The principle of extensive training and skill development


There are several human resouce management practices that if well applied by an organization can enhance it’s competitive advantage in the marketplace. Employment security, selectivity in recruiting and selection, self-managed teams and decentralization, high compensation, extensive training and skill development ,reduced status distinctions and barriers and Information sharing are among the seven human resource management practices according to Jeffrey Pfeffer. This paper discusses the principle of extensive training and skill development as a way of enhancing an organizations competitive advantage in the market place.

An organization’s success largely depends on the performance of its employees whether good or bad. Employees need the right skill motivation and knowledge to conduct efficient work in an organization. Extensive training and skill development among the employees of an organization, that is, providing the employees with the right skill necessaryto do their job through training, is among the best human resource management practices that can improve the competative nature of that organization. This includes training and staff development that are based on competencies required and developmental needs that meets the requirements of the workplace and the individual needs.

Since the educational background of an organization may considerably vary, training that is extensive is necessary for an organization to maximize its output through the employees.This in turn enhances the organization’s competative nature compared to its competitors not practicing the same principle depending on how far they go in implementing the extensive training of their employees.For an organization to enhance its productivity, morale ,increase performance and at the same time reduce job turnover its mandatory for the organization to help its employee use employee skill effectively, and further improve those skills by providing training and development opportunities. This improves employees satisfaction with their job and working conditions as a whole and improve its stability by reducing the chances of strikes and demonstrations by the employees which may tarnish the organization’s name through negative publicity hence reducing its competitive nature.

Through extensive training of employees, skills are developed by the employees which enhance productivity and quality of work in the organization besides building worker loyalty. Improving employee skills through training can increase individual and organizational performance and help to achieve business results which are highly competitive in the marketplace. This can further lead into increased chances of recruiting and retaining high quality employees resulting to the organization’s growth and expansion hence increased edge of competition agaist its competitors. Field work jobs and an organizations rapid pace in technological change are some of the sources of employee skill since they constantly generate new knowledge.

Organizations should be able to perform assessments needs of the types of training needed, create the content of the training and find the best means of delivering training to its employees. Different organizations conduct different training and development programs to their employees according available resources at their disposal and requirements. Employee training may be provided in computer laboratory,classrooms or on site production facilities. An organization should also be able to help employees maintain and improve their job skills and prepare for jobs that require greater skill for an increased competion in the market place.


Extensive training and development programs are vital for an organization aiming at improving and enhancing its competative nature in the market place since they help employees and the organization as a whole to cope up with the changes in technology and diversity within it.

Works Cited.

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