The Film A Bride of Frankeinstein Movie Analysis

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The Film “A Bride of Frankeinstein”: Movie Analysis

Part One: The Storyboard

The film “A Bride of Frankenstein” is an interesting one to watch. It basically depicts a scientist, Henry Frankenstein who after creating a monster named Frankenstein, whom he created by bringing him back from the dead, wants to do nothing of the sort again. It is then when Pretorius, a fellow scientist, sees it fit to create a lady friend for Frankenstein. A slight picture of the first scene is painted in the following storyboard (Dirks, 1).

Part Two: Analysis

In the second scene, the film focuses on the part where Pretorius goes to see Henry Frankenstein so as to convince him to go back to creating life from the dead. Henry is reluctant as he no longer believes that creating life from the dead is right and he immediately declines the offer (Mrydman, 1). However, Pretorius is clever and somewhat blackmails him into considering the idea again by reminding him that he created Frankenstein, a monster, who has killed many. He further convinces him by telling him he has already created a creature and he wants to show it to Henry. Henry, seeming convinced, grabs his coat and they leave together and head off to see his creation.


In this clip Bride of Frankenstein, acting seems like a main theme as the three characters I the scene seem to be familiar with the future or the next action to take. One gentle man talks of wanting to talk to the other one, but without the woman’s presence meaning it is something private for the two wondering why the woman could not be allowed to participate. This brings out the issue of gender and the next issue being morality, all that playing a key role in acting.

In acting, several themes show up and appear to dominate in an almost the whole scene. Some independent films have empowered featured women as cultural product interpreters. This movie pioneered a research field in white women readers of culture that put together the cultural studies and the American studies. This was possible through the techniques of lighting and sound meant to bring together the themes used for the purposes of clarification. The scene’s intentions were to join the two studies and eradicate criticism. After a series of the short clip, the woman came up with conclusive answers that the two men were not happy with the image instilled on her especially on the interpretations of the press, which contrasted theirs. Her work was difficult and a historical moment is the only thing that helps.

Women interpretive images from the positions they held dominated the constructions of gender in this entire movie. The man with a long beard addressing the one lying on the bed paid extra attention to images of gender and race gotten from the main title, bride of Frankenstein. At the same time, many viewers must have paid attention to the images intersection depicting gender especially when approaching private matters. One of the three played more than one role on two images totally unrelated. The images were that of Frankenstein and that of the bride. There is no way the two could ever be in the same relationship. Acting is a cultural image in the society and nobody hates the association. The reason it is cultural is that even the props used represent a cultural image for example the design of the bed. The fact that the gentleman with white hair insists to work with the other gentleman in the absence of the woman also represent some cultural belief that successful men should not work with women and should also not associate them with their businesses. Talking of new experiments coming up seems like Frankenstein is trying to change the culture if not worsening it. In conclusion, acting seems to dominate in more than one part of the clip.

Works Cited

Mrydman. “The film “Bride of Frankenstein”  10 Oct. 2006. Web. 20 Nov. 2013. <>.

Dirks, Tim. “Filmsite Movie Review: The Bride of Frankenstein (1935)”. 21 Jan. 2013. Web. 20 Nov. 2013. <>.