Combat trauma

Combat trauma


Combat trauma is a common mental condition in active soldiers as well as in veterans. Trauma is caused by witnessing or going through terrifying happenings and is characterized by either consistent flashbacks to the event, hypersensitivity, anxiety and consistent thoughts on the event.

Thesis statement: This paper will provide a summary of the nature of combat trauma which include: Intrusive memories, cutting off people, shift in emotional reactions and consistent negative thoughts. It will also focus on the causes of trauma such as loss of friends, terrifying human suffering and survivor’s guilt among others. Lastly it will consider the different methods of dealing with the trauma, both long term and short term solutions.

Nature of trauma

Intrusive memories- these include flashbacks to the events that often trigger anxiety and negative thoughts. It is also characterized by nightmares or reliving the memories of the events by the patient.

Cutting off people- victims tend to think that family and the civilian community does not understand them hence tend to create walls in such relationships. It can also include avoiding visiting places that bring back memories of the traumatic event.

Shift in emotional reactions which involves being hypersensitive and aware of danger that is not even present, high irritability, destructive behaviors such as drugs and substance abuse, aggressive behavior and sleeplessness.

Consistent negative thoughts such as guilt, regret over doing things better at the time of the event or suicidal thoughts.

Causes of combat trauma

War is the biggest cause as brings with it intense human suffering which can be result to trauma

Death of colleagues in the unit can cause survivors guilt hence trauma

Change in environment upon returning home

Betrayal by a fellow soldier causing lack of trust

Ways of dealing with combat trauma

Therapy and counselling

Use of drugs such as morphine in cases where the victim is badly injured

Finding purpose through spiritual guidance

Rehabilitation and detoxification services by medical military professionals.


Combat trauma in active and veteran soldiers cannot be ignored. Trauma can take the form of intrusive memories, negative thoughts, cutting off people and changes in emotional and physical reactions. These people can however be helped through therapies and counselling sessions done by professionals, administration of drugs that are likely to reduce trauma once the patients recover, spiritual guidance and rehabilitation and detoxification services done by medical military professionals.


Combat trauma is a common thing among soldiers; both veterans and those active in service. Soldiers are trained in such a way that they view each other family and as such a closely knit relationship is often seen when serving and long after they get off service. However, their time is can be characterized by traumatic events which can affect their lives in a very destructive way. Combat trauma often appears in the form of intrusive memories such as nightmares and reliving traumatic events, cutting off people or avoiding places where the traumatic event occurred, having negative thoughts some which may be suicidal and also changes in emotional and physical reactions such being aggressive and highly irritable. This paper also focuses on the causes of combat trauma and specifically looks at causes such as war and the terrific occurrences that happen, loosing fellow soldiers and never having enough time to grieve, changes in environment once they return home and also betrayal by fellow soldiers. However, this is a mental condition that can be dealt with before it morphs into a chronic mental disorder such as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). These solutions include Rehabilitation and detoxification services, administration of drugs that reduce the likelihood of having PTSD, therapy and counselling and also seeking purpose and spiritual guidance from spiritual leaders.


Holbrook, T., Galarneau, M., Dye, J., Quinn, K., & Dougherty, A. (2010). Morphine Use after Combat Injury in Iraq and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. New England Journal Of Medicine, 362(2), 110-117. doi: 10.1056/nejmoa0903326

For Military Treatment Professionals. (2019). Retrieved from

Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (US). Trauma-Informed Care in Behavioral Health Services. Rockville (MD): Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (US); 2014. (Treatment Improvement Protocol (TIP) Series, No. 57.) Chapter 3, Understanding the Impact of Trauma. Available from:

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) – Symptoms and causes. (2018). Retrieved from

Combating the Negative Impacts of Covid-19

Combating the Negative Impacts of Covid-19





The onset of the Covid-19 pandemic shook all aspects of life. Most countries were forced to adopt strict and harsh policies to control the spread of the virus and protect people’s health. Local and international movements were restricted altogether as part of the initiative. For this reason, many people lost their jobs and source of income. Approximately 3.3 billion workforce globally lost their livelihoods due to the pandemic (Stoecklin et al., 2020). The state issued a directive requiring the public to stay home to minimize physical contact among individuals. It was a tough time for most individuals because besides losing jobs, they lived in uncertainty and the death tolls linked to the virus kept increasing by the day. Most people who succumbed to Covid-19 were the senior members of society and individuals with chronic underlying diseases like heart problems, high blood pressure, kidneys problems, and diabetes. Various agencies were established and invested in the research and development of a vaccine to save people’s lives now that the deaths increased dramatically. This paper will discuss the role of agencies in facilitating vaccinations of the virus and in combating the adverse effects of the Covid-19 pandemic

The economic and social disruptions caused by the pandemic threatened to put a large section of the population below the poverty line worldwide. It was undeniable that the pandemic was beyond a health crisis since it caused an imbalance in all country sectors. The financial crisis dues to the drastic decrease in the labor force have made it challenging for both the government and the public to meet financial requirements (Ma & Miller, 2021). The government was forced to channel more of its resources and funds towards mitigating the effects of the pandemic, minimizing the spread, and eventually developing a long-term solution that would see people lead everyday lives. This aspect strained the country’s financial position and made it challenging to balance combating the effects of covid-19 and other social amenities necessary for the public. As different brands of the covid-19 vaccine are mandated, controversies tension grew among populations worldwide. Individuals against the covid-19 jab term it as a violation of human rights. Countries like Canada have protested against the vaccine meant to keep people safe and restore normalcy. Large and stable companies in the market authorized their employees to get vaccinated before reporting to work. Consequently, workers in different occupational fields took to the streets to protest against the private-sector mandates

Covid-19 has become the most prominent global crisis for a long time for the government and corporations. The agency has prioritized the economic and health emergencies resulting from covid-19. Programs and projects have been rearranged in the agency’s portfolio such that the pandemic receives adequate attention and funding. The main concerns addressed by the agency during the pandemic are food security, public health, the labor force, and the safety of employees in their respective places of work (Rume & Islam, 2020). More resources and funds have been channeled into the healthcare system to combat the effects of the pandemic. Coronavirus spreads very fast because it is transmitted through physical contact. The increased cases require health facilities to be fully equipped with items like oxygen tanks and beds and be ready for patients. The high rate of Coronavirus infection is overwhelming to medical practitioners since the ratio of doctors to patients is disproportionate (García-Sánchez et al., 2020). There is a need to absorb more medical practitioners into the labor force to reduce the workload. Additionally, the funds channeled to the healthcare systems are used to buy personal protective gear for medical practitioners because they are exposed to people with the virus all the time.

Furthermore, the offset of the pandemic threatened food security in most countries because limited movement affects productivity. The agency allocated funds to provide food for various families in the country. Most people lost their jobs which is their source of income. As a result, most families experienced financial strain due to limited resources. This initiative helped public members to sustain themselves until the government responded or issued a directive of the next move.

The agency’s CEO plays a vital role because they foresee projects and ensure that they are implemented accordingly to keep the people safe and control the spread of the pandemic (Stoecklin et al., 2020). As the CEO, one should be at the frontline in fighting against the virus by creating awareness of covid-19, transmission channels, and the measures to take at an individual and community level. Additionally, the CEO needs to follow up on funds allocation to different departments to ensure that the funds are distributed evenly and appropriately to maximize a positive outcome.


It is undeniable that Covid-19 disrupted operations and normal daily activities for the population across the world. The pandemic was also an eye-opener to the loopholes in the healthcare sector and other sectors in the country. The vulnerable groups in society were adversely affected by the pandemic. Their vulnerability made them an easy target for the virus hence recording the most cases and death tolls. It is imperative that they receive special treatment and care during the pandemic to restore their health and keep them safe. Therefore, society needs to portray global solidarity and support vulnerable groups.


García-Sánchez, I. M., & García-Sánchez, A. (2020). Corporate social responsibility during COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity, 6(4), 126.

Ma, H., & Miller, C. H. (2021). The effects of agency assignment and reference point on responses to COVID-19 messages. Health Communication, 36(1), 59-73.

Rume, T., & Islam, S. D. U. (2020). Environmental effects of COVID-19 pandemic and potential strategies of sustainability. Heliyon, 6(9), e04965.

