Mulit2 Discussion Post

Mulit2 Discussion Post

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Mulit2 Discussion Post

Counselors are known to struggle when it comes to multicultural counseling. According to Romans 15:7, God wants his people to accept each other. This means that we should accept societies and their respective cultures by not overlooking sinful elements or behaviors that are a portion of particular cultures. Valuing and accepting the culture of the clients is an important strategy that defines real multicultural counseling. As every culture contains behavioral values and norms that are different from the scripture lessons, counselors should remain to be faithful to the scriptures. Accepting one another means that we view others as created in the image and the likeness of God (Genesis 1:26-27) and whom are in necessity of redemption (Romans 3:23).

To become multicultural competent, Christian counselors should apply approaches such as understanding that language use is both a complex and delicate issue. Understanding the dynamics of languages is the most important factor in engaging with clients. For example, some immigrants are from countries with other languages apart from English. Among immigrant families, young immigrants learn the English language easily and therefore prefer English as the first language. However, their parents value the family language and may force their children to learn this language. To deal with this dilemma, some families prefer one parent to communicate to the children using a single language while the other parent in English while other families might implement the rye of using only one language of the original country (Moitinho, 2022).

Another important approach is that of creating a moral first impression. Constructing a relationship that is solid with the clients and earning their trust is crucial. This however is complex in multicultural counseling as a result of different norms, values, or even expectations. For example, in counseling Latino or Hispanic individuals, building a relationship might break or build the process of counseling. The Spanish or the Latino culture puts emphasis on warmth and friendliness in relationships. The counselors should therefore practice this attitude toward Hispanic or Latino clients (Moitinho, 2022).

To approach and work effectively with clients from different religious backgrounds, religious counselors should make use of tactics that respect and integrate the different faith of these individuals. One of the tips is to listen to those who are not similar to them before making assumptions. Understanding than responding should be the priority. The second tip is to think as the counselors should ask themselves how they would feel if their deeply held beliefs were challenged or disrespected. They should think of how they want to be treated and similarly treat other people. The third tip is to ask to learn rather than to teach. They should not be afraid to ask about the belief systems of these clients and how they would like to integrate their systems into their respective counseling sessions (Sharel, 2019).

Counselors, however, should not challenge the religious beliefs or moral values of the clients. The clients' faith should be valued. It is likely for the counselors and their respective clients who don’t share identical faith to work with each other effectively. According to the ACA ethical codes, evangelical Christians are not allowed to force their beliefs on their clients as it applies also to the nonevangelical who should also not force their beliefs on their clients (Sharel, 2019).


Moitinho, E. (2022). Multicultural Division of AACC » Multicultural Competency: 3 Things Christian Counselors Need to Know. Retrieved 25 August 2022, from HYPERLINK ""

Sharel, L. (2019). Respecting the faith of clients and counselors – Counseling Today. Counseling Today. Retrieved 25 August 2022, from HYPERLINK ""