Running Head: Human Resource Management
The entire focus of an organization from both long term and short term perspective is management. It includes the managerial process of forming visions, setting of objective, crafting of strategies, implement and then execute the strategies. Management does go beyond organizational internal operations. Jackson, Schuler and Werner (2008) defined Human resource as individuals who are currently contributing in doing work in their organization, those who would potentially contribute to the organization in future, as well as those who have already done there contribution in the recent past. While the manner in which an organization functions as it focuses on management of, recruitment of, and provision of direction for its work force is referred to as Human resource management. Human resource management is all about leadership, financial and management issues. Effective and efficient human resource management will not only motivate and satisfy workers but they will also perform their duties to the best of their abilities. This essay will focus on human resource practitioner’s issues and think of ideas of resolving them. In the first place, it has been identified that human resource practitioners lack leadership ability. This does happen especially when the human resource practitioners have no experience on line management although it is perceived that they are less interested in helping the line managers in problem solving in the work force but are rather focused in meeting their professional goals set by the human resource. They also ensure that the organization complies with government laws, regulations and organizations policies and procedures. The Human resource practitioner’s should take extra roles in managing changes in the organization and its development as well (Prescott, Rothwell & Taylor, 2008).
Organizations do face corrupt and ethical problems as well. The human resource practitioner’s can take an initiative to be ethical cops and thus prevent ethical, legal and moral violation from occurring in the organization (Prescott, Rothwell & Taylor, 2008). It has been realized that serious ethical breaches do sully organizations good name and perhaps even put its survival in jeopardy. Therefore it is important that the human resource practitioners instill an ethical culture in the work force. It can be implemented by developing human resource practices which informs employees of their expectations and also reward the ethical behavior as well (Jackson, Schuler & Werner, 2008).
According to Prescott, Rothwell & Taylor, (2008), Poor establishment of vision for change by the human resource practitioner’s is a challenge that is experienced in most organizations. The practitioner’s are unable to take lead in changing the vision by gathering support that will necessitate change. Top managers do hand them the responsibility to spear head new efforts in the organization. It is obvious that the human resource practitioner’s have the capability to engineer, initiate as well nature the talent of the management team and the work force as whole.
The human resource practitioner’s are therefore seen as pillars of organizations. It is important that adopt performance consultancy with the aim of helping the management team to be able to face challenges in the organization. Jackson, Schuler and Werner (2008) suggested that the human resource practitioners should be in a position to take action on behalf of the busy top managers in implementing the organizations goals and objectives.
Jackson, E.S., Schuler, R.S. & Werner, S. (2008). Managing human resource (10ed). Canada.
South-western Cengage learning.
Prescott, K.R., Rothwell, J.W. & Taylor, M.W. (2008). Human resource transformation. United States of
America, U.S.A. Davies-Black.