Stoecklin, S. B., Rolland, P., Silue, Y., Mailles, A., Campese, C., Simondon, A., … & Levy-Bruhl, D. (2020). First cases of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in France: surveillance, investigations and control measures, January 2020. Eurosurveillance, 25(6), 2000094.

Combined Research Paper Draft

Combined Research Paper Draft

The difficulty Paper

Gee talks about secondary discourse, where he defines it as the process where an individual acquires other skills in order to fit into a given group of people. He describes that we all have the primary discourse which we gain at our early childhood days while still at home. Mostly these primary discourses are dependent on the family members. These family members are the one who teaches us how to interact with the immediate environment we live in at that early stage in life. The most confusing part about Gee under his article is that he does not articulate how we need to gain these secondary discourses. We are also not in a position to clearly explain or identify these secondary discourses.

     Does associating a lot with other people improve our secondary discourse? Since secondary discourse is acquired from the as meet new people, it is true to conclude that our company and the time we spend we other people improve the way they perceive the world at large. For instance, Gee gives as a detailed example of how certain had to learn more skills and techniques on how to play softball. She was huge hence not fit to play the game at a competitive level. Her case was very simple; she was only supposed to gain confidence in order to help her be included in the team. Her interaction with friends helped her gain this confidence.

     Our company affects the way we associate or view the world in general. Like the say goes, ‘Birds of same feathers fly together.’ We tend to copy and adopt some behaviors and characters from those surrounding us. However, our primary discourse determines how we will approach the secondary discourse. Having an excellent primary discourse will attract the right kind of people in some one’s life. People will be pulled by the way we behavior them, and hence our primary discourse determines the type of people we would attract.

     Personally, I think the secondary discourse also attracts a certain character in the primary discourse. A group of persons that might be having the best secondary discourse are likely to attract new members whom they feel van blend in with their characters and mode of doing things. It is; therefore, true to suggest that secondary discourse and primary discourse are closely related.

     People tend to join groups that can benefit them, and again, any group would also recruit member whom they think they can help them in progressing positively. Having deeply analyses both primary and secondary discourse it is, therefore, clear to conclude that in order for one to clearly understand one of these aspects, they need to be well aware of the both of them i.e., having an explicit knowledge on primary discourse would help in understanding more about the secondary discourse.

Research Proposal

The context of the Research The aboriginals in Australia are considered as some of the indigenous people in thecountry. The population of the Aboriginals is present both in the mainland and the numerousislands such as Tasmania, Fraser, and Groote. Even though the name is considered offensive andoutdated, it is still used in various contexts, including academic works. As it stands, thecommunity of aboriginals is considered to be faced with several social issues. Among the mostprofound and observable challenges facing the population is a massive consumption of alcoholas well as drug abuse. The most worrying trend about the community is the tendency of illiteracycharacterized by significant school dropouts and failure to attain the educational qualifications bya number of them. Thus, the research context is on the Aboriginals and the social challenges mostof their people undergo in their everyday activities and operations.

Participants and SiteThe participants in this research are the Aboriginals in Queensland. According to mydesktop research, I established that approximately 68% of the aboriginal tribes live inQueensland, Victoria, and New South Wales. Thus, I settled in Queensland as it has the people intheir large numbers. In the year 2016, the total number of Aboriginals in Queensland was 26,553.However, for the case of my study, the population targeted will be 50 people, though spreadacross the town. The people of interest in my group are the ones with addiction problems andhigh alcohol consumption. Finding them will call that I visit the drinking joints and somebackstreets within their residences. Before accessing the place, I will seek permission from theauthorities and ask for the guide from the community members, preferably the elders. 

Plan for data collection and analysis The process of data collection will take the primary methods of information acquisition.There will be an observation of the group of interest and the interview. The process willcommence through the performance of surveillance in which the survey will be done to thepeople within the drinking joints. The method of the study will take two days, preferablyweekends. Note-taking strategy for the data collection process is the outline in which there isanticipation that the notes are easy to read. Interviews are included in the data collection processin which the 50 selected people within the group are taken through the interview process. Thechoice of what to include in the interview included the frequency of alcohol consumption andwhether the interviewee is currently abusing the drug. The thread which will be followed in thiscase is IMRAD entailing introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion. The thread presentedherein is informed by the fact that I want the research to be professional and easy to follow aswell as the logical flow of information       


Even though this research will be marked with the highest level of fairness andprofessionalism, some aspects might intersect the data with my perspective. Sincerely, myattitude and view will be informed by elements of history in which the indigenous people arejudged. Even though I am mindful of the fact that people are biased in judging or perceiving theindigenous aboriginals, it is precise that the same is not likely to form part of the activity of datacollection and research as a whole. In case I infer that whatever I read about the people is nothappening in reality, I will apply the utmost professionalism in ensuring that I note what I observed and generated the data as I said them in the interview document. I believe that my position will be informed with the reality and facts as well as finding within the area of study.

The Research of Blog


In various countries with racial diversity, there is a likelihood that the issue of color is likely to emerge in social settings such as schools and even in the working places. Through the analysis of the article entitled Narrative Analysis of Students’ of Color Experiences at Predominantly White Institutions and the Implications of Support Systems by Stephanie Blake, there is an insight developed to the readers, particularly the popular audience on their opinion regarding racism in the learning institutions. Through the use of Jarrett’s article in the styles of reading, the point, in this case, is to make the audience understand the view of the item on the students of color. 

Analysis of the Research

From the study, it is precise that students of color perceive themselves as minorities who need family and peer support in conforming to the white-dominated schools. The article gives an appropriate response to the question posed by the topic of how the students of color interact with the institution dominated by the whites. Precisely, the students of color cannot conform adequately to the school environment. Thus, they need support from the people who are close to them. Hunter (2016) posits that discrimination in learning institutions in the United States affects the educational performance of African American and Latina students. There are recommendations for the institutions to create more cultural awareness for both the students of color and the white students in the learning institutions to ensure harmony and positive coexistence. Thus, the school orientation should be more intentional in fostering the creation of interactive space for more peaceful operations of both parties. 

As a matter of analysis, it is summarized explicitly that there is a negative perception of the white-dominated schools by the students of color as compared to the former. As can be noted from the analysis, the idea of race has preoccupied the mind, and psychological make up the students in such setups that it is putting them to the state of vulnerability. On the side of students of color, there is created the idea of an inferiority complex when they compare themselves with their white counterparts. It turns out that their perceptions are likely to develop the pitfalls for their learning. On the contrary, the students of the white descents perceive the schools as Better Avenue for education. However, some are not comfortable with the people of color sharing with them social facilities. Nevertheless, it should be realized that the aspects of racial discrimination are the orientation of the individual student.   

Lessons Drawn from the Article

The white-dominated learning institutions have been blamed by the students of color as a result of their experiences in such institutions. The idea of separating students in line with their academic ability is considered one of the factors promoting racial segregation, particularly by African American students. There are claims by the students of color that their skin color prevents them from leading (Modica, 2015). When the statement on racial impediments is connected to the article under review in this discussion, it emerges that most of the students of color perceive the white-dominated schools as more segregated and are responsible for their failures to attain excellence in their school endeavors. A lesson learned from the article is that there is more evidence to ascertain that students of color perceive the school dominated with their white counterparts as an impediment to their success and excellence in all school-related activities. 

Objectives of Writing this Discussion 

The goal of writing an analysis of this article is to develop an insight and understanding of various student factions in the United States and how the racial perceptions paly in the school setups. In essence, there is the point of creating awareness that the issue of racial discrimination is a challenge and that it is likely to affect the operations of students not only of color but even of the white descents. As noted in this case, there are students of color who are not feeling comfortable in the white-dominated school to the extent that they need the help of their closest associates to conform to the settings of the learning environment. From the various reviews connected to the presentations and articles presented, there is realized the negativity some students of color have developed in the school dominated by the white students. Some believe that through the segregation of students according to their academic abilities, they are not likely to excel in their academic endeavors. Therefore, it can be concluded that through the views of the students of color, it is realized there is poor development of the same

Fieldwork Report


There were interview exercises conducted in which the people of Maori were asked about how they perceive visitors in their ceremonies. From the study carried out, there was a lot of information gathered in terms of the practices carried out among the people in my case. The population in consideration for the study was the people of Maori. The main point of attention was on how they perceive the visitors in their communities. In particular, there was concern about how visitors are treated in this community. From the observation, it was realized that the people of Maori are more involved in ceremonies in which they welcome visitors through songs and ceremonial dances. As could be achieved, people welcome visitors with threatening incarnations to test their brevity. Upon confirming the brevity of the visitor, there is the point in which they give the visitor seat to take part in their traditional ceremonies.  


