The Judgment of Thamus Summary

The Judgment of Thamus Summary



The Judgment of Thamus Summary

Theuth, to make life simpler, invented geometry, calculation, number, astronomy, and writing. However, these innovations received critics and judgments from other people. First, Thamus critiqued Theuth’s theory that writing would improve intelligence and wisdom among people. Thamus claimed that writing would damage memory and create false understanding. However, Thamus was wrong in that the developments built in a community or society must have both negative and positive impacts on the users. For example, technological developments have positive effects on people, but at the same time, it is affecting the wellbeing of a group of people. Everything has its advantages and disadvantages; hence both sides should be considered when analyzing.

Also, to understand the importance of particular developments, one should look at its need. Feud explains that each event created comes with a solution to one thing but creates another problem. This assertion is contrary to Thamus claims. For example, the existence of railway enhanced transportation of people and goods, but the long-distance between people required a means of communication. The needled to the creation of a telephone to speak and exchange information. Therefore, the need and solutions from a series of inventions and innovations transpire to cater to the arising needs. Also, in the television series ‘black mirror,’ the need to have a simpler life leads to improvement in technology and more innovations that affect people’s living.

The effect of writing depends on the existing technology; therefore, its effects rely on the form used. Thamus views writing in only one aspect, considered as one-eyed, hence thinks it would destroy memory and wisdom by confusing and becoming indistinguishable from knowledge written. However, the truth remains that improvements in writing occur periodically to solve a challenge that arises in life. More developments come up to resolve other issues. According to Theuth, writing exists to improve wisdom, while Thamus thinks it destroys its reputation. For instance, Harold Iris speaks of knowledge monopolies that may have control over certain technologies hence determine the kind and quality of knowledge the recipients should receive. This proficiency may be accurate; however, new technology supports traditional education and keeps improving wisdom. Taking the example of computer technology, it has been beneficial, especially in operations of large-scale companies, but also, it has taken up human jobs hence lesser job opportunities. Therefore, every development has a positive and negative effect.

Luther also considers writing a way to spread the gospel to a wide range of people. This theory is critiqued by Gutenberg, claiming that writing and printing will only ensure many people read the word but with no proper instruction hence have no effect in the lives of people. The critiques of writing show in schools where students have different ideas on written information due to getting used to televisions. Therefore, according to Thamus, orality tends to work better as it encourages group discussions, corporation, and social responsibility. However, technology does not only bring negativity but is ecological. It alters the way people think and the developments that occur in a community. For example, with the development of Facebook, a technology emerged to install a fridge with a Facebook account in that it will be alerting one when there is a need for shopping. This innovation may be an advantage to people but also encourages laziness. This claim is supported by both Thamus and Harold Innis hence essential to consider the platforms in which technology applies.

With all the critiques of Theuth’s claims on technology, some benefit from it while some lose. However, technology is subtle and affects every individual since culture and traditions are highly receptive to new technologies. Its impact spreads fast to the entire population. Also, there are chances that writers would rely on external sources rather than internal resources hence have a lot of information with no specific instruction for people to understand. William Farish came up with the idea that a qualitative value should be attached to human thoughts, and this applies until date in assigning marks in schools. This creation is also a development that affects the social interpretation of nature and behavior. Every technology that comes up is used in everyday activities in that having the tool encourages people to use it and find new ways to apply the ideas. Writing and technology affect individual lives, both positively and negatively.