The Global Strategies on Inclusive Education by Edward Ndopu



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The Global Strategies on Inclusive Education by Edward NdopuAccording to Edward, almost 650 million people living with disabilities are neglected, discriminated against, and further points out at 98% of children born with disability in the developing world who are denied access to education (YouTube). Edward further explains that the disabled children are excluded from the social and economic issues including denial of access to information. His frustration with the way people living with disabilities are treated prompts him to join in the campaign against such kind of exclusion and discrimination. The campaign termed Global Strategies on Inclusive Education with the aim of raising awareness as well as providing education and socioeconomic opportunities to empower children living with disabilities.

Edward and other sponsors of the campaign believe that the campaign will greatly help the physically disabled children to become intelligent, compassionate and highly focussed grownups which is an extraordinary expectation considering that most people with such kind of a conditions are excluded in the society. The GSIE is expected to be an informative program intended to raise awareness in the education sector and transform the worse conditions faced by the disabled children ( Ndopu YouTube).

Edward asks people to join him in the fight against discrimination and exclusion faced by the physically disabled children all over the world. Edward is convinced that GSIE will make a convincing and tremendous impact on the many discriminated against children and further ensures that the disabled children get access to education. It is apparent that change and hope largely inspires Edward and he is determined to change the way physically disabled people are perceived in the world.

As a leader, I would show passion in assisting the physically challenged children. I would talk to their parents so that they can have hope in their children and turn life challenges into success. I understand that the best motivator to a physically disabled child is to show love and passion. I would initiate campaign against the physically discriminated children and advice the society on the need to show passion, love and support to the disabled people since they are normal human beings with talents, skills and capabilities that can be of great help to the society. “Never giving up” spirit should always be at everyone’s mind regardless of the worst conditions one undergoes. At one point or the other people may undergo depression, stress and serious emotional problems because of their physical inability they find themselves into such as disability. Such kind of conditions may be permanent and the only option to bring happiness and put a smile on such kind of people is love. I will encourage the children to have sheer determination and courage to do extraordinary beyond everyone’s’ expectation and discourage them from looking back at their physical conditions.

I will ensure that I instil the “all things are possible” belief amongst the children and empower them to take action. I will assure them of their significance and purpose in the society as well as the need to set pace for other people and belief in their inner strength that is superior to the physical disability. I will let the physically disabled people understand that the most important thing in human beings is the strength of the spirit, determination and passion inside him or her but not their physical conditions. Edward Ndopu has transformed my thinking and encouraged me to extend my hand wherever I can.

Works Cited

Ndopu, Edward. “Global Strategy for Inclusive Education.” Online video clip. YouTube. YouTube, 16 Dec. 2009. Web. 13 Dec. 2013. <>.