The pandemic fear; A Comprehensive Network Analysis

Sahory Lopez

Eric Elliot

English I

November 30, 2020

The pandemic fear; A Comprehensive Network Analysis.

Recent COVID-19 conceptualizations tend to be limited, emphasizing a one-variable model, such as those based on fear of infection. It should not be overlooked that according to the CDC, everyone reacts differently to stressful circumstances. Network research has shown the interrelation of different aspects of concern, prevention, coping, and other variables. Implications are discussed for the treatment of diseases and anxiety. The CDC urges us to avoid absorbing new pandemic stories so as to care for our well-being, such as daily training, meditating, relaxation and eating healthily. With regularly practicing, sleeping, and avoidance of drugs when facing pressure. In this paper we analyze an online survey, including COVID-19 measurements of concern, avoidance, self-protective behavior, and other variables, that was conducted on a population sample of American and Canadian adults.

It is a difficult time. There is a global pandemic, where many, if not all, places and business premises are shutting down, and others are trying to reopen safely. Many of us still live in fear of places where coronaviruses’ infection rate is spiraling out of control. Others are bracing for the next thing to come. And we all look at the headlines and think, “When will this end? For many people, coronavirus vulnerability is the most challenging problem to deal with. We don’t know how we are affected, how long or how bad things will go on. And that makes it all too easy to spiral and disastrously frighten and panic. But you can control your anxieties and worries, even in the face of a particular crisis(Lee).

By comparison, studies and clinical results from past pandemics and other outbreaks suggest that the ranges of the relevant variables are considerably broader, including prominent conflicting elements such as fear of infection and the conviction that the outbreak’s gravity has been exaggerated (Taylor et al.). The WHO has released recommendations to help the public, health practitioners, and those involved in the outbreak coronavirus. It can be useful if news causing depression or anxiety is not watched, read, or listened to.

In addition, guidance and recommendations for controlling anxiety and stress in the latest coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak have been issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO). The CDC’s recommendations provide general advice for managing outbreak stress and detailed advice for parents, respondents, and people who are released from quarantine. The CDC’s first rule of thumb is to continue treating patients with pre-existing mental health problems and know new or deteriorating symptoms. Recommendations for the CDC include wellness and health issues, changes in dietary behaviors or sleep patterns, sleep disorders/concentrations and difficulties such as declining chronic states of health and increased use of alcohol, tobacco or other drugs.

Long-term isolation may, however, affect mental health. In this special feature, therapists share top tips about what you should do when you stay at home to deal with anxiety and stress. Working from home can seem like a dream set up for some people, as it gives you the ease of a comfortable, familiar atmosphere to tap into this latent creativity. But a new set of problems may also emerge — in particular as a compulsory step. So, how do people overcome these problems and reduce the burden of working solely from home? Next, recognize that stress levels are undoubtedly higher for everyone now — so prioritizing your thoughts early in the day is important when you’re working from your home.

From a cognitive-behavioral health approach to deal with stress and anxiety, pandemics and trauma-related anxieties, a network approach makes a strong theoretical sense as cognitive behavior interventions predict that information is passed network components interact. The cognitive-compliance model shows that negative assumptions (e.g., fears about COVID-19 infection and its origins and effects) contribute to knowledge checks from COVID-19 to make the hazard more predictable and controllable. The fact that testing (for example, tracking health details on the Internet or social media) is invariably an indubitable backfire, causing a person to find unfamiliar, fear-provoking information (for example, graphical pictures or descriptions of ill people on mainstream news or social media). Fake news and conspiracy theories regarding COVID-19 can intensify concerns (Alecu).

There is so much beyond our influence, like how long the pandemic will last, how others respond to the situation, and what will happen in our societies at large. It is hard to understand, and so many of us react, looking for answers and worrying about the numerous scenarios that might occur on the Internet constantly. However, as long as we concentrate on issues with unrecognizable responses and situations beyond our control, this approach will not make us feel exhausted, nervous, and overwhelmed. We can be stuck in fear of what might happen or attempt to concentrate on something you can control. For example, you may not be able to monitor the severity of the coronavirus outbreak in your area. You can still take measures to reduce your risk by regularly (at least 20 seconds) providing soap and water or a manual sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol (Ornell et al.).

