The Federalists and Republican and Their Differences

The Federalists and Republican and Their Differences

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The Federalists and Republican and their Differences

Alexander Hamilton was a secretary of the treasury in President Washington cabinet while Thomas Jefferson was the secretary of State in the same government. President Washington was against the nation being divided by the different political ideologies of the two individuals. Hamilton belonged to the Federalists party while Jefferson was a Republican. The two parties had varying opinions and beliefs that have led to the current two-party system in the United States today. Hence, the significance of Hamilton and Jefferson in the study of the country’s historical events.

The Federal party and Republicans took root in the first reign of President George Washington between 1789 and 1793. The Federal party believed in the strengthening of the national government. It emerged as an opposition to the Democratic-Republican Party in America, and the party later split during President Adam’s administration. Alexander Hamilton is believed to be one of the founders of the party. As an opposition to the existing Democratic Party, the federalists believed in different concepts and ideologies that did not benefit the common man. On the other hand, Thomas Jefferson belonged to the Democratic Party that was based on protecting the interest of the common man. Jefferson was against slavery as he saw it demeaning the existence of people hence the need for them to be free and prove their potential. Hence, this stance formed the precursor to the antebellum debate on slavery.

Alexander Hamilton had a tremendous interest in the central government and believed in the Central Government’s empowerment. On the other hand, Thomas Jefferson held a lot of interest in the Democratic Republic, which believed in the State’s empowerment. The federalists comprised bankers, plantation owners, merchants, and manufacturers who held a lot of wealth and influence on the people. Therefore, these were business men who wanted to protect their businesses with the help of the government. Hence, their involvement in politics was to see that the set’s policies covered their interest. On the other hand, the Republicans comprised the poor farmers, the shopkeepers, artisans, slaves and illiterate individuals. The Republican’s rights were violated as they had no right to vote due to the high standards set for voting participation. The poor farmers, artisans, and other individuals formed a party fighting for their fundamental rights.

Hamilton believed that the illiterate were ignorant and incapable of self-government. Hence, the establishment that only the rich would rule the nation. On the other hand, Jefferson was concerned with the welfare of the poor as well as the slaves. He believed that they, too, needed to have a say in the government and improve themselves through self-government. He believed that voters’ high standards should be lowered to allow the poor to participate in these activities. Jefferson was an educated person who fought for equality and focused on helping the poor fight for their rights despite their illiteracy, which made them vulnerable to oppression by the Federalists.

Hamilton promoted the federalists in the protection of business by the government by the provision of tariffs. In 1989, the first duty imposed was imposed in the Tariff Act, meant to help raise revenue and alleviate economic problems. Nonetheless, the Act supported the nationalist at the expense of the peasant farmers and the poor. In 1987, the people opposed the constitution, which had empowered the Central government. The tariff’s imposition required business protection to thrive in manufacturing, commerce, finance, and trading with other countries.

On the other hand, Jefferson wanted an agrarian revolution that would favor the small farmers of the South. They wanted to be supported and the interest of the little man to be considered. The farm businesses were failing; hence, the agrarian revolution could help protect their business on the farm.


Burra, Arudra. “Freedom of speech in the early constitution: A study of the Constitution (First Amendment) Bill.” In The Indian Constituent Assembly, pp. 130-162. Routledge India, 2017.

Hamilton, Alexander, James Madison, John Jay, and Jack Richon Pole. The federalist. Hackett Publishing, 2005.