The left brain verses the right brain How does this impact on learning

The left brain verses the right brain: How does this impact on learning:







The human brain is responsible for the growth and sustainability of a developing child. The development of the brain starts from the time a child is born. The growth of the brain should be consistent with that of the rest of the body. The proper development of this organ is ideal of the proper function of an individual’s body. This is credited to the enormous amount of activities that the brain performs in conjunction with the rest of the body organs. Like most parts of the body, the brain is divided into two parts that perform different functions. These functions distinguish the significance of the brain making their analysis an ideal part of education (Beals, 2009).

The focus of this paper is to provide an analysis of the function of the brain. The paper looks at the left and the right side focusing on their vitality in leaning. The paper is approached by comparing and contrasting both sides so as to provide a better understanding of the principle elements of the brain. This is followed by the provision of a concluding paragraph that summarizes the contents of the paper.

As stated earlier, the brain is divided into two sides namely the left and the right. Several studies write on the difference between the two factors and their role in the reasoning of human beings. Both parts have different roles that work coherently to compute, calculate, analyze and examine messages from the body. These messages are then returned back to the body which allows for a reaction of the body in response to the performance of the brain. These responses differ depending on the person, the size, the rate of development of the brain and its nutrition. Different sides give rise to different reactions making them produce different responses (Beals, 2009).

Brain right brain right brain theory

Developed in the late 1980s, the theory was formulated in response to the argument that each part of the brain has control of different type of thoughts and emotions. According to the theory, people prefer to use one part of their brain when thinking. This reflects on the way they approach different situations in the surrounding environment. The left brain is associated with the use of logic as opposed to empathy. A person whose judgment is based on analytical and objective matters is most likely to use the left side of their brain. The left side of the brain enhances the use of forming premises based on facts rather than emotion. This distances their emotional attachment to a substance due to the need to follow a certain methods of action. A person who uses the right part of the brain is more empathetic to situations in all aspects of life. Their decisions are based on emotional perspective as opposed to that of logic. The use of empathy, feeling and compassion is significant in making essential decisions. Right brain thinkers are thus more caring and thoughtful to circumstances in the outside environment. Facts are irrelevant in most cases owing to the main focus being placed on the end result of the action as opposed to what is right or wrong. The theory thus states that the different parts control different functions of the body giving them different use, importance and requirements (Beals, 2009).

The left part of the brain

The left brain is located on the left side of the body. This is a vital part of to the organ due to the vast amount of responsibilities that it performs. The left part is associated with logical explanations, consistence thinking and use of reason when learning. Such characteristics play a significant role in determining the qualities of an individual. A person develops perceptions, character traits and occupations as a result of their train of thought. People who share the same qualities and preferences often prefer each other’s company. This is influenced by the decision of the brain which gears a person’s actions to a situation that they are most comfortable. The cerebral part of the brain is present in the left making it responsible for dealing with issues that are analytical and intellectual. Such people are good in math and pure sciences which require a considerable amount of reason in order to be successful (Discover magazine, 2012).

The right part of the brain

The right part of the brain is responsible for controlling a large percentage of the emotions of a human being. This involves expressing ones feelings and applying creativity in all aspects of reasoning. The use of creativity in forming new ideas, invention and innovations is an essential part of the right part of the brain. This is essential for leaning at an early age due to the use of creative thought and imagination during this stage of growth. Children use a significant part of their thoughts and feelings when communicating with each other. This expressive nature influences their early choices which are place high regard in forming sustainable friendships.

Learning using the right brain involves looking for new items, topics, subjects and games so as to avoid repetition. Right brain thinkers prefer concentrating on the arts as opposed to logical subjects. Arts in this case compromise of art, politics and history and marketing and social sciences. Most of the thoughts are geared towards finding solutions that benefit the entire society as opposed to problem solving.

The right brain dictates on the career choices a person chooses to take in the future. Identifying with this type of leaning requires recognizing expressions, emotions, body movements and reactions of people in the surrounding environment. This form of learning can be passive in nature and thus starts from the family before diverging into other areas of study (Discover magazine, 2012).

It is essential to note that the right part of the brain controls the left side. This is credited to the use of emotions and expressions in the better part of a person’s life. Both parts of the brain work coherently so as to control the overall function of the body. The left side requires the right side to give an okay on any issues despite the use of logic. Despite this, the left side may dominate in some areas where the use of logic is highly required (National center for infants, toddlers and families, general brain development, 2012).


It is difficult to determine which part of the brain plays a more significance role. This has resulted in a number of arguments where professional have actually picked sides. Despite this, the function of either part of the brain cannot proceed well without the proper development of either of the sides.


Beals, K. (2009). Raising a left-brain child in a right-brain world: Strategies for helping bright, quirky, socially awkward children to thrive at home and at school. Boston, Mass: Trumpeter Books.

Discover magazine,. (2012, 06). Mind and brain

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National center for infants, toddlers and families, general brain development, 2012. Zero to three

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