Banned Condom Ads
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The two commercials in question here are the ZaZoo condom commercial and the Durex condom commercial. The ZaZoo commercial shows a man shopping with his young son when suddenly the son begins to show a fit of temper for no obvious reason. The father is unable to control the child, and he seems embarrassed by the son as the onlookers look at them disapprovingly. The son keeps on screaming for the whole span of the commercial and he ends up rolling on the ground. As the commercial ends, it emphasizes ‘wear a condom’ (Banned commercial- condoms).
Though this advert is obviously humorous, the interested parties banned it from the television for the obvious, serious message it is passing across (ZaZoo condoms). The message the commercial seems to be wear condoms to prevent these kinds of tantrums. The message also seems to be advising parents to wear condoms if they do not want these kinds of kids. It is likely that the commercial was banned for this message. Instead of the ad passing the right message, for example, condoms are ways of preventing unnecessary pregnancies and STDs, the commercial seems to be threatening customers to buy their products or end up like this frustrated parent (Banned commercials).
The other commercial in question is the one by Durex, which has a mass of sperms following their owner as he goes to talk to his girl. Her boyfriend’s sperms, which have been personified, rush the girl and a giant condom later rescues her (Banned commercials- Durex). The message the commercial seems to be passing is that the Durex condom can eat up sperm/ men and prevent pregnancy. The commercial is obviously funny and does not use explicit message or pictures, and that is the reason that leads one to wonder why it was banned. It is possible that the commercial was banned for its utilization of man/ sperm eating condom, and the utilization of man- looking sperm (Andersen, 2008).
Andersen, C. H. (2008). The best worst commercials you have never seen. AOI. Retrieved from
Banned commercials. Banned commercial videos, too hot for TV. Retrieved from
Banned commercial- condoms. YouTube. Retrieved from
Banned commercials- Durex. YouTube. Retrieved from
ZaZoo condoms. The Rhetoric of Reputation. Retrieved from