The Guillain-Barre Syndrome a Medical emergency





The Guillain-Barre Syndrome a Medical emergency.

There are different diseases, conditions and syndromes that affect the body, more so, the nervous system. The paper is going to focus on Guillain-Barre syndrome, which is an autoimmune neurological disorder, and attacks part of the peripheral nervous system. Unknown, immune system starts to destroy the myelin sheath that surrounds the axons of many nerve cells, and sometimes the axons themselves. Injured or degraded, nerves lose their ability to respond/send to the brain’s commands. And, the brain also receives fewer sensory signals from the rest of the body, resulting in an inability to feel textures, heat, pain, and other sensations. The major symptoms of Guillain-Barre syndrome are weakness or tingling sensations in the legs, arms and upper body. The disease affects any age and sex.

It is important to know GBS as a rare condition that conflicts with other research and diseases thus crucial to understand the causes and origin, signs and symptoms, how it affect the peripheral nervous system, treatments, medications and conflictions of medical resources with Guillain Barre Syndrome.


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