Collecting Resources Worksheet #1
(30 raw hw pts)
Name: Mireya Ibanez
Research Question:
Options for Asking a LibrarianUA Specific Research SupportMore TutorialsWorksheet Table of Contents
TOC h u z n Activity #1: Search the Library CatalogActivity #2: Search for Resources in PeriodicalsActivity #3: Search HumanitiesActivity #4: Search Natural SciencesActivity #5: Social SciencesActivity #6: Applied FieldsActivity #7: Reflect on Disciplinary Learning
Activity #1: Search the Library Catalog
You will find a wide variety of types of resources just searching the library catalog.
Go to the UA Library homepage and use the search engine for a general search. The general search will pull up books, both paper and digital, as well as other digital sources (journal, magazine, and news articles, films, etc.). Keep track of your more promising search results; write down titles, authors, and URLs below for at least two (2) results (make sure you know where/how to find the sources again; you might want to download a PDF if you have the option).
Resource #1:
Title: Sports- related concussions-media, science and policy
Author: Rebekah Mannix, William P. Meehan iii and Alvaro Pascual-Leone
Resource #2:
Title: It’s Not All Fun and Games: Sports, Concussions, and Neuroscience
Author: Christopher C. Giza, Mayumi L. Prins, and David A. Honda
Activity #2: Search for Resources in Periodicals
These search results will most likely provide both popular (non-academic) and academic sources.
Academic Databases: click on the “databases” tab from the UA Library homepageUA Library Databases by Subject PageGoogle Scholar: (I suggest you go to settings and connect Google Scholar to the UA Library)
Newspaper Databases (searched the UA library database list)
Be sure to keep track of your more promising search results; write down titles, authors, and URLs below for at least two (2) results (make sure you know where/how to find the sources again; you might want to download a PDF if you have the option).
Resource #3:
Tittle: Why is it hard to stop sports concussions?
Author: Stephen Piazza
Resource #4:
Tittle: Schools should heed concerns over sports’ brain injuries
Author: Julie Underwood #3: Search Humanities
Go to the UA Library Databases by Subject page. Search one arts and one humanities database using some/all of your research search terms (it doesn’t matter whether you think your research is related to the arts or humanities). Find at least one (1) source (you must be able to read the full text) about your subject/topic in each database, two (2) sources total. Seriously consider limiting your database search results to only peer-reviewed/refereed sources. For each source, write down titles, authors, and URLs below (make sure you know where/how to find the sources again; you might want to download a PDF if you have the option).
Resource #5:
Tittle: Traumatic brain injury reduction in athletes by neck strengthening
Author: #6:
Tittle: Concussions: A sport ethics commentary
Author: Dr. rob Hudson and Dr. Brandon Spradley
Activity #4: Search Natural Sciences
Go to the UA Library Databases by Subject page. Search two different sciences databases using some/all of your research search terms (it doesn’t matter whether you think your research is related to the sciences). Find at least one (1) source (you must be able to read the full text) about your subject/topic in each database, two (2) sources total. Seriously consider limiting your database search results to only peer-reviewed/refereed sources. For each source, write down titles, authors, and URLs below (make sure you know where/how to find the sources again; you might want to download a PDF if you have the option).
Resource #7:
Tittle: Cerebral Microhemorrhages in a collegiate Football Player: Clinical Implications in the Management of Sports ConcussonsAuthor: Irfan M. Asif, Kimberly G. Harmon, Jonathan A. Drezner, John W. Okane #8:
Tittle: Prevention of Sport-Related Concussion
Author: Peter K. Kriz and William O. Roberts #5: Social Sciences
Go to the UA Library Databases by Subject page. Search two different social sciences databases using some/all of your research search terms (it doesn’t matter whether you think your research is related to the social sciences). Find at least one (1) source (you must be able to read the full text) about your subject/topic in each database, two (2) sources total. Seriously consider limiting your database search results to only peer-reviewed/refereed sources. For each source, write down titles, authors, and URLs below (make sure you know where/how to find the sources again; you might want to download a PDF if you have the option).
Resource #9:
Tittle: Concussion Epidemiology in Youth Sports: Sports Study of a Statewide High School Sports ProgramAuthor:Benjamin Chun, Troy Furutani, Ross Oshiro, Casey Young, Gale Prentiss, Nathan Murata
Resource #10:
Tittle: Concussion Knowledge, Attitude, and Risk Management Practices of High School Girls’ soccer coaches
Author: Kim Sungwon, Daniel P. Connaughton, Michael Sagas, Yong Jae Ko #6: Applied Fields
Go to the UA Library Databases by Subject page. Search two different applied field databases using some/all of your research search terms (it doesn’t matter whether you think your research is related to the social sciences). Find at least one (1) source (you must be able to read the full text) about your subject/topic in each database, two (2) sources total. Seriously consider limiting your database search results to only peer-reviewed/refereed sources. For each source, write down titles, authors, and URLs below (make sure you know where/how to find the sources again; you might want to download a PDF if you have the option).
Resource #11:
Tittle: Implications for concussion assessments and return-to-play standards in intercollegiate football: How are the risks managed?
Author: John J. Miller, John T Wendt, Nick Potter
Resource #12:
Tittle: Reducing Traumatic Brain Injuries in Youth Sports: Youth Sports Traumatic Brain Injury State Laws, January 2009-December 2012
Author: Hosea Harvey #7: Reflect on Disciplinary Learning
You just read about your topic from a variety of different perspectives. What did you learn? What surprised you? What would you like to know more about? Free write for at least 2-3 paragraphs.
I learned a variety of ways and clinical studies that were being conducted regarding concussions in general. I was able to see the different ways people were being affected by concussions not only in high school. As well as some techniques being made to help prevent but also to help after the concussion was attained. This was very interesting to look at the different ways concussions were incorporated in different peoples lives. Although I did find some research that wasn’t narrowed down to high school, I believe learning about all ages is important. I also think it was crucial for me to get research that looked at before, during, and after the injury has occurred.
I was surprised at the facts and statistics that were being presented in the research. As well as the fact that I thought about neck strengthening and then I found an article regarding that. I was very surprised at how common and universal concussions were. They occurred all over and there was an abundance of research being done to learn more about the topic. I was also surprised at the type of studies that were being conducted involving young athletes.
I would like to know more about the repercussions from getting a concussion. So, what short term affects there and what long term affects there are. As well as does playing sports from a young age have any affect? Does continuing on to college ball or professional have any affect? If so, what are they? I would also like to know if age and gender have any affect with obtaining concussions? As well as if a certain time period is better for recovery and prevention?