The Legacy of Unresolved Loss

“The Legacy of Unresolved Loss”:

Identifying Family Communication Concepts that Influence Intimacy

HD204 Paper # 2

(Worth 50 points)


This video follows a family through several counseling sessions in which they discover the importance of family history in shaping relationships and connection. It is an excellent introduction to the family genogram and how family interactions and experiences can shape personal history.  



Watch the program through Kanopy and take notes using the worksheet provided.

To access Kanopy, go to WSU Libraries | Washington State University and type Kanopy into the SearchIT box. Click on the Kanopy online access to open Kanopy. Once in Kanopy, search for “Unresolved Loss” and the video will appear.

Using your notes, write a 400 – 500 word essay (excluding title and reference page) in which you address the following questions. Use headings as needed to organize your paper.

Your essay should include key words and concepts from chapters that address conflict, rules, and/or boundaries.

All key-concept information from the text (or lectures) must be cited in the body of your paper. A reference should be provided in a separate last page following APA rules.

Upload your written document AND the notes taken on the Worksheet to Canvas by the due date listed in Canvas.


As with many families who use counseling services a conflict of some sort is the starting point for seeking help. What conflict(s) is this family dealing with? How do role expectations play into this conflict?

Unspoken rules in families often define boundaries. From observing this family, what do you think the rules are regarding talking about the mothers’ death? What type of boundary has this rule created? 

In order for this family to heal from loss, the therapists believed it was important for Michelle, her father, and her brother to each tell their story of the mother’s death (from their own perspective).  What happens in their relationship when they tell and listen to the others’ stories?  How does this change their feelings of intimacy, and why?


Correctly follows instructions. Are key concepts and terms correctly applied to the situation? Has the author answered the questions in a way that demonstrates adequate depth of thought or analysis?   

Quality of product. Is the writing organized and easy to follow? Are spelling or grammatical errors detracting from the story?  

Has the author applied concepts from APA Style?


Provide a unique “catchy” title at the top of the page in bold. This is your “heading” for the page.

Provide your name, ID, date of submission, course name and instructor on a cover page (see examples paper in Canvas under “resources”).

Use APA style: see APA Version 7 Resources in Canvas

You may use the following typed double- spaced fonts: 12-point Times New Roman, 11-point Georgia, or 11-point Arial.

Your paper should have 1-inch margins all around (note that most word processing programs are set at 1.25 for their default).

Follow APA rules for inclusive language, grammar, concise writing, and citation when necessary.