The Nursing Career

The Nursing Career

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The Nursing Career

My childhood dream has always been to help people in my surroundings and positively impact the community in the best possible way. I have always been passionate about healthcare and the idea of restoring health and making people heal both mentally and physically. Two years ago, I lost my elder brother and best friend to cancer three years ago. He was diagnosed with the terminal illness on her fifth birthday, where his doctor determined that the cancer was at stage three. I became my brother’s primary caregiver since my parents had to work to cover the required medical bills and support the family at the same time. He struggled and fought the illness for a very long time, and I did the best I could to support him. Unfortunately, he succumbed to the illness after a long and tireless fight. The experiences I had while taking care of my brother, together with my childhood dream to help others align my purpose and dream career in the medical field.

Nursing is my career job because it creates a platform where I can interact with people, listen to them and find the best solution as far as their overall health and wellbeing are concerned. My passion and personality traits make me confident that I’m meant to serve as a nurse. Most practitioners in the medical field are familiar with the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). This personality inventory assists individuals align with their dream career in the medical field. This indicator confirmed and cemented my dreams for a nursing career. I discovered that my personality type is Defender, commonly known as ISFJ, which classifies an individual’s personality trait as Introverted, Observant, Feeling, and Judging. According to the Myers Briggs Personality Indicator, individuals under this unique category are warm, responsible, efficient, and most importantly, pay attention to detail in all aspects of their lives. Patients usually come to the hospital in the most vulnerable positions and sometimes cannot explain themselves or how they feel, which is critical before administering any treatment. I will apply my excellent analytical skills to gather as much information as possible about a patient and their illness without straining them. Moreover, my ability to make robust social relationships will make it easy for me to interact with patients, make them feel comfortable and create a safe space where they can express themselves freely. This indicator confirmed and cemented my dreams for a nursing career.

A nurse is a licensed medical professional who has completed the generalized and primary nursing education and is authorized to practice nursing in their respective regions by their appropriate regularity board. Nurses advocate for good health and patient outcomes by helping patients and their families cope with illnesses (Kirkland-Kyhn et al., 2020). They operate under one charge nurse in their respective healthcare facilities who gives directives and assign departmental duties. Nurses use the electronic health record (EHR) systems to record and store patient data to construct patient charts comprising observations, treatment, and patient outcomes. According to the Occupational Outlook Handbook (2020), employment opportunities for nurses are expected to increase by 9% in 2030 (The Occupational Outlook Handbook 2020). This statistic is slightly above the average of ordinary occupations in the labor market. Additionally, midwives and nurses make up the largest proportion of workers in the healthcare industry on a global scale. Approximately 194,500 openings are announced for registered nurses annually. In 2020 alone, the number of nurses absorbed into the workforce was 3,080,100 people. Research shows that the job openings for nursing rise at a steady rate because of the need to replace working nurses who exit the workforce as retirees, pursue other personal ambitions or transfer to other lucrative occupations in the market. The Occupational Outlook Handbook (2020) claims that the median pay for registered and licensed nurses in 2020 is $75,333 annually, translating to approximately $36.22 per hour (The Occupational Outlook Handbook 2020). The figures above imply that the nursing career is lucrative and worth the hard work and efforts it demands before receiving the nursing license.

Despite being lucrative, nursing is a demanding career requiring full attention, sacrifice, patience, and commitment. For this reason, I will have to conform my lifestyle to suit my profession as I try to balance my personal life with work life. I intend to get married in my thirties and get one child. This span will give me enough time to focus on my studies, both degree and master’s, and at the same time not strain financially. Having a family is challenging because it requires time and resources. Additionally, two parents’ one-child lifestyle requires approximately $5,028 every month, translating to $60,336 every year to secure modest and adequate living standards (Career Coach, 2021). I should therefore allocate my funds to various needs in my life appropriately to give the best outcome and prevent me from straining financially. The payment plan will allow me to secure a good housing plan, pay my expenses, cater to my family, and buy enough food every year without experiencing a shortage. Since the total expenditure amounts to $60336 annually, I get an extra $14,997 from my annual income to allocate to other aspects like a family vacation, savings, trust fund for my child, and charity works.