Researchers are examining how music therapy can boost health results for a wide range of patients, including premature babies and people suffering from depression or Parkinson’s disease. Music has long been known as an efficient means of emotional care. Still, the idea of songs, sound frequency, and rhythm to treat the physical ailment, says a Ph.D. psychologist from McGill University in Montreal, Daniel J. Levitin. Parkinson’s is a special Parkinson disease program for the population. The curriculum investigates how chanting enhances neurological function and increases spirit and mood. In the ParkinSonics case study, the participant’s focus shifts away from disease and to the imagination. The group’s singing improves vocal intensity and clarity, rhythmic movement, and trust in emotional expression while fostering a sense of community.

Musicians at Stanford’s Stanford Center for Computer Science in Music and Acoustics proposed that rhythmic music may influence brain function and cope with various neurological disorders, including attention deficit disorder and depression. For the one-day symposium “Brainwave Training in External Rhythmy: Interdisciplinary Studies and the Clinical Perspectives,” the diverse community came together to exchange ideas that transcend the limits of our knowledge of human musical experience. Sleep, meditation, and hypnosis have recently led scientists to look at music more closely. There is a small but growing body of scientific proof that music and other rhythmic stimuli can predictably change mental conditions, even treat damaged brains (Saarman).

In correlation analysis, frequent players are compared with those who do not play a video game on a perceptual and cognitive test. The standard result is that non-gamers outweigh non-gamers on every assessment test. This does not prove that gaming is an important factor in enhanced results since people who opt to play video games will already be those with superior perceptive and cognitive skills. The strongest evidence that games strengthen these abilities comes from studies in which all participants are, first of all, non-gamers. Some, but not others, are requested for a certain amount of hours a day for the sake of the experiment playing a single video game. The standard finding in these studies is that people who play the game develop simple perceptive or cognitive ability tests, while people in the control group do not(Gray).

From a layman’s perspective, playing video games specifically influences and affects the brain regions responsible for memory, spatial perception, knowledge organizations and fine motor skills. The study also supports the argument that like exercise, playing games for as little as 30 minutes a day will make your life easier. Action video gaming has been shown to boost performance on locating a target stimulus quickly—in a test that is a strong driving capability indicator. It also enhances the ability to track moving objects in the distractor region. Action games enhanced children and adults’ ability to monitor a series of visually similar moving objects similar to other moving objects in the visual field—reduced impulsivity.


According to the CDC, it is important to remember that everybody responds to stressful situations differently. Children may strongly address the burden of the situation, older people, or people with chronic disease, outbursting relief workers, such as physicians, other medical practitioners, first responders, and others with mental illness or drug addiction issues. The CDC recommendations include concerns for your health and relatives’ health, a shift in eating habits or sleep patterns, difficulties in sleeping and concentration, worsening chronic health conditions, and increased alcohol, tobacco, or other substance use. The CDC advises us to stop consuming new pandemic stories and care just for well-being. Like exercising regularly, takes deep breaths, stretching and meditating, eating healthily, cooking well-balanced meals, and frequently exercising, sleeping, and preventing medicines while coping with stress.

Work Cited

Alecu, Liliana Sabina. “The Psychology of Pandemics: Preparing for the Next Global Outbreak of Infectious Disease.” Journal of Community Positive Practices, vol. 20, no. 1, 2020, p. 97,

Gray, Peter. “Cognitive Benefits of Playing Video Games | Psychology Today.” Psychology Today, 2015,

Lee, Sherman A. “Coronavirus Anxiety Scale: A Brief Mental Health Screener for COVID-19 Related Anxiety.” Death Studies, vol. 44, no. 7, Routledge, July 2020, pp. 393–401, doi:10.1080/07481187.2020.1748481.

Ornell, Felipe, et al. “‘” Pandemic Fear”‘ and COVID-19: Mental Health Burden and Strategies.” Brazilian Journal of Psychiatry, vol. 42, no. 3, Associacao Brasileira de Psiquiatria, 1 May 2020, pp. 232–35, doi:10.1590/1516-4446-2020-0008.

Saarman, Emily. “Feeling the Beat: Symposium Explores the Therapeutic Effects of Rhythmic Music.” Stanford News, 2006,, Steven, et al. “Worry, Avoidance, and Coping during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Comprehensive Network Analysis.” Journal of Anxiety Disorders, vol. 76, Pergamon, Oct. 2020, p. 102327, doi: 10.1016/j.janxdis.2020.102327.