From the interviews conducted, it was learned that the majority of Maori people are welcoming to visitors in their ceremonies. Specifically, from the presentation data, it was clear that approximately 70% of the entire population interviewed. However, about 20% stated that they were not comfortable with the visitors as they are not trustworthy. Approximately 10% of the people reported that they are not sure of whether they are welcoming to the visitors or not. In giving the reason for the perception of the visitors, the main reason for the 20% decline the issue of visitors; they pointed untrustworthiness as the main reason for their decisions making process.   

Interpretation of data

In general conclusion, it can be asserted that the majority of the Maori people are welcoming. On the same note, it was clear that the people of the community value the issue of trust as the main reason for their choice of visitors. Also, there is the aspect of some people (10%) not giving their verdict about the visitors in which it can be interpreted that they value secrecy and confidentiality in treating strangers. It can be pointed out that the issue of the ceremony gives the best avenue to get observations about the Maori people and their perceptions about visitors. However, in getting a valid response, the interview must be conducted on individual members of the community in which they give their verdict without consideration to other factors like the judgment from other members of the community.       

Framing of discourse community

The idea of is discourse community is one of the most sorted after concept in explaining the shared values and beliefs about a given group of people in a particular community or a society in general. The existence and practices of Maori people is a clear definition of the discourse community at play. The people of Maori identify with the history of New Zealand as one of the indigenous inhabitants of the Oceania nation. The most striking feature of this community is their uniqueness, as observed in their culture and beliefs, which is derived from a distinct orientation. It becomes necessary that the people are looked at and studies in a comprehensive approach to extract the essential features of the community. As opposed to modern societies and communities, the people of Maori are more concerned with their abilities to conserve their traditional acquired communication skills and practices.    


From the studies conducted, and the findings obtained, the Maori people are welcoming to strangers. Even though the review was more inclined and confined to a specific function of the community, it can still be used to reflect on the general perspective of the community to strangers. From the literature review, it could be concluded that the people of the Maori descents are all welcoming and that it is challenging to find one who is not fully into the culture and activities of the community. 

However, from the study, it could be registered that there are people of the Maori descents who debunk the myth of the people being all welcoming. The statistical data presented in the findings section is a clear indication that the people, just like other societies in various parts of the world, embrace diversity in opinion. A close look at the situation reveals an exciting idea about the community in which there are known unique communication codes and acceptable ways of interaction, which is known only to the people of the Maori society. As stated, the community has its unique language, which they have kept dear ever since they were known to the people of the modern world. 

Come back from Car Accident

Come back from Car Accident

Name of the student


Report submitted to:

Name of instructor

University Name


Introduction with theme

32645358851265450000We have so many tragedies and misfortunes happening in our lives, some of which are life changing. I can recall clearly how my friends’ life, Frank, has changed after he had a car accident on his trip to Chicago. His explanation is still clear and the marks visible. This essays discuss the comeback from Frank’s accident, how the accident happened, kind of surgery, healing period and how friends stood by him all the way long. It explains the impacts of the accident in his personal life and relations with others.

Accident and kind of surgery

It was a standout amongst the most alarming days of his life, the day of Frank’s car accident. In his explanation Frank details, the events that followed in that chilly Monday morning on his trip to Chicago. The tragedy started when an approaching track swayed from one side of the road to the other. The various attempts to escape by Frank was in vain. The track had hit Frank’s car causing an accident. What frank can recall is that he was found between frosty soil and the hot metal of the car breaking his left leg and dislocated his jaw bone. The police found him unconscious and rushed him to the hospital. He underwent knee-surgery and jaw-born relocation. Frank was lucky that he had other minor bruises in other parts of the body, but they got treated very fast.

Healing period that he had to walk again

According to Frank, it was not clear to him how he became unconscious and rushed to hospital. The family members how heard what happened had ran to the hospital. Other friends and relatives also ran to the Hospital. The Doctor at the Hospital worked round the clock to help Frank recover very fast. The support of the family members and friends was also of great importance. Frank was hospitalized for a period of three weeks after which he was discharged.

Friend take him out of Hospital and encourage him to walk

Friend and family members have been close to Frank all the way long. The day he was discharged, he got escorted back to his house by friends and family members. The family and friends have tried encourage him to walk again and they were next to him every step in his life. The support, encouragements, being there for him have calmed him and strengthened him. After another two weeks, Frank has started walking and moving on with his daily life. Though the marks of the stitches in his knee is still a reminder of that fateful Monday, Frank has recovered fully.


I now acknowledge how valuable life truly is, and that it can be taken away in a flash or in a moment. I now comprehend why my father cautioned me to abstain from driving on specific streets to avoid bringing down the danger of having an accident. One little accident can bring about a change in one’s entire life. Frank will always remember that minute when he was lying on the ground and the events in Hospital. This has been a learning curve for both Frank family members and friends.

Coming To America Movie Review

Student’s name




Coming To America Movie Review

Coming to America is a movie written by Barry W Blaustein and David Sheffield. Craig Brewer directs the movie, and it is a 1988 American romantic comedy. It is created by Eddie Murphy, who is also a star in the movie. He casts as prince Akeem, the soon-to-be king of Zamunda. The main cast includes Eddie Murphy as Prince Akeem, Arsenio Hall as Semmi , servant to the prince. A friend to the prince, Shari Headley as Lisa MacDowell, is Akeem’s love interest, James earl Jones as King Jaffe Joffer, Akeem madge Sinclair as queen Deleon Joffer, John Amos as Cleo McDowell Lisa’s father, and Pauls bates as Oha, a royal servant.

Discontented with his pampered life, an African prince decides to move to America to find his wife. It is on his 21st birthday that a wife is selected for him. Unfortunately, he is not pleased with his wife to be since he would love to have a wife who will love him for who he is and a wife who will share with his knowledge, not one who will follow all of his commands without questioning. He moves to America’s poorest area, and he lives as a working-class man. This is an indication of the current situation when people want to change their environment and move on to a new phase of life whereby they feel better and fresh to start a new life.

On his first days of searching, he is not contented with the women he meets. He claims that they all have a severe emotional problem; therefore, he asks an older man at the barbershop, Mr. Clarence, where they can find a nice woman. They go to the black awareness rally where Lisa catches the eye of Akeem. Akeem gets a job at the McDowell so that he could get to know Lisa better. Once Lisa accepts him, the king travels to America by the word of Semi and informs Lisa that Akeem is to marry someone else. On his wedding day, Akeem is surprised to find his bride is Lisa. All this is to help us understand the concept of love and how it is always a challenge to many people. In conclusion, therefore, this movie reflects the struggles a person gets in their lives and how different people deal with them. It also brings us to the face of the complicated issue of love.

Works cited

Landis, John, et al. “Coming to America.” IMDb, 29 June 1988, Accessed 16 Mar. 2021.

Coming to an End The Weekend

Coming to an End: The Weekend

Student’s Name


Coming to an End: The Weekend

After extensive research and examination of the Weeknd’s music, lyrics, styles, over comings and life hardship, I have found myself to be extremely well aware of every aspect of his life (that I could get my hands on). The Rhythm and Blues famous artist is hugely inspirational in consideration of his humble background to where he is now regardless of the hardships he underwent through as he was growing up. Also, proving himself as a legend in the music industry was not that easy due to his race and the fact that his family did not have the capability of supporting him. As a tolerant, the Weeknd does not only inspire through the touching music and lyrics but also through supporting the marginalized racial communities. In this paper, the issue of racism is discussed in a more significant context on how it has significantly affected the Weeknd’s life and shaping him to who he is now in the music field.

