Quantitative Methods I (PAD 503)
Assignment I
Name(s) ___________________________________________
Submit your completed assignment prior to or upon entering class on 02/03/20 by 11:59 pm. Show all steps (parts) of each calculation to receive full credit.
Read the chapter, review the PowerPoint slide, then answer the following questions and solve these respective problems that are located at the end of chapters 4, 5 and 6. Show all calculations and given a detailed answer to all questions in response to the statistical findings for each problem solved:
4.2 Allan Wiese, the mayor of Orva, South Dakota, feels that the productivity of meter butlers has declined in the past year. Mayor Wiese’s research assistant provides him with the accompanying data. Convert the frequency distributions to comparable distributions. What can you tell Mayor Wiese about the productivity of his meter butlers?
Parking Tickets Issued per Meter Butlers Number of Butlers
21–30 May 2010 May 2011
31–40 5 6
41–50 7 9
51–60 9 12
61–70 5 7
21–30 3 1
29 35
4.6 The city clerk has received numerous complaints over the past year that couples applying for a mariage license have to wait too long to receive one. Although the clerk is skeptical (couples applying for a license are usually young and impatient), she pulls a representative sample of marriage licenses issued in the past year. Because a machine stamps each license application with the time the application is received and the time it is issued, she can tell how long the young (and old) lovers had to wait for the marriage license. The clerk considers service received in less than 10 minutes good and service received in less than 15 minutes acceptable. Her tabulation of the license data shows the following:
Minutes Waited for Marriage License Number of Couples
Less than 5 28
5-9 36
10-14 60
15-19 82
20-24 44
25-29 39
Prepare the percentage distribution for the marriage license data and the appropriate graphical displays. Write a short memorandum explaining the results and addressing the issue of whether couples have to wait too long for marriage licenses.
5.2 The dean of Southwestern State University is concerned that many faculty members at SSU are too old to be effective teachers. She asks each department to send her information on the average age of its faculty. The head of the sociology department does not wish to “lie” with statistics, but, knowing the preference of the dean, he would like to make the department appear youthful. The names and ages of the sociology department’s members are listed in the accompanying table. Calculate both the mean age and the median age. Should the department send the dean the mean age or the median age?
Member Age
Durkheim 64
Campbell 31
Weber 65
Likert 27
Stanley 35
Katz 40
Lazarsfeld 33
5.4 The U.S. Army is allowed only five test firings of the Lance missile. The following figures represent the number of feet by which the missiles missed the target: 26, 147, 35, 63, and 51. Calculate the mean and the median. Which should the army report?
5.8 The collective bargaining agreement between Family Services Agency and the Federation of Social Workers specifies that the average case load for casework- ers cannot exceed 45. Using the accompanying data, the agency claims compliance, yet the union argues that the agency has violated the agreement. Who is correct?
Caseworker Case Load
A 43
B 57
C 35
D 87
E 36
F 93
G 45
H 48
I 41
J 40
6.2 Bobby Gene England, a research analyst for the United Way of Chickasaw, is asked to provide information on the number of daily visits to food banks in Chickasaw for the past 2 weeks. For the accompanying data, calculate the mean, median, and standard deviation for Bobby Gene.
6 9 0
11 12 5
4 7 10
3 3 12
9 8 Median = _________________
Mean =__________________
Standard deviation = __________________
6.8 The U.S. Postal Service is concerned with the time it takes to deliver mail. It would like not only to deliver mail as quickly as possible but also to have as little variation as possible. Twenty letters are mailed from New York state collection boxes to Cut-bank, Montana. From the following number of days for delivery, what can you tell the Postal Service? Calculate all measures of central tendency and dispersion.
2 5 3 4 3 2 6 1 3 3
4 3 8 3 5 2 3 4 4 3