Advancement of DNA in the Future (uses)
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History/background of DNA research
Gregor Mendel was the first scientist to do genetic research in 1857 where he conducted research with plants. He grew many pea plants for the duration of eight years, but unfortunately he died before completing his research. Later Friedrich Miescher and Altmann Richard discovered Nuclein in 1869. Miescher isolated a pure sample of DNA from salmon’s sperm, which was named nucleic acid in 1889 by Altmann. Interestingly, Fredrick Griffith discovered the basis of DNA as the molecule of inheritance. HUMAN Genome Initiative started in 1988 and continued to date. DNA consists of three elements, four components Adenine (A), Cytosine (C0, Guanine (G), and Thymine (T), sugar and phosphate (1).
Why DNA research is considered to be medical milestone
The research in DNA consists of a series of written commentaries and articles highlighting the most significant discoveries made by scientists since 1857. Future scientists will be more advanced in researching in DNA because they will use past articles to fill gaps left by previous scientists. In addition, DNA research is considered a milestone because in future advancements are likely to come up with more used of DNA other than the traditionally known uses.
Effects of DNA research on current practice
The current known uses of DNA do not meet the demands of the practice of medicine calling for more future advancements in the subject. Future Advancements in DNA research enlightens medical practitioners more on the human genetic formulation and other beneficial uses of DNA other than the currently known in today. Current practice of medicine faces many challenges because most facilities use the traditionally known uses of DNA test. Future advancement in technology will offers better chances for medical practitioners to conduct efficient and timely practices and achieve desirable results. Currently, researchers have not identified any specific impact of the genetic and genomic testing sector (2).
Implications and advancement in the future
Current scientists have not yet discovered the whole concept of DNA. Most people criticize the presence of nucleic genes and their role in life development of humans, animals and plants. According to (3), advancement in research of DNA continues to revolutionalize the sectors of medicine, forensic, paternity, agriculture and many others that have a positive impact on the society. Advancement of DNA in the future is likely to be used for testing cardiac catheterization response among patients. Additionally, future researchers will use DNA information as part of informed consent for participants in clinical trials. The process will prevent replication of participants and ensure only those people liable for a research take place in data collection (4).
Mandal A. History of DNA research. November 17, 2014. (Cited November 17, 2014).
Available from
Tripp S. Grueber M. and Cummings D. The economic and functional impacts of Genetic and Genomic clinical laboratory Testing in United States. Battele Technology Partnership Practice. 2012. (Cited November 17, 2014). Available from
Murnaghan I. The Importance of DNA. Updated July 23, 2014. (Cited November 17, 2014).
Available from
Lewis L. Is future-use DNA sampling ethical? July 12, 2014. (Accessed November 17,
2014). Available from