The Weeknd also was known as Abel Tesfaye was born at Toronto in Canada by his parents Makkonen and Samra who were Ethiopian immigrants. When growing up, there was a challenge regarding his race, his voice and the family’s poverty level considering the community was racial biased. Due to his race and color, the Weeknd faced bullying and segregation in high school which made him abandon his learning at the age of seventeen. The legend takes this challenge as an inspiration and gets the idea of majoring in music as a way of spreading togetherness, giving him someone to talk to that no one wants to hear and a theme to talk about that others did not want to listen about it. The talent in him has been significant to people’s life nevertheless his race which he belongs (Eells, page 12). His fans would have disliked his appearance, but the power of music speaks making the get in touch with his art.

In consideration of the Weeknd’s music, the issue of racism enhanced a significant impact. The facts that he has faced in live acts as an experience and motivation stimulator as there is the urge to change the way of taking things among the society. The racist learns from the art that all people have equal rights and every person has different capabilities which are all constructive if well natured regardless of the ethnicity. The positivity and encouragement that the Weeknd got from the people who looked down on him have enabled him to acquire many trophies more than a hundred awards in the music industry. The uniqueness equips the artist many precious opportunities in the entertainment field not only performing and encouraging fans but also enhancing perfection of other artists work. For instance, he has produced a variety of songs in the soundtrack of various favorite movies such as The Hunger Game among many others (Kumru, page 20).

It is awkward to come across a Rhythm and Blues artist addressing social issues affecting the society such as rape and race segregation, but the Weeknd do this correctly. Many of other artists majors in making allusions to drugs, violence, and alcohol, use of pejorative language and the humiliating of people women in particular. On the other side, the Weeknd makes take a positive perspective of the mentioned above matters and relate them to the happenings in society to bring a positive impact and social-economic development. The artist has diversification in his physical and actual being, and he is oriented in his capabilities. In the today’s world, there is racism, and a pessimistic character will not survive in the competition as Abel did. One can just say that the fact of Abel being an Ethiopian disadvantaged him on achieving his objectives in the music industry which is not the case. The Weeknd did not and is not at any time looking back to give this mentality an opportunity to draw him back, and he believes in the capability of doing even more than anyone expects in the music industry.

The issue of racism is evident even today and the Weeknd takes it as a degrading matter in that renders society development by bringing enmity between the American people. It hurts Abel to the extent that made him address the issue in public. The specific issue he talked about regards the police brutality when dealing with blacks. The artist did not have interest in politics, but it was inevitable to expose the issue according to him as it is touching and against human rights and justice. He broke up the silence that the police unfairly treat the blacks after the recent shootings. Furthermore, the Weeknd has kept the legacy of donating two hundred and fifty thousand dollars to the Black Lives Matter Network (Wagstaff, page 6). The organization deals with facilitating freedom and justice to the black people living in North America, and it has gained popularity after challenging police treatment to the minorities.

As discussed above, the Weeknd is a hero who is passionate in the music industry and has the capability of coming up with racism crisis. It is a lesson and urges to the minority communities and people coming from a humble background who sees like there is no future ahead to have a positive perspective of working towards the targeted objectives. Racism is an excellent society back draw that has to be dealt with to ensure equality and justice in the country. Abel has proved it that no matter how hard situation that one goes through seems to be, at the end there is victory after achieving the expected goals.


Eells, Josh. “Sex, Drugs and R&B: Inside the Weeknd’s Dark Twisted

Fantasy.” Rolling Stone. 2015. Web. 28 Oct. 2017.

Kumru, S. “Category: Slang and Language Subcultures.”

“The Weeknd in Washington –” Macleansca. 2016. Web. 30 Oct. 2017

Vozick-Levinson, Simon. “Ready For The Weeknd.” Rolling Stone 1243

(2015): 15. MasterFILE Premier. Web. 30 Oct. 2017.

Wagstaff. Keith. “10 Things You Should Know About the Weeknd.” GQ. 2015. Web. 30

Oct. 2017.


Insert Name

University of Maryland University Campus

Mass Communications and Media Studies

Insert Prof

Insert Date

Social media has taken the front seat to the various means of media communication in an industry that is constantly evolving due to the fast-paced technology industry. Society is heavily influenced my information they gather through these channels when it comes to real-world news items, celebrity news, or as consumers. These media channels have opened a whole new world to marketers and businesses in ways to share their messages. Due to this growth, there has been an increase in the many theories that are being studied on the effects that media has on its society, culture, and audience. The articles below helped increase my understanding of media on a psychological level. What is the core purpose behind media outlets such as Twitter or Facebook? What are businesses hoping to accomplish by having a strong social media presence? The various studies help the readers understand the influences that mass media has on a person’s lifestyle and daily habits.

Cavender, Kurt. “Media, Society, World: Social Theory and Digital Media Practice.” Cultural Studies (2013): p656-p659.

Author Kurt Cavender shares the views of various researchers who have studied the effects that different social media channels have on its audience. Furthermore, rather than asking how Facebook or Twitter are being used, one researcher (Bruno Latour) wants to understand what habits are formed because of these social media channels and the influence they have on our day-to-day productivity. There are many theories discussed such as; object-oriented media theories, system-oriented media theories, and a new theory introduced by Latour known as actor-network theory (ANT). Latour introduced ANT as “a method for following the circulation across space of people and objects as actors make up their worlds”. The main takeaway is that “social practice occupies an intersection between the semiotic and the material, that the movements of actors within media have both symbolic value and material implications in society.” Media and its traditional term is evolving which is highlighted in the journal article to help readers understand the impact of media and society.

Saat, Rafeah, Selamat, Mohamad. “The Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility Information Richness on Trust.” Issues in Social and Environmental Accounting Vol. 8 No. 3 (2014): p67-p81.

The authors of this study set out to test the effects that Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has on the success of a business. This concept “describes the relationship between company and society.” The article focuses on how a new culture of communicating has been created through the internet which allows companies to share their CSR message with society. The authors designed a study to further understand the benefits of CSR through the Media Richness Theory (MRT), where companies can share their messaging through this avenue. The study is designed to help readers understand if sharing CSR through social media channels results in sales or if consumers become skeptical of the company’s mission and building trust in consumers. The study helps us understand how audiences receive and interpret messages through media.

Bechmann, Gotthard, Stehr, Nico. “Niklas Luhmann’s Theory of Mass Media.” Society Vol. 48 Issue 2 (2011): p142-p147.

In this paper, the authors study Niklas Luhmann’s theory of mass media and its true reality. Originally, Luhmann set out to prove the public’s suspicion of mass media as the basis of his research but shifted his beliefs as he got further into his research. The authors highlight that Luhmann’s thoughts about mass media is that they “do not present an image of a reality that they have distinguished but rather they themselves create the reality which they communicate daily as news, reports, advertising.” But this reality is what Luhmann refers to as “manufactured reality” that is circulated selectively by mass media. Further on, Luhmann widens his research to view mass media communication from the end users point of view to better understand the effects of mass media on our culture.

College Is a Scam

Smith Sharmaine

Ms. McCormick

ENG 1010-20

01 July 2020

College Is a Scam

As the top of the education system, college attendance is the primary goal of every school-going student right from kindergarten to high school. While college was initially a pride of place for one to be in, the lack of employability of graduates in the job market has casted a shadow of doubt on its significance. In the 19th and 20th century, colleges and universities were places where young men and women were molded into responsible citizens with the aim of passing the mantle of steering the nation into prosperity to them. However, the commercialization of higher education has made attending college to no longer be a coveted experience. This is grounded on so many reasons.

First, the growth of many college institutions and commercialization of education has watered down the quality of higher education. Prior to the concept of viewing higher education as an investment with financial returns in the form of a well-paying job, there were few colleges with dedicated students and academicians who took pride in being thinkers for the society on any social issue. The limited number of colleges ensured that the quality of education offered within those citadels of knowledge was consequently very high. However, while the government’s agenda to increase literacy levels by chartering more public and private higher learning institutions was gentle, it also bore the downside of decreasing the quality of education being offered. Most colleges thus are like every other business investment centered on financial returns to their owners. Consequently, the institutions toss out half-baked graduates who are not employable in the job markets thus making college education a scam in the long run.

