The following essay emphasizes on how things like the internet, government, and family affect peoples belief and make life be


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The following essay emphasizes on how things like the internet, government, and family affect people’s belief and make life become more of what people believe. In order to present this argument and give it a full meaning, the essay uses the transformative character of the propaganda demonstrated from the reading on chapter 8 to 12. The key concept that will be discussed shows that all propaganda provides a critical analysis of one’s identity on a superficial level, and bringing it back to the simplistic level.

Thesis statement:

The objectives, traits, and people’s personality are all organized by propaganda, which later puts them into a system and molds them accordingly

The main arguments seen on the discussion include:

How the internet shapes an individual’s life

The government involvement in old style propaganda through the internet

The effect of the internet on family life

The discussion clearly highlighted how all propaganda criticizes people’s identity and forces people to embrace different cultures, that eventfully interferes with their daily-life activities. The three most affected areas are the internet, the family, and the government. The conclusion of the paper provides advice to individuals on how to undertake transformation while maintaining their identity, and promoting the wellbeing of their nation.

Discussion of transformative

The internet

Since its existence, world has really transformed from the traditional ways of conduction operations to the modern environment. There is no doubt that the world will keep on changing into newer things as more generations emerge. The many changes that are common in the world are because of the introduction of the modern methods of operations. The internet has played a significant role in changing the way people used to believe and make them become more like what they see. Many operations today are done through computers. In addition, the introduction of technology through such means as the internet has proved the transformative nature of the world (Marlin, 2002; p. 306-308).

In chapter 8, Marlin focuses more on propaganda, democracy and the internet. According to the author, propaganda has a way of eliminating the complexity nature of people and make them belief propaganda can easily manipulate people. However, the author’s argument on the effects of propaganda shows that it only transforms people into what they want to be, but with no significant reason. Transformation is presence in many forms in the world and many arguments tend to make people more aware of the positives and negatives following propaganda. According to Roxburgh and Manyika (2011), the internet has changed the way people work, socialize, and organize their selves in terms of sharing ideas. The world has not yet discovered the magnitude of transformation of the internet to date. For instance, the internet accounts for more than 21 per cent of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in developed countries. Most people rely on the internet in their day-to-day activities (The Daily Star, 2013).

For instance, the mass media uses the internet in almost all their operations. People rely more of information from the media because they provide us with the necessary news about the world happenings. There is always a belief that people in this era of mass media are filled with a lot of information coming from global media network. The critical nature of propaganda tries to identify one’s identity on a superficial level, and reduces it to the simplistic level. The internet was introduced as a way of making the modern world more advanced and global, but with the current propaganda, people will find challenges when it comes to transforming. Moreover, the internet presence creates a direct challenge to the mass media, and offers a broad spectrum of new capabilities such as effective user control, customization, and on-demand access (Hewitt, 2012).

The internet favors a global reach and high speed of interpersonal communication that attracts many researchers. The argument is the internet provides a platform for more improvements in learning and encourages discoveries. Scholars claim that the internet has the capability of transforming groups and assist them in coordinating their work in an effective and efficient manner. In addition, it offers the masses the ability to empower oneself to achieve their dreams. With the help of the modern connectivity, researchers are able to engage with each other and share ideas that are of benefit to their readers. Approach to good and reliable internet creates a room for more innovations and advancements especially in developed countries. The new ICT applications are seen as carriers of social change, hence improving democracy. Propaganda like this one shows high level of transformation demonstrated by the writer by speaking about the impact of the internet to the society (West, 2013).

The family

From the reading in chapter 8, the author has expressed many issues that have affected the family in the modern society. Influence on the political, economical, and social status of the people is based on propaganda. There is propaganda that the internet plays a major role in establishing the version of effects in the mass media. This argument has a lot of truth in it because; presently every mass media company has a website where readers, listeners, and viewers can access information. The institution of marriage today has transformed because of the presence of many forms of propaganda that tend to push people apart. The family affects people believe and make them figure out some things introducing major changes to the society.

