Question 1 James Madison Avoidance of Tyranny

Question 1: James Madison Avoidance of Tyranny

James Madison believed that ambitions is no necessarily a positive trait but must get considered a powerful trait. As such, the existence of ambitions creates a mechanism of designing the government which uses the negative human traits to gain the same traits and to the advantages of the general public. As said by his ambitions, Madison depicts that the ambitions of human must get made by the same ambition to counteract ambitions. The counteractive mechanism means that each arm of the government should be made independent to enable the independent service delivery and the execution of duties (Taylor, 2021). Notably, the distinct and independent operations of each arm of government while connected to each otherworld create a democratic mechanism through which the service delivery to the citizens gets enhanced effectively. The reasons for the independent functioning of every arm of government get based on the provision of security against the gradual concentration of the powers under the same departments. The objective of the Madison goes on to get based on the provision of the constitutional mandate and the personal initiative that will resettle encroachment of the other bodies hence provides a defense against the commensurable attack. Therefore, the action of maintaining the ambition to counteract the ambition get based on the need of each arm of government to get independent hence not relying in any department for the service delivery.

James Madison describes the divisions between the two levels of governments which consist of the state and the central government. Also, the total centralization is due to the recognition of the differences between the state and the federal government (Taylor, 2021). As such, the federalism should contain the efficient government that should mandate the roles that are totally different from the states and the local governments. Through federal papers, Madison enhances the political structures that created the equitable distribution of resources in the executive, legislation and the judiciary.

Question 2: Definition of Democratic

The U.S. Constitution contains the American Government’s foundation, structure, form, and purpose. No government or individual is excluded from following the U.S. Constitution. It creates a federal democratic republic government form (Rossiter & Quirk, 2017). Hence, there is an unbreakable 50 sovereign States’ union. The U.S. Government is a democracy due to the people being involved in governing themselves. Also, the ability of the government to derive its present power from the population makes it a republic.

The Preamble of the Constitution provides that the Federal Government’s purpose is to safeguard the Liberty Blessings to our posterity and ourselves, promote the common welfare, give a common defense, ensure domestic tranquility, and establish justice. Thus, three primary principles that are the basis of the U.S. Government enable the achievement of this purpose. These principles include separation of powers, which involves government branches with varying powers; self-government, which involves government by the individuals; and inherit rights which involves rights that all individuals residing in the U.S. have.

A major Constitution aims the Convention drafted was to establish a government containing adequate power; hence it could act on a specific national level. However, the government was to be without significant powers that could result in the risk of fundamental rights (Shue, 2020). Among the ways this was achieved was to ensure the separation of government power into three branches. Then, balances and checks would be included in the powers; this would ensure that none of the government’s branches gained supremacy. Thus, the U.S. Constitution enumerates each branch’s powers while those powers that are not assigned to them are reserved to the different states.

Question 3: Fredrick Douglas speech

Fredrick Douglas speech was majorly about the ongoing slavery of the African Americans. He fought for the need of the government to abolish the slavery hence considered the American socialite. The speech was delivered by Douglas after his escape from the prion. The main reason for his escape was based I the promotion of freedom (Frank, 2020). The freedom was based on the establishment of he equal justice, citizenship and equal representations for the blacks. Therefore, the speech and the activism created the amendments of the constitutions to abolish the slavery.

The constitution in the 134th amendment depicts that neither slavery nor involuntary servitude shall have convictions in the United States. As such, the constitution restricted the slave trade. Following his retirement Madison advocated for the emancipation and forced colonialization (Frank, 2020). As a republican, Madison considered slavery as the violation of the republican principles. The slavery was human or property hence should be opposed and will diffuse with western expansion.

Madison opposed the slavery of African Americans in his careers. However, he later defended the westward expansion of slavery. According to him, slavery was a violation of republican principles through which the government never put the realistic programs to eradicate the slave labor (Frank, 2020). Also, slavery was dishonorable of the natural character hence should not get taxed. To act as an example slaves were well housed in Madison farms. Furthermore, he supported the central government top eradicate the slavery.

In my opinion, Madison acts as a legend through which the American government faced several measures towards eradicating the injustices. Also, the government work with the international organizations to creates a framework through which they can easily investigate the non-existence properties (Frank, 2020). Therefore, I support Madison move to create an enabling environment for the lab security.

Question 4: Federalism and Civil Rights

The relationship between federalism and civil rights has been complex and ever-changing in the America. Federalism is a system of government in which power is shared between the national and states. The Constitution mandates powers to federal government, while the states governments retain all mandates that is not given by national government. Civil rights are the rights of individuals to be treated equally before the law and to have equal access to certain freedoms and protections.

The Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s was a significant turning point in the relationship between federalism and civil rights. Up until this point, civil rights had primarily been a state issue. The federal government had passed a few laws. The Civil Rights Movement changed all that by showing a genuine interest in civil rights.

Today, the nature of civil rights is connected to federalism through the following ways. First, as the federal government has become more involved in enforcing civil rights and ensuring equality, the states have generally become less complicated. This has led to a decrease in the overall power of the states when it comes to civil rights issues. Additionally, the federal government’s involvement in civil rights has generally led to more uniformity in how civil rights are protected and enforced across the country. This has made it easier for people to move from one state to another without worrying about whether their civil rights will be respected. Finally, the federal government’s involvement in civil rights has also increased the overall power of the federal government when it comes to civil rights issues. This has made it more difficult for states to pass laws that would restrict civil rights or make it more difficult for people to exercise their civil rights.


Frank, J. H. (2020). A brief history of Frederick D. Bennett’s entomological career. Florida Entomologist, 102(4), 763-766., C., & Quirk, W. J. (2017). Constitutional dictatorship: crisis government in the modern democracies. Routledge.

Shue, H. (2020). Basic rights: Subsistence, affluence, and US foreign policy. princeton University press.

Taylor, E. (2021). Cornerstone or Threat? Political Ambition and The Federalist.