The Law of the Internet and Information Technology

The Law of the Internet and Information Technology

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Cyberlaw: The Law of the Internet and Information Technology by Brian Craig is a very abroad synopsis of how some variety of the differed legal situations hold their application to the Internet (Craig, B. (2013). Cyberlaw). It was known in 2013 so it has come to fairly for current events up to date. The book has enable to cover a good wide series of some topics such as sexting to ebay purchases gone bad, and from secrecy in email to the spam presentation of the existing cyberlaw, it has enable to help students with the common knowledge and understanding of some of the policy issues that are considered to be associated with the internet. A good diversity of some interesting cases have been enabled to be presented for the persons who loves reading to deliberate. The article has enable to go into MGM vs Grokster, so that it can be able to deliberate some issues in distributing the copyrighted ideas such as shows. It has discussed Tiffany vs contribution from the article the author has covered some of the latest development activities in the cyberlaw that varies from legal cases through legislation to given regulations.

A General Office Memo


To: Senior General counsel

From: The corporate legal department

Date: March, 2018

Subject: settle with Oracle

Senior General Counsel,

It has come to my concerned that google and oracle being billed as the main technology sample of the century. This memo is discussing the advantages and disadvantages of settling the lawsuit against the oracle rather than litigating claims. First of all, litigation takes a lot of time. Litigation process is a little bit complicated hence, It involves many steps and several stages before the main trial start. It takes some quite long time for the pre-trial stages come to an end. oracle is likely to receive her exact financial compensation more quickly than when taking through legal process because this will take a lot of time and trials that will later affect google company hence this will create faster payment upon agreement between the google and oracle.

Reduced Burden and Stress: Instead of consecutive appearance before the foreigners and to be consequently available throughout the legal process, settlements can allow for the lesser time and un necessary stress burden.

No Admittance to Wrongdoing: Settlements is going to encourage for google to pay for their mistake in this case without being in the position of admitting misconduct (Alliance, O. H. (2013). This will allow us not to be given trials that usually leaves some record of guilt.

Privacy: Settlement documents can be kept so safe and private when a case is totally settled, it is unlike court details that become more public record when a specific case is tasted for trial.

Predictability: Settlements in this case very much simpler for lawyers who has got enough experience to predict than just making jury decisions.

google is to have more strain on her own time by attending court proceedings such as hearing and trials that would take centuries and a lot of time. google would be in a position to have some steer that is clear of exactly what can sometimes be considered unpredictable juries. Another disadvantage is that google will have to pay the attorney costs and fees that are being charged.

The main reason for the settlement over the processes trial is that the oracle is being assured some of the compensation, hence if we take this case for trial we could possibly face chances of even loosing and absolutely walk away with nothing (Alliance, O. H. (2013).In addition throughout the process we shall have lost more including the fee that were to be paid to the lawyer and lost time that can be spent hence I support my recommendation that we should settle the oracle than google should defend lawsuit.



Craig, B. (2013). Cyberlaw: the law of the internet and information technology. Pearson Education/Prentice Hall.

Alliance, O. H. (2013). Android (operating system). Marketing, 4(5).