Nursing as a career is intriguing because a certified nurse can be posted or transferred anywhere in the country. In most cases, nurses tend to work in their hometown regions, feel a sense of belonging, and make the desired positive impact through their practice. In my case, the expected annual salary for a nurse is enough to sustain my lifestyle in my hometown, Houston. If I moved to a city like New York, expenses and utilities would be different, thus changing the extra money margin. Living in New York with a family of three would require me to spend approximately $7,283 monthly. I would have to spend $2251 in housing, $3690 on food annually, $2935 as healthcare costs, and $1702 on fitness and entertainment. These expenses amount to approximately $87,408, including rent for the whole year. From the statistics, it is clear that it is more expensive to live in New York than in Houston (Smith, 2017). Considering the net salary in nursing, New York would not fit my lifestyle because it would strain me financially. I would struggle to make ends meet if I lived in New York. Another city I would love to work in is Atlanta, Georgia. Living in this city is cheaper than in New York by 24.49%. The average cost of living amounts to $3,678 without rent every year. Food expenses are $2000, transportation is $1800, entertainment and leisure would be $1020, while utilities would be $3018 annually. I would have to incur a total cost of $68136 to sustain myself in Atlanta. The cost is lower than Ney York but slightly higher than living in Huston. My salary would sustain me in Atlanta still because the expenses are lower than the estimated net income, which is $75,333. I would also get extra funds to save, go on a vacation with my family and participate in charity work.

The healthcare line of duty has a lot of programs and movements that help promote good health, mental wellbeing, and standards of living in the community. Therefore, it makes it easier for me to volunteer and participate in charity work. Part of being a nurse involves engaging people with generosity and enthusiasm. I love being part of movements that lookout for people’s health without necessarily making profits out of it. I particularly envied three main programs in Huston that have managed to touch so many lives and impact the community. They include the MD Anderson Cancer Center On-Site Volunteers, Memorial Hermann Health Volunteers, and the project CURE Houston Distribution Center (Halcomb et al., 2018). These volunteer programs capture my attention because they align with my passion for helping people in my community, teaching them how to adopt healthy lifestyles, improve healthcare services and motivate them to be the best version of themselves. Additionally, I’ve always wanted to create awareness about cancer following my brother’s death. These programs will facilitate these goals and help me reach as many people as possible.

To be a nurse is challenging because it requires a lot of patience and understanding. The process of becoming a nurse is quite long, time-consuming, and sometimes exhausting. The entry-level for nursing is a bachelor’s degree in nursing. One can attain this qualification through two distinct paths. An individual can go through college and attain a bachelor’s degree in nursing, an associate’s degree in nursing, or a diploma from an approved nursing program. To be accepted into a college for the nursing course, I will have to work extra hard and dedicate my time and resources in high school to attain and maintain a good GPA. I will also have to show commitment and passion by being responsible, focusing on my studies in college, and attaining the required GPA to qualify me as a nurse when I graduate.

I wanted to be a nurse more than ever, especially after my brother’s death. I felt like I owed it to him, and he would be proud of me for pursuing my dream job. I would confidently say that my dream profession is to become a certified and licensed nurse. Nursing takes approximately five years to graduate and become recognized as a licensed nurse. Pursuing this career would mean I reach my dream job at twenty-five. Nursing gives me a sense of purpose and contentment. I’m willing to do whatever it takes and make the sacrifices to reach my desired goal. Nothing will make my life more fulfilling than finally becoming a nurse, interacting with patients, sharing ideas with other medical practitioners, and gradually helping the community become better.


Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor. (2020) Occupational Outlook Handbook, Registered Nurses. Retrieved from (visited February 13, 2022).

Career Coach, Houston Community College. (2020). Career coach: Nurse. Retrieved from,%20TX&q=nursingHalcomb, E., Smyth, E., & McInnes, S. (2018). Job satisfaction and career intentions of registered nurses in primary health care: an integrative review. BMC family practice, 19(1), 136., Holly PhD, CNE-BC, CWCN, FNP-BC, GNP-BC. (2020); Teleten, Oleg MS, RN, CWCN Professional practice and nursing peer review, Nursing Management (Springhouse): May 2018 – Volume 49 – Issue 5 – p 15-17 Doi: 10.1097/01.NUMA.0000532334. 21572.c0

Smith, L. (2017). Nursing: What can I expect if I choose this profession? Retrieved 6 March 2022, from