Secondly, most colleges offer courses that are geared towards the white collar economy where there are limited job opportunities. The deep-rooted belief of most college going students as well as graduates that they are at the top of the intellectual chain makes blue color jobs an anathema to them. Consequently, the white collar part of the job market is awash with many graduates seeking employment especially in respected professions such as Law and Engineering thus tipping the demand-supply scale in favor of employers who as a result are at liberty to lower wages in accordance with these forces of the market. With increased joblessness among graduates, there is meaning for college education.

Thirdly, most current students attend college primarily to have a record of campus experience and exposure. Higher learning institutions have recorded high numbers of drug substance abuse and sexual transmitted infections which can be primarily credited to lack of education goals and laziness among college students. According to the National Library of Medicine National Institute, more than 37% of college students have abused illegal drugs such as opioids and alcohol on a regular basis (Witt, Glassman and Federman). This is chiefly inspired by their new found personal freedom away from parental supervision and frequent partying in campuses. Similarly, studies show that one in every four college students have or has ever had a sexually transmitted disease and more than 80% of them have no noticeable symptoms (Allen,2017). Both of these statistics show a high level of laziness due to lack of purpose in higher education for most college students. To them college is a place where they explore their bodies and discover themselves.

In conclusion, most learners no longer find meaning in going to college and if they do, most are motivated by freedom from control by their parents after high school as well as the chance to have control over their own finances in the form of student loans. This is because most do not think going to college will lead to any job preferring self-employment instead.


Witt, D., Glassman, T. A., Federman, S., & Bott, K. (2017). The Case for Implementing the Levels of Prevention Model: Opiate Abuse on American College Campuses. Journal of American College Health, 518-512.

Allen, W. (2017). Increasing Knowledge of Preventing Sexually Transmitted Infections in Adult College Students through Video Education: An Evidenced-based Approach. ABNF Journal, 28(3).

Columbus letter on his first voyage, 1493


<Students Name>

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Columbus letter on his first voyage, 1493

Christopher Columbus wrote a letter to the king Ferdinand and Queen Isabella who had assisted him to finance his exploration trip (Buckley, Veronica, and John, 2015). Columbus wrote the letter on 15th march of the year 1493 upon his arrival from his return journey from the Caribbean. The author was not administrative personnel but a missionary explorer. By his description of the nature of the inhabitants of the regions he visited as being timid indicates that he was a learned person. In fact, an explorer has to be educated enough so that he is capable of determining the routes and recording the encounters in his diaries.

Columbus wrote the letter to King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella as the primary audience, though some of the people had access to read the letter. In his letter, he used a more formal language in Spanish where it was later sent to Italy for translation to Latin. The king could not be able to read in Latin, and therefore this necessitated Christopher Columbus to make efforts for translation. The main reason behind writing the letter to the king was due to the debt owned for financing his journey, his success to subdue the native people that he found on the islands as well the thrilling environmental nature of the region. The area was full of rich indigenous culture with the people know neither possessing weapons. The matter amazed Columbus and saw this as an opportunity to show allegiance to the king through taking control of the area and converting the people to Christianity.

The storyline behind the letter is Columbus’ letter to the king with detailed accounts of what he witnessed during his journey to the Caribbean. He tells of how the people in the regions are fearful and timid and how they become friendly after realizing that there was no harm to them. He continues to narrate how he exchanged items with rifles and to sometimes nothing in return claiming that the people were so generous. In an attempt to convince the king, Columbus says that the people had a potential to obey the king and serve him without questioning and even love the king’s people.

The document was written due to the necessity to acknowledge the king’s effort to finance the voyage and therefore, as a matter of fact, a subject must show allegiance to his master. It is in this quest that Christopher Columbus wrote the letter to the king immediately after his return from the voyage. The king together with the queen had interests in the exploration journey, and therefore it was a necessity for them to be notified of the success of the crew. Columbus had to report whatever he saw and anything that was of value to the kingdom. All these made him write the letter immediately after his return as it was like an exam although he was so much excited about his success of subduing the indigenous people. The letter is more of a scholarly thesis as it was more of research than just a mere trip.

The letter is more of a political document though to some extent it might be seen as a private letter. The reason as to why it can be regarded as a political letter is due to Columbus claim that the area and its people could pay allegiance to the king and thus somehow indicates that there was some economic along with political motives (Graziano, 2017). Furthermore, the letter says that the people could easily be converted to Christianity a religion which proves the letter to be more political due to exploitation. On the other hand, the letter may be deemed to be private; this is because the king and the queen were the personnel behind the financing of the voyage and thus a special finding could be directly addressed to them just like Columbus deed indication the king’s and queen’s name on the letter. The inclusion of the names may, therefore, proof the letter to be more private.

In the letter, Columbus made no assumptions. He wrote the letter in Spanish and sent it to Italy to be translated into Latin. He knew the king and the queen could not be able to read the Spanish language and could need a translator prompting him to translate the letter in advance before it reached to the king. Yes, I can believe the document as it is the original document written in Spanish making me believe that Columbus was the original writer also his address to the king and the queen are present. Furthermore, the letter is written in the first person singular.

The letter indicates that the people from Columbus region were opportunists who took advantage of the weaker people making them their subjects forcing them to adopt their culture (Olwell, Robert, and Alan, 2015). The people were used to slavery as Columbus took several individuals with him along his return journey were on some made it through. Just a few individuals making it to Spain indicate that they were subjected to torture that threatened their existence. It is also evident that the Spanish people were Christian and therefore were in the urge to make colonies and convert the inhabitants to Christianity.

Columbus’ letter is an important document in history as it indicates the pioneers of exploration and confiscation as well (Winsor, 2018). Though it might not be of much relevance in today’s political activities, it can be used as a reminder of the indigenous culture and how people used to conduct their daily lives. It is through such documents that we come to realize how the world was viewed during the past days in history by inhabitants of the areas. The document is important to me; this is because it has an original data, a letter showing a method of communication by then. Also, the contents of the letter are of much value to historians as they get to know the events that happened in the past and to which evidence may be lacking thus act as a bridging gap. The letter is also important to me as it is an original script written by a famous historian and explorer who in many aspects influenced the lives of many individuals.

Work cited

Buckley, Veronica, and John Middleton. “A LASTING LEGACY.” Lifelines in World History:” The Ancient World”,” The Medieval World”,” The Early Modern World”,” The Modern World” (2015): 241.

Graziano, Manlio. In Rome We Trust: The Rise of Catholics in American Political Life. Stanford University Press, 2017.

Olwell, Robert, and Alan Tully. Cultures and Identities in Colonial British America. JHU Press, 2015.

Winsor, Justin. Christopher Columbus. BoD–Books on Demand, 2018.

College of Nursing and Health Innovation, The University of Texas at Arlington

The Impact of ED provider Education regarding the Management of Acute Asthma Exacerbations in Pediatric patients

Olasumbo T. Oladunni

College of Nursing and Health Innovation, The University of Texas at Arlington


Background: Asthma is one of the top five chief complaints of pediatrics patients presenting to emergency departments (Children’s Health, 2015). Emergency Department (ED) return visits are quality indicators for patient care and safety worldwide (Alshahrani et al., 2020). Patients who return to the ED within short periods contribute to wasted ED resources, delayed treatments, patient dissatisfaction, overcrowding, and increased health care costs (Alshahrani et al., 2020).

Methods: A pre-and post-test questionnaire, the Asthma Self-Management Questionnaire (ASMQ), was used to evaluate ED provider knowledge of asthma management. Randomly selected electronic charts which meet inclusion criteria were reviewed before and after intervention for ED revisit outcomes in pediatrics with asthma exacerbations.

Design: A quality improvement (QI) design was utilized in this project. Educational sessions were implemented to improve ED provider knowledge and evaluate ED revisits within 48 hours with a nurse practitioner-led asthma education program over ten weeks.

Population/setting: Fifteen ED providers, including nurse practitioners, physician assistants, physicians, and registered nurses practicing at a busy level 1 trauma center pediatric emergency department in North Texas and charts of ED revisits in pediatric patients with asthma exacerbations

Data collection/implementation plan: Asthma education knowledge was rated before intervention. Asthma education intervention was implemented during the fifth week of the study. Before the study, chart audits of 48 hours revisit to ED and hospitalizations were compared. At week 6, new education and practices were implemented into provider practice. Evaluation of provider knowledge and ED 48 hour revisits evaluated after the education program was delivered.

