that it is wrong to harm other people against their will, many subjects did not take that into considerations when following the commands. Moreover, he did not have any power s or authority to put in force his demands. Punishment would not be melted out to people who did not heed to his instructions. None of their earthly possessions would be lost, but despite that, they still went ahead with the experiment. Clearly the opinions and the way the subjects were grueling the victims while conducting the experiment portrayed they were acting against their wishes. The subjects mostly were not in agreement with the idea of using the electrical voltages on people as a way of punishment, even as the learner objected. Others thought it was mere imprudence to do that. The outcome of the experiment was surprising in that they had overlooked the conformity level of the subjects, who played the role of teacher. It was also a surprise to those watching the experiment taking place. The observers were shocked and amazed when a subject administered more electric voltage to a victim. The observers had clear details of the situation and had under estimated the level of obedience the subjects would exhibit.

The second unexpected effect was the unusual nervousness brought about by the procedure. One would think a subject would refuse to continue with the experiment or go on as his principles dictated. This was not the case as there were conspicuous behaviors of anxiety and expressive strain. When the utmost shocks had been delivered and a stop put to the procedures, many compliant subjects felt relieved. Others portrayed behaviors such as mopping their brows, rubbing their fingers over their eyes and fumbling with cigarettes. Some regretted their actions as others were surprised at their inhumane actions. Other subjects had remained tranquil all through the entire exercise and showed least signs of anxiety from the start to the end