Violence in The Media
Advancement of technology has been happening in all aspects of life, from home appliances such as television, children toys, and kitchen appliances such as micro waves. The manufacturing field has also adopted new technology to improve on the type of goods produced and the quality. Many countries have even adopted the use of technology to make weapons and also launch attacks, the United States of America has been known to use drowns to attack what they consider as combatants (Grady, pg 150).
The rise in violent acts among small children has been on the rise in the recent years, there have been cases where children as young as nine have shot felloe classmates. Such incidences have caused a lot of worry in the community thus posing the question what is really responsible for such happenings. In an article in the CNN website written by Sasha Emmons, in the author blames the media for the rise of violent acts in small children (
According to Sasha the media has contributed a lot to the rise of violent acts in children, she argues her reason based on a research that established “Ninety percent of movies, 68% of video games, and 60% of TV shows show some depictions of violence,” Most movies always have the bad guy and the good guy and most children always take the side of either ( “With both preschool and school-aged children, studies have found that they are more likely to imitate the violence they see on screen if someone they see as a ‘good guy’ is using the violence to solve a problem, especially if there are no realistic consequences for the violence.”Violence in the media has also been known to have other effects on children, such as fear “With toddlers and preschool-aged children, everything can seem much more immediate — and so seeing violence on TV can leave them feeling like their world is a scary place, where things like that might happen at any moment (”
There are at least two sides on the issue, even though a majority blames the media for the rise of violence, there are some who are of the opinion that the media is not responsible for some behavior in children. According to Gwenn O’Keeffe, M.D., CEO of Pediatrics at times “We have to allow for some normal child role-playing that lets kids sort out good versus evil and what’s acceptable in society.”She argues that even though the media is full of violence, children have to be given a chance to be children when they grow up they will differentiate the right from the wrong (
According to me the article is well researched, violence in the media is indeed responsible for the increase of violence among children. In most movies or even video games for the kids, the “good” guys always use violence to defeat the “Bad Guy.” This may be taken by the child that the only way to defeat any person who is bad is through violence (
Technology has proved useful in many areas; various happenings in the world can be broadcasted within seconds thus helping people keep in touch with the happenings in different parts of the world. The United States of America has used technology to launch attacks in the fight against terrorism. But just like so many other things it has a negative effect in which in this case is the exposing of children to a lot of violence in the media.
Work Cited
Emmons, Sasha. “Is media violence damaging to kids?.” CNN. Cable News Network, 21 Feb. 2013. Web. 11 Nov. 2013. <>. Grady, Wayne. Technology. New York: Groundwood Books, 2010. Print.