Analysis Plan: IBM Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) statistical software was used to analyze standard deviations of provider knowledge, and ED revisits pre- and post-educational intervention.

Keywords: provider, asthma education, pediatrics, reducing emergency visits

Table of Contents

TOC o “1-3” h z u Project Framework PAGEREF _Toc77361732 h 11Project Question PAGEREF _Toc77361733 h 12Project Objectives PAGEREF _Toc77361734 h 12Methods PAGEREF _Toc77361735 h 12Project Design PAGEREF _Toc77361736 h 12Population/Setting PAGEREF _Toc77361737 h 13Measurement Method PAGEREF _Toc77361738 h 14Data Collection/Implementation Plan PAGEREF _Toc77361739 h 15Data Analysis Plan PAGEREF _Toc77361740 h 17Conclusion PAGEREF _Toc77361741 h 18References PAGEREF _Toc77361742 h 20Appendix A PAGEREF _Toc77361743 h 25Appendix B PAGEREF _Toc77361744 h 26Appendix C PAGEREF _Toc77361745 h 30Appendix D PAGEREF _Toc77361746 h 31Appendix F PAGEREF _Toc77361747 h 33Appendix G PAGEREF _Toc77361748 h 34Appendix H PAGEREF _Toc77361749 h 35Appendix I PAGEREF _Toc77361750 h 62Appendix J PAGEREF _Toc77361751 h 63Appendix K PAGEREF _Toc77361752 h 65Appendix L PAGEREF _Toc77361753 h 66Appendix M PAGEREF _Toc77361754 h 67Appendix N PAGEREF _Toc77361755 h 68

The Impact of ED provider Education regarding the Management of Acute Asthma Exacerbations in Pediatric patients, on the 48-hour ED, revisit rate in an Urban Pediatric Hospital Setting.

Asthma is one of the top five chief complaints of pediatric patients presenting to emergency departments (Children’s Health, 2015). Asthma is characterized by chest tightness, cough, wheezing and recurrent shortness of breath (Ozair et al., 2017). The frequency and severity of asthma vary from person to person, and exacerbation of asthma increases the risks of hospitalization and impairs quality of life (Ozair et al., 2017). An estimated 7.0% of children living in Texas had an asthma diagnosis in 2016 (Texas Department of State Health Services, 2016). Asthma has become the leading cause of hospitalizations, with approximately 5% of all pediatric hospital admissions being asthma-related (Glick et al., 2016). Asthma is also a leading cause of school absenteeism and can lead to children missing three times more school, which impacts their education (Nadeau & Toronto, 2016). Medical and absenteeism costs contribute to a significant economic burden in Texas, and approximately $961 is spent per child younger than 18 with asthma (Orsak et al., 2018). Dallas County has the most significant number of child asthma hospitalization rates for asthma among children ages 0-17 (Children’s Health, n.d.). In this busy pediatric hospital where the research study was conducted, there were 2173 total patients presenting to the Emergency Department(ED) with a chief complaint of “asthma with breathing difficulty,” with 1546 discharged and 512 admitted in 2019 (C. Cantu, personal communication, July 7, 2021). Asthma exacerbations can be prevented with proper assessment, education, and management.

Emergency Department (ED) return visits are quality indicators for patient care and safety worldwide (Alshahrani et al., 2020). Patients who return to the ED within a short time contribute to wasted ED resources, delayed treatments, patient dissatisfaction, overcrowding, and increased health care costs (Alshahrani et al., 2020). ED revisits can also be associated with increased mortality (Sri-on et al., 2016). Monitoring and auditing patients with screening tools are necessary for improving the quality of care (Sri-on et al., 2016). ED revisits between 24 and 72 hours occur due to the patient, illness, or physician-related factors (Sri-on et al., 2016). Physician-related factors can be suboptimal treatment or correct diagnosis followed by an error during treatment (Sri-on et al., 2016). Another physician factor is misdiagnosis, an incorrect diagnosis made by the physician determined from chart review (Sri-on et al., 2016). Other common physician-related factors leading to ED revisits include inappropriate discharge instructions, a patient left not receiving discharge instructions, and not arranging appropriate follow-up (Sri-on et al., 2016). According to a chart review study, approximately 50% of ED revisits are due to physician-related factors, and misdiagnosis was the most common reason (Sri-on et al., 2016). Physicians must improve their knowledge and skills to avoid redundant or unnecessary ED diagnostics and resource-utilization (Sri-on et al., 2016).

There is a gap in asthma competency and awareness among health workers, which influences disease management (Ndarukwa et al., 2019). Health care providers generally do not adhere to asthma guidelines (Ozair et al., 2017). The common reasons for poor adherence by health care providers include; failure to remember classification parameters for the severity of asthma and failure to remember various brand names and exact dosages of inhaled steroids according to the severity of the asthma severity (Ozair et al., 2017). Providers also forgot to ask about asthma triggers and do not have sufficient time or resources to provide an asthma action plan or education program before patient discharge (Ozair et al., 2017).

Improving physician knowledge and management skills helps avoid unnecessary and redundant ED diagnostics and the use of resources (Sri-on et al., 2016). One study mentioned that 33% of asthma patients did not receive an oral corticosteroid which led to a revisit to the Emergency Department (ED) within 48 hours of the asthma attack (Ozair et al., 2017). Fifty-seven percent of patients received delayed asthma care due to symptoms not being identified in triage, and 50% did not receive the standard dose of asthma medication during their visit (Ozair et al., 2017). This inconsistency in treatment can lead to different diagnoses between primary care providers, allergists, and pulmonologists (Ozair et al., 2017). Inconsistency in diagnosing among providers and the under referral of patients to specialty care are also considered barriers to asthma management (Ozair et al., 2017). Referrals to specialty care often occur following significant asthma exacerbations and ED visits by moderate-to-severe asthma patients. However, according to step 5 of the Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA), a referral to an asthma specialist is recommended when a patient requires a high-dose ICS-LABA to control their disease (Ozair et al., 2017).

Current literature on asthma research recommends that healthcare providers be familiar with how inhaler devices work and have a standard validated checklist identifying techniques that account for patient development level. The repetition of correct techniques should occur every visit so that children can recall steps better (Root & Small, 2019). Clinical meetings on asthma, asthma training manuals, and guidelines for asthma diagnosis and management could improve healthcare providers’ knowledge about asthma diagnosis and management (Ndarukwa et al., 2019). With proper assessment, education, and management, most asthma complaints and exacerbations can be prevented. ED staff should improve discharge instructions and ensure that patients understand to decrease hospital revisit rates (Sri-on et al., 2016).

Review of Literature

The author of this paper used the library databases CINAHL and Academic Search Complete at the University of Texas at Arlington and searched for the following keywords to obtain articles review. “asthma education,” “providers,” “reducing emergency visits,” and “pediatrics.” The author selected 21 articles for review related to providing asthma education and examining possible reductions in emergency room (ER) visits and hospitalizations. Articles researched ranged between 2015 and 2021, with the inclusion criteria of “asthma diagnosis” and taking at least one type of “asthma” medication. The common themes identified within this review noted non-adherence, encouragement of self-management behaviors, caregiver involvement, and the initiation of asthma education resources for providers and patients.

Healthcare providers were reported to lack the ability to effectively manage asthma cases and educate patients on asthma control (Ndarukwa et al., 2019; Sico et al., 2021). A study found that 33% of asthma patients did not receive an oral corticosteroid and had to revisit the ED within 48 hours of the asthma attack, 57% of patients received delayed asthma care due to symptoms not being identified in triage, and 50% did not receive the standard dose of asthma medication during their visit (Ozair et al., 2017). These values reveal that 40% of asthma patients receive treatment not aligned with the recommended guidelines (Ozair et al., 2017). This inconsistency in treatment can lead to different diagnoses between primary care providers, allergists, and pulmonologists, thus hindering asthma management in conjunction with the under-referral of patients to specialty care (Ozair et al., 2017). Referrals to specialty care often occur following significant asthma exacerbations and ED visits of moderate-to-severe asthma patients; although according to step 5 of the Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA), a referral to an asthma specialist is recommended when a patient requires high-dose ICS-LABA to control their disease (Ozair et al., 2017). Root and Small (2019) found that nearly 80% of individuals with asthma do not use inhalers correctly and that 67% of providers caring for patients with asthma cannot demonstrate correct device use. Incorrect inhaler techniques result in inadequate asthma control. Also, asthma medications must be used correctly to be effective (Root & Small, 2019). The clinical expertise of the physician or health clinician is essential in reducing the effects of the disease in asthma patients (Aref et al., 2017).

