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DateThe Etude- Jazz Problem
The author of The Etude has a negative feeling or attitude towards Jazz in that he speaks of the negativity that the music has towards the people in the society. According to the author, the Jazz problem evoked contemporary social issues such as “The Negro Problem” or “The Woman Question,” these questions imply that the nature of Jazz was questionable and this can as well be seen through the author’s choice of words. The author says that for the people devoted to classical music, Jazz was a controversial topic as some of them felt like the type of music was corrupting young musicians by tempting them away from the good music, while at the same time encouraging sloppy technique. The authors say that others were more inclined to be tolerant of anything that attracted young people to music. Due to the alleged negative influence of Jazz music to the young people, the author of The Etude distances himself from endorsing Jazz to be learned in institutions, as the purpose of The Etude is to bring contemporary issues in the society, reflecting actions in the music world. The author claims that Jazz in its original form has no place in musical education and as well deserves none implying that its negative influence is beyond control, targeting to erode the young people’s morals.
The Etude’s author reception on Jazz is that it is the Negro’s problem, a rhythm that was inclined to the blacks. The Negros are black Americans, and due to this, the author does recognize them with a single name such as Cohan and Berlin while the whites, are recognized by all titles. The author’s perception on race is however entangled with Dr. Frank Damrosch who claims that if Jazz originated from the dance rhythm of the negro, it was self-expression of a primitive race. The two authors, therefore, seem to incline themselves on the white supremacy undermining the other cultures and race and that’s the main reason as to why the author claims that Jazz music has no place in education, that is being taught in schools as it is a problem of the Negros.
Jazz music has been termed to be influential and at the same time evoking strong feelings due to its impact in the 1920s. In the current generation of music, Rap music under the Hip Hop genre has as well evoked feelings to the people due to its massive influence on the youth. Rap music is not religious, and neither was it Jazz music, and this is the main reason they are said to influence the cultures negatively evoking feelings among the people.