Unlike in the past where information was delivered using many ways, and it used to take several days, today’s world transformations have improved communication processes. The modern technology has provided effective and fast means of communication where people can exchange information with each other regardless of distance at a very low cost. Data collected from a study by Faulkner (2012) showed that the most common mode of communication used by people today is the social media. A large number of people were recorded using the internet to communicate. All the propagandas regarding the internet have been on its transformative nature. In terms of communication, the internet has played a vital role in ensuring people exchange information and ideas in a convenient and polite manner. Moreover, the mass media has also established itself in various social sites for convenience of its customers.

The family also has been affected by propaganda when it comes to religion. People have reduced their faith in God and started believing in earthly belongings. Most individuals are more afraid of what they fellow friends can do to them, forgetting God has power over every creature on earth. Traditionally, such transformative character of propaganda never existed because people were less diversified. People who fail to match the core identity the propagandist desires to promote ends up becoming rejects in the society. Such people maintain their identity in a society and cannot be frozen into a mold as Marlin claims.

The government

Another argument concerning propaganda on the issue of transformative is its ability to develop a nation. Governments are more affected by propaganda because they influence the political, economical, and social status of citizens. Marlin talks about governments having challenges as they try to engage in old-style propaganda. Developing countries have the greatest opportunity to grow and transform their people technologically because they have a room for expansion. They have greater opportunities to leap from using locally available materials and turn them into opportunities, which later attract foreign investors. The argument provided shows that most governments are not in a position to transform because they believe in propaganda that never bring any beneficial effect. A government that embraces modern technology and uses to the letter has the ability to withstand the following:

Competition: A country achieves greater productivity if they make their market more competitive and open. A competitive ensures innovative and productive firms come up with products and services that are more attractive in order to gain market share. With the help of the internet, such transformations are much possible. Most countries that have benefited from internet contribution in their growth and development always have highly competitive internet ecosystems.Promote innovation: Internet related growth easily takes place in an environment that encourages entrepreneurship and innovation. Some arguments on the ability of the internet to promote innovation have made most countries lag on their economies because they are reluctant to undertake the modern technology. Iraq is one of the countries that have achieved a tremendous growth in innovation through high-class equipments of war. The country makes use of the internet knowledge to fight their enemies using technological explosives that are more advanced.

Develop human capital: Most developed countries such as the United States uses their technological skills, risk tolerance, and excellent resources to develop human capital. Such a movement serves as a means of attracting new industries and attracts talents globally. Areas that attract and nature such talents are the universities, development centers, corporate research, and innovative companies. The above statements show that most arguments about the impact of technology in developing human capital are true. Developed countries will continue to compete for such talents, as other countries try emulating some features in order for them to also succeed.

Finally, the threat of increasing government intrusion into private communications has affected the use of the internet by most users (Marlin, 2002: p. 333). The high rate of terrorism crimes experienced in many countries has forced many government restrict communications between individuals. For example, Canada has introduced government legislations that prevent any threat messages sent to users from circulating through the internet. Such propaganda is very effective because governments are trying to protect their people from evil-minded terrorists. In addition, such regulations are important in improving the democracy of a country through strict legislations that tend to unite all the citizens.


Any propaganda aims at criticizing an individual’s identity and makes them belief in things that never exist. From the discussion, it was realized that individual’s traits, personality, are affected by propaganda. For instance, the internet has made people change their beliefs, especially those who trusted in God before. The only recommendation that people should take from this discussion is to embrace God in all their operations, believe in God, place their hope in Him, and love Him forever.


Faulkner. B. (2012). Technology and Non-Verbal Communication. Retrieved from:, H. (2012), Blog: Understanding the Information Reformation That’s Changing Your

World , Nelson Business (Accessed on April 21, 2013)

Marlin, R. (2002). Propaganda and the ethics of persuasion. Peterborough, Ont.: Broadview Press.

Roxburgh, C. and Manyika, J. (2011). The great transformer: The impact of the internet on

economic growth and prosperity. McKinsey Global Institute. Retrieved from:

file:///C:/Users/Leon/Downloads/MGI_Impact_of_Internet_on_economic_growth.pdfThe Daily Star (2014, March 13). Innovation Contributes Less to Long-Term Growth Than We Imagine. The Daily Star (Beirut, Lebanon), p. 22.

West, M. D. (2013). “Is the Internet an Emergent Public Sphere?” Journal of Mass Media Ethics, 28(3), 155-159.