Patients also lack information, have misconceptions about asthma, and lack health education and promotion (Ndarukwa et al., 2019). Sico et al. (2021) stated that healthcare providers’ assistance could improve non-adherence in children with asthma. Sico et al. (2021) used a Delphi method to identify solutions for poor asthma control and adherence to therapy. The solution included (a) incorporation of patient outcomes to asthma management; (b) asthma education for providers; (c) moderate-to-severe asthma redesign; (d) a coordinated, evidence-based protocol for management; (e) a designated asthma management coordinator; and (f) a digital support tool. These factors helped increase adherence, resulting in positive effects for asthma patients, reducing asthma exacerbations, admission rates, and increased payers (Sico et al., 2021). Another study evaluated the provider’s adherence to asthma guidelines in an urban clinic for 3,500 children; the study showed decreased percentages of hospitalizations and emergency visits for asthma treatment (Jafamejad & Khoshnezhad, 2020). In a cross-sectional mail survey, pediatricians posed their beliefs and support for recommended national guidelines, 83% of primary care providers ( PCPs) supported ED providers initiation of asthma control medications, but 80% of PCPs also reported that they never or rarely experienced this practice (Sampayo et al., 2015). ED providers are not utilizing the national guidelines, which could help initiate medication adherence for patients. At times, patients are discharged from the ED and rarely follow up with a PCP when their asthma exacerbation has been stabilized.

National guidelines recommend that patients be offered self-management education and written asthma action plans (Aref et al., 2017). A randomized clinical trial data review of educational and behavioral interventions for asthma revealed physician-led interventions were most successful if patient-clinician communication and education were used (Aref et al., 2017). This study of interventions achieved a 50% reduction in health care utilization and a one-third increase in symptom control (Aref et al., 2017). Serametakul (2019) implemented a study of adolescent self-management interventions to motivate independent behaviors for asthma care. He used a cross-sectional study design to evaluate 442 adolescents with asthma from 13 hospitals to be educated on self-management behaviors for asthma (Serametakul, 2019). Results of this study concluded that self-management behaviors were influenced by need satisfaction, intrinsic and extrinsic life goals, and parental support (Serametakul, 2019). Secondly, a randomized control trial design evaluated children in grades 2-5 from 33 schools in rural Texas for self-management behaviors (Horner et al., 2015). Self-management behaviors were conducted in an asthma class and day camp in 16 sessions over five weeks. Post-asthma camp outcomes revealed improved asthma symptoms in children with asthma. Both studies expressed how self-management interventions can equip adolescents with the tools to become competent in their asthma, self-care, and self-efficacy, decreasing emergency visits and hospitalizations (Horner et al., 2015; Serametakul, 2019).

Parental involvement in the care of children with uncontrolled asthma requires education to effectively care for their child and increase caregiver control (Paymon et al., 2018). In a pre-and post-test survey of 30 caregivers on an asthma action plan and the use of peak flow meters, parents reported improved perception of control of their child’s asthma exacerbations and a decrease in hospital visits (Paymon et al., 2018). Serametakul (2019) noted that parental support and need satisfaction accounted for 78% of total variance in self–management behaviors. In another design, Everhart et al. (2018) conducted a momentary ecological assessment of 59 caregivers over 14 days to identify their comfort levels associated with asthma. The assessment results revealed that when caregivers are comfortable in their environment, they will gain more ability to control their child’s asthma from home (Everhart et al., 2018). Another example of parental support is a prospective study in rural Texas, where 102 pediatric patients and caregivers were evaluated after receiving an asthma education program (Agusala et al., 2018). Results revealed that parents or /caregivers felt more confident managing their child’s asthma. The program reduced school absences, emergency department visits, and hospitalizations over ten months (Agusala et al., 2018). The addition of educational resources was effective in improving asthma outcomes. Campbell et al. (2015) also found that the asthma education group experienced a reduction in urgent health utilization to 1.3 visits fewer over 12 months. Acute asthma symptoms should be identified early and treated promptly in the ED with an organized and coordinated performance team (Ndarukwa et al., 2019). Educational training should be provider-specific and address diagnoses and treatment patterns to ensure that the latest evidence-based guidelines are used in clinical practice (Sico et al., 2021). Data collected through in-depth interviews of health care providers’ results indicated a lack of clinical education and inexperience with asthma awareness (Ndarukwa et al., 2019). Proposed solutions include providing refresher courses, clinical mentoring, and strengthening health promotion (Ndarukwa et al., 2019). Having clinical meetings on asthma, training manuals, and educational sessions will help improve asthma awareness and knowledge (Ndarukwa et al., 2019). A randomized parallel-group design of 373 children with asthma and caregivers received home visits by community health workers (Campbell et al., 2015). The addition of the community, health worker asthma home program, reduced urgent care visits, improved health outcomes and yielded a return on investment (ROI) of $633.88 less than the control group (Campbell et al., 2015). Another study evaluated a mobile pediatric asthma clinic. The Breath of Life Mobile Pediatric Asthma Clinic evaluated and managed patients over two years in the outpatient setting (Orsak et al., 2018). The program yielded a positive return on investment of $263,853.01, approximately a 32% benefit during that time frame (Orsak et al., 2018). This quality improvement (QI) project focused on improving provider education to align with national asthma guidelines to decrease 48- hour ED patient revisits hospitalizations and improve asthma pediatric patient outcomes.

Project FrameworkThe Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) was the framework model for this quality-improvement project. The PDSA model supports increasing ED provider knowledge on asthma management and evaluating the 48- hour ED revisits of asthma pediatrics. PDSA focuses on logical improvement with ongoing adjustment and refinement of the plan (White et al., 2016). Each step was addressed through this project.

Plan: to evaluate provider knowledge before and after asthma education session; to evaluate patient ED visits and hospitalizations after the implementation of education is conducted over four weeks.

Do: observe ED providers and current asthma workflow and practices.

Study: provider knowledge and asthma education in their current practice; evaluate provider management and alignment to current asthma guidelines.

Act: implement an asthma education session to improve current management and decrease ED revisits and hospitalizations; encourage ED providers to increase their efforts to improve patient outcomes and reduce revisits.

Project QuestionWhat is the impact of ED provider education regarding the management of acute asthma exacerbations in pediatric patients on the 48-hour ED revisit rate in an urban ED setting?

Project ObjectivesTo increase ED provider knowledge on asthma disease and management using national guidelines.

To evaluate the impact of implementing education sessions on asthma exacerbation rates within 48-hour ED revisit rates in pediatric patients with asthma exacerbations.

MethodsProject DesignThis quality improvement project used a pre-and post-intervention evaluation to measure ED provider knowledge after an asthma education session and evaluate ED revisits within 48 hours after implementing the asthma educational session. This intervention program ran over ten weeks with weekly educational sessions. A chart review evaluated disease management, and outcomes of the program’s overall effectiveness in ED revisits.

Population/SettingThis QI project occurred in a busy urban pediatric hospital emergency practice in Southwest Texas, in the United States. The ED had approximately 124,992 visits in 2017(Children’s Health, 2015). This area serves predominately Hispanic and African American populations with Medicaid or no insurance. The ED is staffed 24 hours, seven days a week, with physicians, residents, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, registered nurses, patient care technicians, and other multi specialties available for support. Asthma is the third most common chief complaint of pediatric patients presenting to their ED (Children’s Health, n.d.).The target population was the ED providers (physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, and registered nurses) working in the pediatric emergency department. Participants enrolled in this project were recruited by “word of mouth” through volunteer recruitment and organizational email. Participants enrolled in this project needed to attend educational sessions in the ED for ten weeks. Small gift cards, prizes, and raffles were available to entice participants to continue attending and completing the program. For this project, at least 15 providers within the ED were recruited as participants by convenience sampling. In a 24-hour time frame, the ED is staffed by six advanced practice providers (nurse practitioners or physician assistants) and 12 emergency physicians (attending physicians and resident physicians).

