The Personality Traits

The Personality Traits

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The Personality Traits

Traits significantly determine and shapes the personality of an individual and more significantly on the scope of life. In general, people show diverse trait personalities which made them have contrary opinions as well as a different way of doing things. Among the various personality characters that people portray according to Chamorro-Premuzic study include openness, agreeableness, extroversion, conscientiousness, and neuroticism. These traits make people who they are, what they like and enables them to undergo the inevitable process of change with regards to age and the subject environment. In this paper, the summary of the articles regarding “Ready for something new?” and “The best of a different drum” is precisely provided as well as the profound elaboration of the articles evaluation on how they fit the psychology study.

“Ready for something new?” is the title of the sensitive article by Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic based on tracing the cultural proclivities with regards to the nature of personality. The traits are divided into five which include openness, agreeableness, extroversion, conscientiousness, and neuroticism. It regards answering whether people whether people are curious showing a high level of openness, whether they are social signifying extroversion, are they driven by self-interests, emotionally active or are they agreeable showing a high degree of cooperation. Chamorro-Premuzic on their study to determine peoples’ traits researched people’s taste in painting styles. The styles were categorized into four major groups which are Cubist, Japanese, impressionist, and Renaissance. It was amusing to find that the trait with great and consistent artistic learnings was open and they were for Cubist, Japanese and Renaissance images. While the conventional individuals favored impressionist and they relatively scored low in openness but highly relished in agreeableness and conscientiousness.

Furthermore, looking at the beat of drum article particularly in consideration of the Gosling and Renfrew there an in-depth psychological understating. The researchers carried out a research on the taste of music among the students of the University of Texas. The grouped the vast scope of music into four distinct groups on which various people showed interest in different categories regarding the characters. The categories included intense, sophisticated music, regular tunes, and rhythmic beats. The rhythmic and dynamic music beats attracted the extroverts while the rebellious beats drew the attention of the people who were above average in openness. The complex music was favorite for both the politically copious and openness traits, while the favorite tunes draw the attention of the conservative listeners, agreeable as well as the conscientious.

The research study of the people’s variations in tastes and preferences in regards to the culture and the level of interest is significant in the study of psychology. It enables the learner to understand the importance of first carrying out profound research when addressing various people psychological issues as well as understanding their scope of interest. It is applicable in any fields in the real-life situation such as in commerce and medication sectors. For instance, in establishing a business, the entrepreneur needs the psychology skills of determining the people’s tastes and preferences of different commodities whether it is in cultural or technology advancement basis. It enhances the establishment of viable ventures which scope high profits and that are suitable to their demographical location.

From the above discussion, the study of psychology is essential in human life and well-being as it provides an understanding of the scope of tastes and fondness for various things. With proper application of psychological skills, people will be productive and be able produced the required products and services. Therefore, there will be an extensive development of the nation’s social-economic and political development.