The guidelines for this assignment are outlined in the course syllabus

The guidelines for this assignment are outlined in the course syllabus.

Please address the following topic in your primary post. Once you have submitted your primary post, you may reply to any student’s post on any topic to complete the assignment requirements:

From Chapter 13

How should Texas deal with increasing rates of incarceration? Should Texas decriminalize certain behavior, reduce sentence lengths, invest in crime prevention (such as drug and alcohol rehabilitation), or build more prisons?  

You will not be able to see the work of other students until you have submitted your original posting.

The minimum writing requirement for the original post is 200 of your own words (excluding cited or paraphrased information from the word count). Your responses are to be in essay/paragraph format. Be sure to fully address each prompt and cite supporting evidence. The grade for the primary post will be determined by the quality, depth and originality of your writing. Finally, provide a word count at the end of the post.  

 The minimum writing requirement for a reply post is 100 of your own words (excluding cited or paraphrased information from the word count). Finally, provide a word count at the end of the reply.  


You cannot get an A on this assignment unless all key arguments, facts, assertions and claims in both your primary and reply posts are substantively supported with high quality research citations.

Always identify sources with both MLA in-text (parenthetical) citations and references (in a Works Cited section at the end of your posting).

The minimum writing requirement must be met and exceeded using your own words (do not include cited information in your word count).

Don’t forget to include your word count!

Both the original and reply post must be submitted by the assignment due date in order to receive any credit for this assignment.]

All submissions are checked for plagiarism using SafeAssign. Plagiarized submissions will result in an automatic zero for the course.