Depending on the patient census, about one to three registered nurses work in the asthma bay or unit. Patient charts with the diagnosis of “asthma with breathing difficulty,” “wheezing,” and “breathing problem” were reviewed and identified for the QI project. The patient charts were examined for the number of asthma-related ED revisits in the previous three months; these charts were obtained before project implementation from the electronic health record systems (EPIC). After implementing asthma management education, the number of ED was obtained and compared to previous asthma-related ED revisits. Inclusion criteria included health care providers, physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and nurses working in the pediatric ED. Charts were evaluated through EPIC for ED revisits, including children ages 0 to18 years with asthma diagnosis and who had visited the ER more than twice in six months for asthma-related complaints. Exclusion criteria include health care providers who work in specialized areas such as pulmonology or allergies or who are certified asthma educators; we also excluded charts of asthma pediatrics enrolled in outpatient asthma programs or pulmonary specialty clinic patients, or with a current COVID-19 illness and more than three comorbidities.

Measurement MethodThis QI project ran for ten weeks with weekly educational sessions. There was a pre-and post-survey/questionnaire measurement of ED provider asthma knowledge and disease management. The project leader contacted the tool developer to seek permission to use the tool in the project (see Appendix A). The Asthma Self-Management Questionnaire (ASMQ) was used for provider asthma-knowledge measurement. It was administered before and after the asthma education session (see Appendix B). The 16- item tool is composed of multiple-choice measures of asthma knowledge, prevention strategies, inhaler use, and medications (Mancuso et al., 2009). The ASMQ is valid and reliable and is associated with clinical markers of effective self-management and better asthma outcomes (Mancuso et al., 2009). The ASMQ is valid and reliable with a Cronbach α of 0.71and with correlations between administrations of 0.78 (Mancuso et al., 2009). The scores for the tool are calculated as follows: (a) assign one point for each preferred response; (b) sum all points to generate a raw score that ranges from 0 to 16; (c) the raw score was transformed (raw score/16 x 100); and (d) report the transformed score and the higher scores to indicate more knowledge of asthma self-management (Mancuso et al., 2009). A chart review was conducted to evaluate the number of asthma pediatrics 48-hour ED revisits in the past three months before education sessions; to compare to the ED revisits after the project is implemented. ED was evaluated through EPIC, the electronic health records (EHR) system. Validity and reliability did not apply to the hospital’s EHR system.

Data Collection/Implementation PlanBefore Educational intervention. This two-phase quality improvement (QI) project entailed an educational intervention on asthma management according to asthma guidelines for ED providers and a chart review of patients’ ED revisits rates pre-and post-intervention to assess compliance and improvement. The first phase of the QI project involved chart audits and reviews. The project leader conducted a review three months before the project to determine the 48-hour ED revisit rates among pediatric providers seen for an acute asthma exacerbation (see Appendix C). Provider asthma management following the recommended guidelines was also extracted through the electronic health record (EHR) system (see Appendix D). The charts were also evaluated for patient demographics, asthma diagnosis, and less than two comorbidities. The inclusion criteria for charts included patients diagnosed with asthma who have utilized the ED at least twice in the last six months (Appendix E). This project excluded patients with COVID diagnoses and asthma symptoms. These patients may require revisits or increased reevaluations due to COVID symptoms and were not included in the patient chart review. The number of pediatric ED revisits within 48 hours of discharge was compared to before and the implementation of educational sessions.

Before implementing the educational intervention, the ASMQ asthma education questionnaire was administered to ED providers to evaluate asthma knowledge, medications, inhaler devices, and anticipatory guidance (see Appendix B). The survey took approximately 10-15 minutes to complete. The chart audit of pediatric asthma patient charts to evaluate the number of ED revisits in 48 hours to the pediatric emergency department was collected on a dashboard (Appendix C). This P-value was used to compare the number of ED revisits within 48-hours over ten weeks for pediatric patients with asthma exacerbations. Charts for inclusion are patients 0-18 years with the following criteria: (a) demographics, (b) asthma diagnosis, and (c) less than two comorbidities (Appendix E). Charts were excluded if the patients were in the specialty pulmonary clinic or enrolled in the hospital’s outpatient asthma program, had current COVID-19 illnesses, or had more than three comorbidities. The participants, ED providers, signed a consent agreeing to the terms of the project (Appendix F).

Educational Intervention. In the second phase, the project leader conducted asthma educational sessions for the ED providers for five weeks. The author, a nurse practitioner, led the QI project. ED administration received an outline of the asthma education program (Appendix G). The project leader conducted a one-hour educational session provided each week for five weeks on asthma knowledge, management, improving compliance, identifying patient barriers, and tips to decrease ED revisits. The educational program consists of educational resources compiled from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) (Appendix H). Inhaler devises education and demonstration during the education session (Appendix I). Providers received an asthma action plan for learning and patient management (Appendix J). After four weeks of education, staff providers completed the ASMQ for the second time as a post-test to evaluate knowledge (Appendix B). The provider education and practices were implemented in week 5. Provider demographics were analyzed, and data collection from ASMQ pre- and post-questionnaire to a dashboard (Appendix K). After implementing the acquired knowledge from asthma education and practice guidelines, ED visits and hospitalizations were evaluated starting weeks six to ten for changes and improvements in ED revisits and hospitalizations. The revisits within 48 hours for asthma exacerbations were compared to the four weeks before the asthma education sessions. The hospital EHR, EPIC, extrapolated the data showing whether ER/hospital revisits had decreased for the asthma patients following the educational intervention. Patient identifiers, including name and other information, were blacked out and removed from chart information. The demographic information age identified patient charts, race, gender, and a chief complaint was a part of the data collection (Appendix E) and used to compare ED visits/ hospitalizations to compare pre-and post-intervention findings (Appendix C). Before this project was implemented, approval was required from the pediatric hospital organization. The hospital’s Clinical Inquiry Committee obtained approval for this project on June 28, 2021 (Appendix L).

Data Analysis PlanAfter consultation with a hired statistician, the project leader selected the statistical program appropriate for this project; the IBM Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). SPSS can perform methods such as descriptive statistics, frequencies, analysis of variance (ANOVA), means, correlation, and prediction of linear regression (Alchemer, 2021). The p-value was derived from the number of ED revisits four weeks before and after implementing the electronic health record systems (EPIC) from September through November (J. Thompson, personal communication, June 23, 2021). The statistician recommended using descriptive statistics such as the mean or standard deviation to determine the t-test value to evaluate the number of daily ED revisits before and after the provider education (J. Thompson, personal communication, June 23, 2021). SPSS can also identify other detailed factors affecting asthma exacerbations, the relationship to emergency or hospital revisits, and demographics. The project outcomes were measured on the pre-and post- questionnaires of 15 providers for increased provider knowledge and management. Provider data collected through this project included; provider title, age, gender, years in practice, and responses to an asthma management questionnaire. For evaluation, charts were de-identified to remove any patient identifiers. Charts were evaluated for patient asthma diagnosis, ED utilization and revisits, demographics, and other comorbidities. For protected health information, the project leader was the only individual with crucial access to a locked filing cabinet where this data was kept to prevent a breach of privacy. The Information Technology (IT) department was consulted to identify data security and compliance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) guidelines. The project leader discussed using an encrypted thumb drive with IT to store computed patient data. Patient information was stored in a locked file cabinet for the project time frame. Printed PHI information was shredded in facility bins. Providers were provided with a unique number, and all identifiers were removed to decrease bias.

ConclusionAsthma is a chronic illness affecting children and adults in the United States, with a prevalence in children at approximately 8% (Centers for Disease Control [CDC], 2019). Emergency Department (ED) return visits are quality indicators for patient care and safety worldwide (Alshahrani et al., 2020). Pat