The film Chinatown elucidates some of the problems brought about due to urbanization. Urban environment has a set of challenges different from the problems in rural environment as learnt in class. Based in an urban set up, the movie dissects the water and land conflicts in Los Angeles. The movie directed by Roman Polanski and produced by Robert Evans, is primarily based on the disputes that arose due to the Southern California water in the 20th Century. The movie also highlights the challenges of urban planning such as land ownership. In addition, the movie elucidates the survival mechanisms of the urban dwells determined to keep their lands. The movie therefore depicts urban planning in Los Angeles as well as the challenges facing urban planning. The movie, Chinatown therefore brilliantly reflects what we have learnt in class about urban planning and its challenges.
The movie begins by highlighting conflicts such as murders common in the urban areas. A woman who impersonates Ms. Mulwray hires Gittes as her private investigator to track Mr. Mulwray who was the chief engineer of the city’s water department. Gittes trails Mr.Mulwray and takes a photo of him with a young woman, for publication in the following day’s newspaper. Gittes realizes that it was a set up when the real Evelyn Mulwray visits his office the following day and confirms that they have never met before. This shows that Mulwray was a target to some of the city residents who wanted him dead. The movie highlights urban planning challenges such as water planning which is resisted by the urban dwellers. This is shown by the murder of Mulwray who is found dead from a water reservoir. The death of Mulwray signifies urban conflicts due to land ownership, a common problem in urban areas. Mulwray murder was due to urban residents who differed with him when he opposed the building of a water reservoir. Some residents wanted the water reservoir to develop and irrigate their lands. This indicates conflicts of interest which may arise during urban planning. The rich landowners preferred building of another reservoir while Mulwray opposed such a move hence, the conflict of interest.
The movie also showcases conflicts in the urban authorities as well. Gittes realizes that the land was nearly dry although the city’s water department releases water from the reservoir every night. This shows the ineffectiveness of the water department in delivering its services such as irrigating the land, an indication of the poor management of the city’s water department. Gittes faces resistance while investigating the death of Mulwray. This is witnessed when the chief security personnel of the water department, Mulvihill and Polanski assaults Gittes by slashing his nose. Perhaps an indication that the two were part of the assassination of Mulwray and that, this was a cover up. The two were Mulwray colleagues at the water department therefore, were supposed to show concern of the death of their boss. This indicates the Mulvihill and Polanski never liked Mulwray to become concerned about his death. Mulvihill and Polanski unconcern behavior shows lack of neighbor support, a common characteristic of urban families as learnt in class.
The movie highlights land conflicts as one of the challenges of urban planning. The movie shows conflict between land owners determined keep their lands and urban planners who want uses the urban lands to plan for the city. This is seen when Gittes realizes that a majority of landowners changed ownership in the North West region. Some landowners knew the eminent conflict with the water department over these lands hence sold their lands. Gittes faces hostility from the landowners who thought that he was one of the agents from the water department planning to force them out of their lands. The landowners believe that the water department officials destroyed their tanks and positioned their wells to flood their lands in order to force them out. This clearly illustrates land ownership conflicts faced by urban planners in their quest to develop a plan for the city.
Corrupt land dealings are prevalent in urban planning. This is mainly shown by the rich in society who aim at owning as much land as possible without caring about the welfare of the local city residents. The movie highlights this when one of the new landowners at the Valley is found dead by Gittes. Evelyn and Gittes discover that the real estate deals such as the Mar Vista are done using the residents’ names but without them knowing. This indicates the corrupt dealings of the rich landowners. Milvihill and his thugs attack and chase Evelyn and Gittes to prevent them from uncovering more corrupt dealings.
The movie Chinatown also elucidates the lack of social and family support in most urban communities. Most urban families have failed social and family structures as shown in the movie. This is witnessed when Evelyn walks with another woman, who she said was her sister. This woman was the girlfriend of her late husband. Evelyn’s sister therefore, had an affair with Mulwray. This indicates a breakdown of social support in this urban community. This can be contrasted with the rural environment set up where there are strong family and social support. Such a case of a person having an affair with the sister’s husband would not happen among the rural communities. Evelyn further claims that the woman was her sister as well as her daughter further indicating social disharmony among the city’s community.
The movie shows a twist of events when Evelyn discovers Cross’ bifocals in her house. This implicates Cross in the murder of Mulwray. Cross asserts his desire to include the Northwest Valley to the city. Cross indicates his plan to irrigate the valley and develop it. This is a confirmation of the land disputes in the city and indicates the reason of t Mulwray’s murder. The main reason for the murder of Mulwray was land disputes between land owners such as Cross, who were keen to develop their lands and never cared about urban planning. Through these revelations, Cross may have contributed to the murder of Mulwray.
The end of the movie shows the problem of urban violence. This is shown by Gittes when he plans to help Evelyn and Katherine to flee to Mexico. The movie depicts gun violence when Evelyn shoots Cross in the arm when he insisted in following Katherine. The police shoots Evelyn’s car and kills her in the process. Katherine survives and is led away by Cross. Escobar orders the release of Gittes together with his accomplices. This indicates the state of lawlessness in the town where no one follows rules. The shooting of Cross and the killings of Mulwray and Evelyn all indicate gun violence in the city. Urban violence is a common occurrence in most urban areas which complicates urban planning.
The movie Chinatown illustrates some of the challenges faced in urban environments. The movie shows land disputes which is one of the biggest impediments to urban planning. The movie also highlights urban violence such as killings and urban brutality such as robbery attacks. The movie offers an insight into the lack of social and family support in urban violence. This movie provides students with a break from the theoretical class lessons on urban environment, to the real life challenges of urban planning such as water and land disputes.