The Food Stump Policy

The Food Stump Policy

The food stump policy was introduced to cater for the rising population of the citizens of the United States. Introduced in the 1964, the policy is aimed at improving the living standards of the people who are not financially capable. The United States is the most successful economy in the world in present day. This is credited to the adaptation of policies both local and international that act in favor of the country. Despite this, the country continues to record a looming rate of unemployment which is brought about by several factors. One of the ways the country can curb this issue is by using welfare programs to provide for the unemployed. These policies are essential in that they reduce the strain that comes with providing for their families (King, p. 312).

The food stump policy is one of the welfare programs that the government initiated to aid low income families. The program thus caters for more than a quarter of the population of the country. Most of the beneficiaries belong to the minority groups who fall under the low income brackets due to their lack of education, financial capability and social standing. The government thus had the intention of bridging the gap between the rich and the poor so as to improve the general state of the country. Montgomery Van Watts is one of the most iconic philosophers in the world of philosophy. His study places emphasis on elements of social change in relation to government policy. Watts recognizes the fact that the society is prone to change due to a number of factors. These factors influence the effectiveness of the policy that is introduced. The food stamp policy is one of the policies that the government has put in place to meet the needs of the society. This policy has served the general public well reducing the level of poverty by a high percentage. Despite its effectiveness, the policy has over the years become a failure due to mismanagement by the authorities. This is blamed on the ineffectiveness of the application of the policy. Social policy change is assumed to place emphasis on general management and administrative competence. This is however, not the case due to the fact that social policy places its main focus on the policy level. This is one of the factors that has makes the food stamps policy ineffective in present day (King, p. 312).

For one to qualify for food stamps, they need to meet a certain criteria. The applicant needs to have a low income that requires to be supplemented by welfare. The applicants need to survive on minimum wage in that they live from hand to mouth. The applicants should have problem with creating an extra income in terms of saving. More than half of the country’s population fall under this category and as a result qualify for food stamps. This is however not the case in that 10% of this number do not have access to the food stamps. These records show there is something wrong with the management of the policy. One of the factors to blame for this is the lack of proper management in the grassroots. The government has failed to appoint people who can monitor the situation first hand. This reduces the level of accountability in that there is no one to blame for the ineffectiveness of the policy. This in turn, creates a poor implementation process in terms of distribution of food stamps. This explanation explains the reason for the failure of the implementation of the food stamp policy as a social program (Health Care and Eu Law, p. 215).

Human motivation is the encouragement of individuals by creating a positive element that improves their rate of performance. Motivation is an essential part of life in that it makes people work hard so that they can achieve a common goal. A society is made up of different people who come from different places to for a general community. This community forms its own culture which is aimed at achieving certain aspects. This is one of the qualities of subordinate effort of in a community. As a member of the United States republic, an individual is inclined to work toward achieving the general success of the country. One of the ways that this is determined is through working in the public service or the public sector. Public service comprises of jobs that are geared towards serving the general public through administrative policies. This involves working in areas that are directly linked with the government in both state and public levels. Van Wart supports this theory stating that people receive a certain amount of satisfaction through serving the general public. This type of reasoning has influenced the career paths of a vast number of citizens. The dynamics have been changing over the years due to the lack of personal growth and achievement of such individuals (Denhardt, Aristigueta, and Denhardt, p. 258).

Society has become more individualistic in nature and thus place emphasis on personal success as opposed to public wellbeing. It is difficult to think about the common good in a capitalist society. America is one of the advocates for the capitalism and democracy. This means that the society is encouraged to maximize on their assets and wealth using legal methods. People take advantage of this situation by elevating their economic status through private investment. Focusing on personal interest limits the improvement of the public sector due to the difference in objectives presented. Having private sectors compete with the public sector reduces the initial goal of human motivation. This in turn, divides the community whose goals are no longer communal in nature. The lack of regard for the human motivation reduces the nobility that comes with self sacrifice. People who choose to submit to public needs are prone to fall victim to the system. This makes them more vulnerable to the social economic changes such as inflation and recessions (Franken, p. 176).

As a public sector leader, I would recognize the disadvantages that come with working in the public sector. It is inevitable for a person to overlook the shift from the public sector to the private sector. One of the policies I would implement is the better working environment in regard to wages, insurance and security. These basic needs motivate employees to focus on their job due to the improvement of their welfare. This would encourage employees to have a quality of self sacrifice. Another way I would motivate my subordinates is to encourage my employees to take on private and profitable ventures that act in favor of the growth of the country as a whole. This is an essential aspect in that it fulfils both personal and public needs maintaining the theory of subordinate effort (Denhardt, Aristigueta, and Denhardt, p. 241).

Management involves organizing and supervising a group of people so as to meet a specific goal. Different managers have different working styles which apply to different situations. There are several elements that account for an effective manager. These skills determine the level of success achieved by the manager in question. The study conducted in the Office of personal management mentions traits and skills as the most essential qualities in manage. This accounts for 80% of the competencies that were involved in the research.

Skill is described as the ability or talent that a person displays in a certain area of study. Skill involves showing initiative in terms of innovation, knowhow and production. It is thus not placed in the same category work behavior. Work behavior constitutes of the actions and deeds that are put in place by an organization. Behavior is a significant aspect in the workplace in that it determines the way employees approach a job. Many employers invest an immense amount of funds in training of employees on how to behave in the workplace. This involves business ethics conduct and motivation. The statistics discredit work behavior as one of the leading factors of management success. It focuses on skill and traits in the workplace as opposed to conduct in a majority of the companies. This is an ideal conclusion due to the fact that one cannot conduct a transaction without the application of skill. Skill is displayed through showcasing expertise in a particular trade. This involves mastering all aspects of the different levels management such as skillfulness and knowhow. When a manager focuses on these qualities, they create provision of a higher quality of production of goods and services (Franken, p. 153).

Traits involve the behavior, quality and personality of an employee. The character traits of an individual influence their approach on a certain situation in the workplace. A person who embodies the right traits ensures the high performance in a workplace. A manager should posses some qualities in order to fit into the description of a leader. Some of these traits are reflective on the most of the managers. Traits are essential in that they determine the way a manager handles a particular transaction. This factor is significant in that it is one of the principal elements that management focuses places priority. Portraying the right character traits creates a positive environment that improves the output of any workforce. The traits of the manager should reflect on the traits of the general company. This in turn, makes this factor more significant in comparison to work behaviors. Both traits and skills play an effective role in the management of any company large or small. The conclusion of the (OMB) is thus ideal due to the high regard that a majority of the managers place on skill and traits. These qualities are the most effect qualities in management due to the success they relay to any manager. Managers should therefore invest in the adaptation of these qualities so as to maximize on the performance of their companies (Coombs, p. 142).

Works Cited

Coombs, W T. Ongoing Crisis Communication: Planning, Managing, and Responding. Thousand Oaks, Calif: SAGE, 2012. Print.

Denhardt, Robert B, Maria P. Aristigueta, and Janet V. Denhardt. Managing Human Behavior in Public & Nonprofit Organizations. Thousand Oaks, Calif. [u.a.: Sage, 2002. Print.

Franken, Robert E. Cram101 Textbook Outlines to Accompany Human Motivation, Franken, 5th Edition. Ventura, Calif.: Academic Internet Publishers, 2007. Print

Health Care and Eu Law. The Hague, The Netherlands: T.M.C. Asser Press, 2011. Print.

King, Ronald F. Budgeting Entitlements: The Politics of Food Stamps. Washington, DC: Georgetown Univ. Press, 2000. Print.